
原文档由会员 lyy1314 发布
1.5万字 21页
摘 要
Form Idealism to Realism----the Difference between the pre-Qin Confucianist Legal Thought and that of Han Dynasty
The Confucian law ideology had dominated for a long time and brought about profound influence on the history of Chinese legal ideology. The Confucian law ideology was a process which was from idealism to realism in pre-Qin Dynasty to Han Dynasty. It compared the differences on the law ideology between the original Confucian and the Han Dynasty Confucian by thinking about the human nature, the attitude towards the imperial, the ethical definition under the patriarchal sense and the issue of the ethical and moral relationship. The evolution of law ideology is not fortuitous, and it is not only the inevitable result of the transformation on Confucian ideology, but also the inevitable requirement of the historical development. Han Confucianism as the major ideology to maintain the rule of feudal empire had been on the stage of history, and it had brought about profound influence on the research of the operation of legal practice and legal theory of the orthodox legal ideology for future generations.
Key words:Idealism, Realism, Differences, Reason
目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract III
前 言 1
一、儒家法律思想自先秦至汉代的变迁 1
二、先秦儒家与汉代儒家法律思想之比较 2
(一)对人性的思考 3
(二)对皇权的态度 4
1.原始儒家对皇权的态度 5
2.汉代儒家对皇权的态度 6
(三)宗法意识下的伦理论 6
(四)德刑关系论 8
三、儒家法律思想差异产生的必然性 10
(一)改造的过程 10
1.孔孟对周礼的改造 10
2.荀子对孔孟思想的突破 11
3.董仲舒的创新思维 12
(二)历史的必然性 12
四、汉代儒家法律思想对后世的影响 14
结 语 15
参考文献: 17
致 谢 18
[21] 武树臣.寻找最初的德——对先秦德观念形成过程的法文化考察[J].法学研究,2001.2:18.
[22] 刘柱彬.仁政理想与礼法并施的冲突与融合--孟子与荀子刑法思想之比较[J].法学评论,2001.3:5.
[23] 王如鹏,武 建 敏.汉代礼法结合对社会的多元建构[J].学术交流,2005.11:31
[24] 孟巧颖.历史的叹息——试论董仲舒与儒学[J].龙岩师专学报,2005.20:5.
[25] 夏伟东.对儒家重德治亦不排斥法治观点的一些论证[J].齐鲁学刊,2004. 1:29.
[26] 陈永森. 儒家的民本思想与王权主义[J].哲学研究, 2001. 8:16.
[27] 任强.20世纪的先秦儒家礼法思想研究[J].学术研究,2000,10:18.
19] 武树臣.寻找最初的德——对先秦德观念形成过程的法文化考察[J].法学研究,2001.2:18.
[20] 王喆.小议董仲舒的法律思想[J] .西部时报,2005.1:28.
1.5万字 21页
摘 要
Form Idealism to Realism----the Difference between the pre-Qin Confucianist Legal Thought and that of Han Dynasty
The Confucian law ideology had dominated for a long time and brought about profound influence on the history of Chinese legal ideology. The Confucian law ideology was a process which was from idealism to realism in pre-Qin Dynasty to Han Dynasty. It compared the differences on the law ideology between the original Confucian and the Han Dynasty Confucian by thinking about the human nature, the attitude towards the imperial, the ethical definition under the patriarchal sense and the issue of the ethical and moral relationship. The evolution of law ideology is not fortuitous, and it is not only the inevitable result of the transformation on Confucian ideology, but also the inevitable requirement of the historical development. Han Confucianism as the major ideology to maintain the rule of feudal empire had been on the stage of history, and it had brought about profound influence on the research of the operation of legal practice and legal theory of the orthodox legal ideology for future generations.
Key words:Idealism, Realism, Differences, Reason
目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract III
前 言 1
一、儒家法律思想自先秦至汉代的变迁 1
二、先秦儒家与汉代儒家法律思想之比较 2
(一)对人性的思考 3
(二)对皇权的态度 4
1.原始儒家对皇权的态度 5
2.汉代儒家对皇权的态度 6
(三)宗法意识下的伦理论 6
(四)德刑关系论 8
三、儒家法律思想差异产生的必然性 10
(一)改造的过程 10
1.孔孟对周礼的改造 10
2.荀子对孔孟思想的突破 11
3.董仲舒的创新思维 12
(二)历史的必然性 12
四、汉代儒家法律思想对后世的影响 14
结 语 15
参考文献: 17
致 谢 18
[21] 武树臣.寻找最初的德——对先秦德观念形成过程的法文化考察[J].法学研究,2001.2:18.
[22] 刘柱彬.仁政理想与礼法并施的冲突与融合--孟子与荀子刑法思想之比较[J].法学评论,2001.3:5.
[23] 王如鹏,武 建 敏.汉代礼法结合对社会的多元建构[J].学术交流,2005.11:31
[24] 孟巧颖.历史的叹息——试论董仲舒与儒学[J].龙岩师专学报,2005.20:5.
[25] 夏伟东.对儒家重德治亦不排斥法治观点的一些论证[J].齐鲁学刊,2004. 1:29.
[26] 陈永森. 儒家的民本思想与王权主义[J].哲学研究, 2001. 8:16.
[27] 任强.20世纪的先秦儒家礼法思想研究[J].学术研究,2000,10:18.
19] 武树臣.寻找最初的德——对先秦德观念形成过程的法文化考察[J].法学研究,2001.2:18.
[20] 王喆.小议董仲舒的法律思想[J] .西部时报,2005.1:28.