多哈回合的发展趋势及发展中国家的对策,论文正文6800字 9页包括开题报告,任务书,文献综述,论文正文摘 要2001年开始的多哈回合谈判是wto到目前为止组织的目标最宏伟、参与方最多的新一轮多边贸易谈判,旨在消减贸易壁垒,创建更良好的国际贸易的环境,但由于涉及利益广,众口难调,谈判历时七年,至今仍未取得圆满结果。现今多种...

原文档由会员 915 发布
论文正文6800字 9页

摘 要
关键词 :经济全球化 多哈回合 趋势 发展中国家 对策
The Doha Round Negotiations started from 2001 is the new round of multilateral trade negotiations under the organization of the WTO with so far the most ambitious goal and the largest participants, aimed at reducing trade barriers and creating a sound international trade environment, but as it involves the broad interests of many aspects, and it’s difficult to balance every aspect, so talks which have lasted for seven years, have not yet been a successful outcome. Currently, a number of new cases emerging, which are that trade and investment are out of balance, international oil price rises, resources are generally in short. In order to gain a relatively favorable international economic development environment and the greatest degree of realization of global sharing of resources, the Doha Round negotiations are bound to continue to develop. Facing the reality that the Doha Round were plagued with setbacks and the extent of the global economy continues becomes deepen, developing countries must speed up their adjustment and strength the unity, actively integrate into the global wave of common development, meet the challenges and opportunities at the same time safeguard the legitimate interests of their own and promote the development of multilateral trade negotiations.
Key words: Economic globalization Doha Round Trend Developing countries Countermeasures
目 录
摘 要……………………………………………………………………………………I
ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………………………II
引 言……………………………………………………………………………………1
[11国际货币基金组织2006年年报第一版[M].中国金融出版社,北京 2007
[14]曾令良.多哈发展议程的困境与出路[J]武汉 2005
[16]徐泉.国家经济主权论[M]第一版北京:人民出版社 2006
论文正文6800字 9页

摘 要
关键词 :经济全球化 多哈回合 趋势 发展中国家 对策
The Doha Round Negotiations started from 2001 is the new round of multilateral trade negotiations under the organization of the WTO with so far the most ambitious goal and the largest participants, aimed at reducing trade barriers and creating a sound international trade environment, but as it involves the broad interests of many aspects, and it’s difficult to balance every aspect, so talks which have lasted for seven years, have not yet been a successful outcome. Currently, a number of new cases emerging, which are that trade and investment are out of balance, international oil price rises, resources are generally in short. In order to gain a relatively favorable international economic development environment and the greatest degree of realization of global sharing of resources, the Doha Round negotiations are bound to continue to develop. Facing the reality that the Doha Round were plagued with setbacks and the extent of the global economy continues becomes deepen, developing countries must speed up their adjustment and strength the unity, actively integrate into the global wave of common development, meet the challenges and opportunities at the same time safeguard the legitimate interests of their own and promote the development of multilateral trade negotiations.
Key words: Economic globalization Doha Round Trend Developing countries Countermeasures
目 录
摘 要……………………………………………………………………………………I
ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………………………II
引 言……………………………………………………………………………………1
[11国际货币基金组织2006年年报第一版[M].中国金融出版社,北京 2007
[14]曾令良.多哈发展议程的困境与出路[J]武汉 2005
[16]徐泉.国家经济主权论[M]第一版北京:人民出版社 2006