基于word的电子签章的设计与实现,基于word的电子签章的设计与实现2.3万字 50页包括开题报告和任务书摘要随着信息技术和计算机网络在社会各个领域应用的深入,政府无纸化办公已提上了日程。如何保障电子公文的合法性、唯一性、不可否认性,防止非法篡改成为尚待解决的问题。电子签章技术正是在此背景下提出的,并成为信息安全领域及计算机应用领域研究的热点与难点。尽...
原文档由会员 20023286 发布
2.3万字 50页
关键字: 电子签章,数字签名,数字水印,公钥证书
The Design and Implement of Electronic Signature based on Word
Along with the deep application of the computer network and information technology in so many fields in society, the OA (Office Automation) is going to be used at the government in a few days. How to guarantee the legitimacy, unique, traceability and avoiding being illegal copied of the electronics official document is a difficult problem, which is necessary in our society. Digital seal technology is brought forward in this background, and it is a hot and difficult point to be reseached.Though rapidly rising electronical government affair puts forward highly requitement of security of the electronical official document, the technologies and theories of digital seal system which can meet the security necessary have not been solved yet.
Assuring the inteality of the electronical document and the non-repudiation of the signeris a kernel security problem, which must be solved in digital seal system, and is a base of application. Aiming at the problems, the paper firstly compares with the effect of the digital seal and the traditional seal, draws out that the traditional seal's law effect in the electronic
information system may be replaced by the digital seal. After analyzing the current civil and
foreign technology, we bring out the "Digital Signature Seal" system model and common digital seal system's implementation scheme, analyze the key technologies, such as: hash, digital signature , which will be used in digital seal system. Afterward, the paper puts forward an example of digital seal system implemented on the MS-Word application. Finally, we evacuate the digital seal system and point out some potential directions of research.
Keywords: Digital Seal, Digital Signature, Water Marking, Certificate
目 录
1. 绪论 1
1.1 背景和意义 1
1.2 论文的结构安排 2
2. 理论基础知识 3
2.1 公钥密码学 3
2.1.1 公钥密码学 3
2.1.2 RSA公钥算法 3
2.2 数字签名与消息认证 4
2.2.1 单向散列函数 4
2.2.2 数字签名 7
2.3 PKI与CA 10
2.3.1 PKI定义 10
2.3.3 数字证书 11
2.3.5 CA 11
2.4 数字水印与信息隐藏 12
2.4.1 信息隐藏与数字水印概述 12
2.4.2 典型数字水印系统模型 13
2.5 ATL技术 13
2.5.1 ATL的定义 13
2.5.2 ATL基本技术 14
2.6 本章小结 15
3. 现有电子签章系统分析 16
3.1 电子签章系统概述 16
3.2 当前国内外电子签章系统 17
3.3 本文电子签章系统 19
3.4 本章小结 20
4. 电子签章系统的设计与实现 21
4.1 系统模块划分 21
4.2 数字签名子系统 21
4.2.1 使用CAPICOM实现数字签名子系统 21
4.2.2 签名数据的选择 24
4.3 数字水印子系统 24
4.3.1 BMP文件结构 24
4.3.2 图像的基本操作 27
4.3.3 数字水印算法 28
4.4 WORD签章子系统 30
4.4.1 工具条,命令按钮的添加 30
4.4.2 命令按钮功能设计 32
4.4.3 主要功能 33
4.5 证书管理子系统 35
4.5.1 证书签发请求模块 36
4.5.1 申请证书模块 36
4.5.2 证书处理模块 37
4.5.3 证书下载模块 38
4.5.4 日志管理模块 39
4.6 本章小结 39
5. 电子签章系统测试与评估 40
5.1 评估方法 40
5.2 测试结果与分析 40
5.3 评价结论 41
5.4 本章小结 41
结 论 42
致 谢 43
参考文献 44
[5]S.Datzenbeisser, 吴秋新.信息隐藏技术——隐写术与数字水印[M]
2.3万字 50页
关键字: 电子签章,数字签名,数字水印,公钥证书
The Design and Implement of Electronic Signature based on Word
Along with the deep application of the computer network and information technology in so many fields in society, the OA (Office Automation) is going to be used at the government in a few days. How to guarantee the legitimacy, unique, traceability and avoiding being illegal copied of the electronics official document is a difficult problem, which is necessary in our society. Digital seal technology is brought forward in this background, and it is a hot and difficult point to be reseached.Though rapidly rising electronical government affair puts forward highly requitement of security of the electronical official document, the technologies and theories of digital seal system which can meet the security necessary have not been solved yet.
Assuring the inteality of the electronical document and the non-repudiation of the signeris a kernel security problem, which must be solved in digital seal system, and is a base of application. Aiming at the problems, the paper firstly compares with the effect of the digital seal and the traditional seal, draws out that the traditional seal's law effect in the electronic
information system may be replaced by the digital seal. After analyzing the current civil and
foreign technology, we bring out the "Digital Signature Seal" system model and common digital seal system's implementation scheme, analyze the key technologies, such as: hash, digital signature , which will be used in digital seal system. Afterward, the paper puts forward an example of digital seal system implemented on the MS-Word application. Finally, we evacuate the digital seal system and point out some potential directions of research.
Keywords: Digital Seal, Digital Signature, Water Marking, Certificate
目 录
1. 绪论 1
1.1 背景和意义 1
1.2 论文的结构安排 2
2. 理论基础知识 3
2.1 公钥密码学 3
2.1.1 公钥密码学 3
2.1.2 RSA公钥算法 3
2.2 数字签名与消息认证 4
2.2.1 单向散列函数 4
2.2.2 数字签名 7
2.3 PKI与CA 10
2.3.1 PKI定义 10
2.3.3 数字证书 11
2.3.5 CA 11
2.4 数字水印与信息隐藏 12
2.4.1 信息隐藏与数字水印概述 12
2.4.2 典型数字水印系统模型 13
2.5 ATL技术 13
2.5.1 ATL的定义 13
2.5.2 ATL基本技术 14
2.6 本章小结 15
3. 现有电子签章系统分析 16
3.1 电子签章系统概述 16
3.2 当前国内外电子签章系统 17
3.3 本文电子签章系统 19
3.4 本章小结 20
4. 电子签章系统的设计与实现 21
4.1 系统模块划分 21
4.2 数字签名子系统 21
4.2.1 使用CAPICOM实现数字签名子系统 21
4.2.2 签名数据的选择 24
4.3 数字水印子系统 24
4.3.1 BMP文件结构 24
4.3.2 图像的基本操作 27
4.3.3 数字水印算法 28
4.4 WORD签章子系统 30
4.4.1 工具条,命令按钮的添加 30
4.4.2 命令按钮功能设计 32
4.4.3 主要功能 33
4.5 证书管理子系统 35
4.5.1 证书签发请求模块 36
4.5.1 申请证书模块 36
4.5.2 证书处理模块 37
4.5.3 证书下载模块 38
4.5.4 日志管理模块 39
4.6 本章小结 39
5. 电子签章系统测试与评估 40
5.1 评估方法 40
5.2 测试结果与分析 40
5.3 评价结论 41
5.4 本章小结 41
结 论 42
致 谢 43
参考文献 44
[5]S.Datzenbeisser, 吴秋新.信息隐藏技术——隐写术与数字水印[M]