商品房地下车位权属问题研究,1.2万字21页包括开题报告,任务书,文献综述,论文摘要 随着社会的不断发展,汽车的增多,土地的减少,车位的供求矛盾权属矛盾日益显现出来,商品房车位问题一直以来困扰着每个业主,商品房地下车位权属纠纷案件时有发生,尤其是商品房的地下车位权属至今还未有最合理的解决,尽管我国《物权法》已经颁布,对于...

原文档由会员 usactu 发布
1.2万字 21页
摘 要
关键词:地下车位 权属 物权法
The research of the ownership of underground parking place
With the continuous development of society, the increase in motor vehicles ,the land is reducing, the contradiction between supply and demand of parking spaces for the increasingly apparent , the problem of parking place of commercial housing have disturbed every owner, in particular, the right of underground parking place of commercial housing has not have the most reasonable solution, But also Chinese "property rights" has been enacted, the underground parking authority also made the relevant requirements, but there is still lots of unreasonable idem, only through the continuous improvement of legislation , this issue can be the real solution. This paper describes from the following aspects: first , it introduced the general status of parking spaces and advise the important and necessary of soluving this problem earlier ; second, it introduce the major viewpoints about the confirmation of parking spaces ownership in the current academic, and use the theory of buildings distinction between ownership to discuss where the ownership of underground parking spaces owe to;Then introduced the relevant laws and regulations in every country ,and give advices to some side could make use of .for to make up for deficiencies in our laws, Finally, it appraised the "property rights" of the 74 and showed my own proposals. Entire article aimed at putting forward practical and theoretical basis for where the underground parking spaces belong to.
KEY WORDS :Underground parking spaces; Ownership; Property Rights Law
目 录
目 录 I
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
前 言 1
一、 商品房地下车位权属问题研究的必要性 2
(一)厘清人们对于地下车位的产权问题的模糊认识 2
(二)地下车位权属的研究可以促进有关法律的修改 2
(三)避免矛盾扩大,减少纷争 3
二、商品房地下车位权属的理论分析 5
(一)地下车位的理论根据 5
1.建筑物区分所有权理论的基本概述 5
2.商品房地下车位是否为专有权客体 6
(二)学术界关于地下车位权属的几种观点 7
1.建设成本分摊论 7
2.建筑面积分摊论 8
3.登记学说的观点 8
三、外国法及我国台湾地区法律的相关规定 10
(一)美国法 10
(二)日本法 10
(三) 我国台湾地区民法 11
四、《物权法》的相关规定及立法建议 12
(一)《物权法》第74条规定的不足之处 12
(二)商品房地下车位权属的立法建议 12
1.明确各类型车库产权 12
2.有条件的确认地下车位归业主共有 13
3.完善产权登记制度 13
结 论 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17
1.2万字 21页
摘 要
关键词:地下车位 权属 物权法
The research of the ownership of underground parking place
With the continuous development of society, the increase in motor vehicles ,the land is reducing, the contradiction between supply and demand of parking spaces for the increasingly apparent , the problem of parking place of commercial housing have disturbed every owner, in particular, the right of underground parking place of commercial housing has not have the most reasonable solution, But also Chinese "property rights" has been enacted, the underground parking authority also made the relevant requirements, but there is still lots of unreasonable idem, only through the continuous improvement of legislation , this issue can be the real solution. This paper describes from the following aspects: first , it introduced the general status of parking spaces and advise the important and necessary of soluving this problem earlier ; second, it introduce the major viewpoints about the confirmation of parking spaces ownership in the current academic, and use the theory of buildings distinction between ownership to discuss where the ownership of underground parking spaces owe to;Then introduced the relevant laws and regulations in every country ,and give advices to some side could make use of .for to make up for deficiencies in our laws, Finally, it appraised the "property rights" of the 74 and showed my own proposals. Entire article aimed at putting forward practical and theoretical basis for where the underground parking spaces belong to.
KEY WORDS :Underground parking spaces; Ownership; Property Rights Law
目 录
目 录 I
摘 要 III
Abstract IV
前 言 1
一、 商品房地下车位权属问题研究的必要性 2
(一)厘清人们对于地下车位的产权问题的模糊认识 2
(二)地下车位权属的研究可以促进有关法律的修改 2
(三)避免矛盾扩大,减少纷争 3
二、商品房地下车位权属的理论分析 5
(一)地下车位的理论根据 5
1.建筑物区分所有权理论的基本概述 5
2.商品房地下车位是否为专有权客体 6
(二)学术界关于地下车位权属的几种观点 7
1.建设成本分摊论 7
2.建筑面积分摊论 8
3.登记学说的观点 8
三、外国法及我国台湾地区法律的相关规定 10
(一)美国法 10
(二)日本法 10
(三) 我国台湾地区民法 11
四、《物权法》的相关规定及立法建议 12
(一)《物权法》第74条规定的不足之处 12
(二)商品房地下车位权属的立法建议 12
1.明确各类型车库产权 12
2.有条件的确认地下车位归业主共有 13
3.完善产权登记制度 13
结 论 15
参考文献 16
致 谢 17