我国国企改制成果分享中的股权激励,1万字16页包括开题报告,任务书,文献综述,论文正文摘 要改革开放近30年来,我国的经济发展取得了举世瞩目的成果。然而,伴随着社会财富的增加而发展的还有财富分配的不公和两极分化的加剧,这些都成为影响构建和谐社会的不安定因素,改革发展成果的共享成为政府、学界和民众共同关注的重要议题。国有企...

原文档由会员 刘伟平 发布
1万字 16页
摘 要
产权 股权激励 人力产权理论 股票期权 职工持股计划
On restructuring China's state-owned enterprises to share the results of the equity incentive
Reform and opening up over the past 30 years, China's economic development has attracted worldwide attention results. However, along with the increase of social wealth is also available in the development of the unfair distribution of wealth and the worsening polarization, these have become impact of building a harmonious society unstable factors, the outcome of the reform, development and sharing of government, academia and the public of common concern Important issues. State-owned enterprise reform in China's economic system reform as an extremely important part of their social wealth created by all the people should share the results of the reform to become the object of one. The results of the reform is to share the interests of the initial distribution and redistribution, and the third allocation process. This article from the perspective of property rights, in the initial distribution of property rights in the incentive and restrictive mechanism (that is, equity incentive) as the main stakeholders (labor, management, technology and other production factors in all) to share the results of the reform of state-owned enterprises involved in the specific way The basic theoretical foundation, and our main form of equity incentives in the implementation of the major problems encountered and solutions proposed.
Key Word: Property Rights;Equity incentive;Human property rights theory,;Stock Options, Employee Stock Ownership Plan
摘要 Ⅲ
Abstract Ⅳ
引 言 1
一 、股权激励制度的主要理论基础 3
(一)利益相关者理论 3
(二)委托-代理理论 3
(三)双因素经济论 4
(四)人力资本理论 4
(五)人力产权理论 5
二 、我国国有企业实施股权激励制度的主要方式 6
(一)股票期权 6
(二)管理层收购 7
(三)职工持股计划 7
三 、我国国有企业实施股权激励制度的特点及存在的主要问题 9
(一)我国国有企业实施股权激励制度的特点 9
(二)我国国有企业实施股权激励过程中存在的主要问题 10
1. 国有企业“内部人控制”现象严重,公司治理结构尚待完善 10
2. 缺乏竞争性的职业经理人市场 11
3. 缺乏有效的业绩评价体系 11
四、对完善我国国有企业股权激励制度建议 12
(一)加强公司内部约束机制,完善公司治理结构 12
(二)建立竞争性职业经理人市场 12
(三)建立有效的业绩评价体系 13
结 语 14
参考文献 15
致 谢 16
[1] 李光林,周来振.国有企业产权的改革与激励[M].海口:海南出版公司,2004.
[2] 胡捷.论我国职工持股制度及其完善[D].安徽:安徽大学,2005.
[3] 何雄浪,江传彬. 社会主义新分配方式探析:按人力资本贡献分配[J]. 北京工业大学学报,2006,(3).
[4] 程言君. 国企产权制度和法人治理结构的人力产权透析[J ] .马克思主义研究. 2006,(3).
[5] 胥洋.论我国现阶段员工持股计划的实施[D].湖南:湘潭大学,2006.
[6] 官欣荣.论我国股权激励的本土创新[J].法商研究,2008(1):42-47.
[7] 李明辉.试论国有企业经营者股权激励[J].河北法学,2006(6):32-39.
[8] 陈千里.股权激励、盈余操纵与国有股减持[J].中山大学学报,2008,48(1):149-155
[9] 程言军.人力产权、利润分享与国企改革[J].前沿,2006(3).
1万字 16页
摘 要
产权 股权激励 人力产权理论 股票期权 职工持股计划
On restructuring China's state-owned enterprises to share the results of the equity incentive
Reform and opening up over the past 30 years, China's economic development has attracted worldwide attention results. However, along with the increase of social wealth is also available in the development of the unfair distribution of wealth and the worsening polarization, these have become impact of building a harmonious society unstable factors, the outcome of the reform, development and sharing of government, academia and the public of common concern Important issues. State-owned enterprise reform in China's economic system reform as an extremely important part of their social wealth created by all the people should share the results of the reform to become the object of one. The results of the reform is to share the interests of the initial distribution and redistribution, and the third allocation process. This article from the perspective of property rights, in the initial distribution of property rights in the incentive and restrictive mechanism (that is, equity incentive) as the main stakeholders (labor, management, technology and other production factors in all) to share the results of the reform of state-owned enterprises involved in the specific way The basic theoretical foundation, and our main form of equity incentives in the implementation of the major problems encountered and solutions proposed.
Key Word: Property Rights;Equity incentive;Human property rights theory,;Stock Options, Employee Stock Ownership Plan
摘要 Ⅲ
Abstract Ⅳ
引 言 1
一 、股权激励制度的主要理论基础 3
(一)利益相关者理论 3
(二)委托-代理理论 3
(三)双因素经济论 4
(四)人力资本理论 4
(五)人力产权理论 5
二 、我国国有企业实施股权激励制度的主要方式 6
(一)股票期权 6
(二)管理层收购 7
(三)职工持股计划 7
三 、我国国有企业实施股权激励制度的特点及存在的主要问题 9
(一)我国国有企业实施股权激励制度的特点 9
(二)我国国有企业实施股权激励过程中存在的主要问题 10
1. 国有企业“内部人控制”现象严重,公司治理结构尚待完善 10
2. 缺乏竞争性的职业经理人市场 11
3. 缺乏有效的业绩评价体系 11
四、对完善我国国有企业股权激励制度建议 12
(一)加强公司内部约束机制,完善公司治理结构 12
(二)建立竞争性职业经理人市场 12
(三)建立有效的业绩评价体系 13
结 语 14
参考文献 15
致 谢 16
[1] 李光林,周来振.国有企业产权的改革与激励[M].海口:海南出版公司,2004.
[2] 胡捷.论我国职工持股制度及其完善[D].安徽:安徽大学,2005.
[3] 何雄浪,江传彬. 社会主义新分配方式探析:按人力资本贡献分配[J]. 北京工业大学学报,2006,(3).
[4] 程言君. 国企产权制度和法人治理结构的人力产权透析[J ] .马克思主义研究. 2006,(3).
[5] 胥洋.论我国现阶段员工持股计划的实施[D].湖南:湘潭大学,2006.
[6] 官欣荣.论我国股权激励的本土创新[J].法商研究,2008(1):42-47.
[7] 李明辉.试论国有企业经营者股权激励[J].河北法学,2006(6):32-39.
[8] 陈千里.股权激励、盈余操纵与国有股减持[J].中山大学学报,2008,48(1):149-155
[9] 程言军.人力产权、利润分享与国企改革[J].前沿,2006(3).