景矿佛洼分区120万吨矿井初步设计,采矿工程毕业设计,摘 要阳泉煤业集团有限责任公司新景矿(以下简称新景矿)是由原阳泉三矿的一期改扩建新增井田部分(西部区)与三矿竖井重新组建的矿井。佛洼分区位于新景矿的西南部,东部以y=86600与芦湖南、芦湖北分区为界,西部以y=82000与规划中的七里河井田为界,北部以x=10300...
此文档由会员 bmszsx 发布
摘 要
矿井采用中央并列式通风,由于该矿为高瓦斯矿井,全矿井瓦斯绝对涌出量为44.4 m3/min,光靠通风满足不了通风要求,需要提前进行瓦斯抽放,采用外错尾巷和倾向高抽巷进行提前抽放。
关键词 : 一次采全高放顶煤 中央并列式通风 立井开拓
Yangquan Coal Industry Group Co., Ltd. The new King Mine (hereinafter referred to as the new King Mine) is a former three-Yangquan mine add an expansion Waida part (west) and three mine shafts of the mine re-established.
Buddhist wa ore district is located in the south-west of the new King, in the eastern part of y = 86600 and Lu Hunan, Hubei Lu district is bounded to the west and y = 82000 Qilihe planned for the mine sector, in the northern part of the new x = 103000 King Mine strip bounded by the north, the south-west coal mine for the security, every other southern Taohe Yangquan Coal Industry Group for the second mine, area from east to west 4600m, the average North-South width 3200m, an area of 14.76km2. Main coal seam 3, 8, 15, of coal. I designed the Buddha depression on the 15th strip south of coal, coal seam dip small, less than 12 °, the eastern part of the coal seam, the thickness of the northern Great. Seam thickness of 5.73 meters on average. And Lu in the eastern district of Hunan, Hubei Lu adjacent district, on the eastern half of the regional geological survey of about a higher degree of relatively simple structure; on about half of the western region with less exploration, most of C-class reserves.
At present, the Buddha is in the district to develop depression stage,
on the 15th as a result of the deeper coal seams, with an average depth in the +350 level, I plan to dual-shaft mining, the exploitation of the track roadway, transportation roadway, roadway back to the wind in the level of +350 layout, as the seam angle small, structural stability of the exploitation of driving with a reduction in area, divided into four bands. By calculating the volume of a three-face and a driving surface on the production requirements to meet, face length of 150 meters, tilt length of 2200 meters, take the entire face using a high-level caving mining, the exploitation of a group of three maintenance intervals two cycle twice a top coal caving.
Dover district sunken design production capacity of 1.2Mt / a.
The design of the Buddha in the central depression Waida a new shaft into the return air. Equipped with a ladder into the air shaft, the drainage pipes, duct pressure, fire sprinkler pipe and power cables for safety into the ventilation shaft and exports; return air shaft ventilation shaft for the dedicated back. Buddha depression formed in addition to upgrade the ventilation shaft outside the relatively independent power supply, ventilation, drainage, wind and other pressure systems.
The use of underground main transport belt conveyor can be realized from the Dover district sunken into the ground until Lo Hunan district one-stop conveyor belt for transport, use less, high efficiency, low f
ailure rate, safety, and is conducive to centralized automatic control and management. Auxiliary transport used for traction winch rope wuji 1.0t Series tramcar traction transport, supporting in this area can guarantee the continuity of transportation. The continuity of primary and secondary transport ore for the new King of the high yield and efficiency have provided favorable conditions.
Central parallel mine ventilation, mine is due to high gas mine, all mine into an absolute gas emission for the 44.4 m3/min, ventilation alone can not meet the requirements of ventilation, exhaust gas needs in advance, using the outside lane and toward the end of Lane advanced to the high drainage pumping.
Buddha air shaft depression general layout of industrial facilities, fully integrated feature of the terrain, according to local conditions in the three steps of layout, site layout and reasonably compact, space transportation simple, low earthworks.
Coal mine gas of the high production capacity, and production should increase the ventilation system and gas drainage system management, detect and adjust its work to ensure that mine safety in production.
Key words: first-wide adoption of high-level caving central ventilation shaft to open up side by side
目 录
第一章 矿井概述和井田地质特征 1
第一节 矿井概述 1
第二节 井田地质特征 2
第三节 煤层的埋藏特征 3
第二章 井田境界与储量 6
第一节 井田边界 6
第二节 地质储量计算 6
第三节 可采储量计算 6
第三章 矿井工作制度生产能力及服务年限 8
第一节 矿井的工作制度 8
第二节 矿井生产能力及服务年限 8
第四章 井田开拓 9
第一节 井田开拓方式的确定 9
第二节 达到生产能力时工作面的配备 11
第五章 矿井基本巷道及建井计划 13
第一节 井筒石门与大巷 13
第二节 井底车场 14
第六章 采煤方法 15
第一节 采煤方法的选择 15
第二节 确定采(盘)区巷道布置和要素 15
第三节 回采工艺和劳动组织 16
第四节 带区的准备与接替 23
第七章 井下运输 25
第一节 概述 25
第二节 运输设备的选择和计算 26
第八章 矿井提升 31
第一节 矿井提升概述 31
第二节 主副井提升 31
第九章 矿井通风与安全 34
第一节 风量的计算 34
第二节 矿井通风系统和风量分配 38
第三节 计算负压及等积孔 40
第四节 选取扇风机 44
第五节 安全生产技术措施 47
第十章 经济部分 50
第一节 矿井设计概算 50
第二节 劳动定员和劳动生产率 52
第三节 原煤生产成本 54
第四节 主要技术经济指标 55
参考文献 59
致 谢 60