中国上市公司融资行为分析(含开题+文献综述),中国上市公司融资行为分析1.4万字31页含开题报告+文献综述摘要 融资决策一直是企业财务管理的重点。上市公司是我国经济发展到一定阶段的产物,在国民经济中占有重要的地位,上市己经成为我国企业发展的一种趋势。上市公司的融资问题,对上市公司的生存和发展起着至关重要的作用。目前,我国上市公司融资行为还存在着一些问题,如偏好外源...
原文档由会员 20023286 发布
1.4万字 31页
关键字:上市公司 融资偏好 股权融资
Financing decision is very important in corporations’ financial management .The listed companies are the result of the development of our economy and are the important Part in our Chinese economy. It is a tendency that corporations were reformed into listed companies. Financing decision is very important to the existing and developing of listed companies .Now,there are so many questions in financing conduction,such as financing partiality greatly through issue stocks, and hold money from the outside,all of these have hindered the development of the listed companies. It is urgent to perfect the financing conduction.
The main content is as follows:
Part l: the period of financing development of Chinese listed companies and it also the background of Chinese corporations.
Part 2: The Present situation of our Chinese listed companies’ financing, some questions now the listed companies have met.
Part 3: Emphasized the reason of financing partiality.
Part 4: Put forward the measures which regulate and perfect the financing conduction of our listed companies after studying the reasons and questions,the importance is regulating the financing conducting,developing the stock-market.
Key words: listed company, financial partiality, stock financing
目 录
一、中国上市公司融资发展 7
二、中国上市公司融资现状 8
(一)、中国上市公司偏好外源融资 8
(二)、直接融资和间接融资 10
(三)、中国上市公司偏好股权融资 11
1、 从资产负债率看融资偏好 11
2、 从融资结构看融资偏好 12
三、中国上市公司股权融资偏好原因分析 13
(一)、股权融资和债权融资性质比较 13
1、本金偿还 13
2、投资者获取收入的形式 13
3、受清偿的顺序 14
4、权利规定不同 14
(二)、融资成本 14
1、股权融资成本 14
2、债权融资成本 15
(三)、股权结构 16
1、股权结构复杂 16
2、国有股一股独大,股权过分集中 17
四、结论与建议 18
(一)、规范和完善股票市场 18
1、扩大股票市场 18
2、国有股和法人股上市流通 19
3、保证股市健康发展 19
4、健全法律法规体系 20
(二)、重视债券市场的发展 20
附录 21
参考文献 29
致谢 31
[4] 吴应运,2003:《浅议上市公司过度股权融资行为》,《北方经贸》
[5] 朱武祥,2002:《股权结构与公司治理》,《证券市场导报》
[6] 潘飞,朱百鸣 :《企业筹资决策》,立信会计出版社
[7] 蒋政,王琪,韩立岩:《融资方略》,经济管理出版社
[8] 章卫东,杨秀英,2003:《我国公司股权融资偏好的原因分析》,《审计与理财》
1.4万字 31页
关键字:上市公司 融资偏好 股权融资
Financing decision is very important in corporations’ financial management .The listed companies are the result of the development of our economy and are the important Part in our Chinese economy. It is a tendency that corporations were reformed into listed companies. Financing decision is very important to the existing and developing of listed companies .Now,there are so many questions in financing conduction,such as financing partiality greatly through issue stocks, and hold money from the outside,all of these have hindered the development of the listed companies. It is urgent to perfect the financing conduction.
The main content is as follows:
Part l: the period of financing development of Chinese listed companies and it also the background of Chinese corporations.
Part 2: The Present situation of our Chinese listed companies’ financing, some questions now the listed companies have met.
Part 3: Emphasized the reason of financing partiality.
Part 4: Put forward the measures which regulate and perfect the financing conduction of our listed companies after studying the reasons and questions,the importance is regulating the financing conducting,developing the stock-market.
Key words: listed company, financial partiality, stock financing
目 录
一、中国上市公司融资发展 7
二、中国上市公司融资现状 8
(一)、中国上市公司偏好外源融资 8
(二)、直接融资和间接融资 10
(三)、中国上市公司偏好股权融资 11
1、 从资产负债率看融资偏好 11
2、 从融资结构看融资偏好 12
三、中国上市公司股权融资偏好原因分析 13
(一)、股权融资和债权融资性质比较 13
1、本金偿还 13
2、投资者获取收入的形式 13
3、受清偿的顺序 14
4、权利规定不同 14
(二)、融资成本 14
1、股权融资成本 14
2、债权融资成本 15
(三)、股权结构 16
1、股权结构复杂 16
2、国有股一股独大,股权过分集中 17
四、结论与建议 18
(一)、规范和完善股票市场 18
1、扩大股票市场 18
2、国有股和法人股上市流通 19
3、保证股市健康发展 19
4、健全法律法规体系 20
(二)、重视债券市场的发展 20
附录 21
参考文献 29
致谢 31
[4] 吴应运,2003:《浅议上市公司过度股权融资行为》,《北方经贸》
[5] 朱武祥,2002:《股权结构与公司治理》,《证券市场导报》
[6] 潘飞,朱百鸣 :《企业筹资决策》,立信会计出版社
[7] 蒋政,王琪,韩立岩:《融资方略》,经济管理出版社
[8] 章卫东,杨秀英,2003:《我国公司股权融资偏好的原因分析》,《审计与理财》