“无为而治”法哲学的分析及当代意义,1.6万字23页包括开题报告,任务书,文献综述,论文摘 要数千年来,先秦道家的“无为而治”对中国政治、经济、社会等各方面,都产生了深远的影响。汉唐统治者在治理国家的过程中加入了“无为而治”的元素,开创出“文景”、“贞观”少有的盛世。古代中国的法律,受到了道家思想,尤其是无为而治的理论的...

原文档由会员 lyy1314 发布
1.6万字 23页
摘 要
关键词 无为而治 法哲学 当代意义
"Govern by doing nothing that goes against nature" following the philosophy analysis and the present age significance
For millennia , Taoistic “govern by non-interference " has a profound effect on Chinese itical ,economy , society. The rulers of Han and Tang dynasty added the element of govern by non-interference, creating “Wen jing” millennium and “Zhen guan” millennium ". In the ancient times, Chinese ancient laws was influenced by Taoism, especially the theory of govern by non-interference. In fact, "govern by non-interference" is containing rich law philosophical thinkings , For example limited little intervention, economy of the government, rule of law government, government of freedom policy etc,these philosophical thinkings are still having important enlightenment significance to the legal system building. Currently, in the process of our country politics economic and social development, a lot of problems are gradually obviously come out, we need to solve these problems through the law. Method philosophy of"have no for but cure" thought in China of the usage can betterly solve the our country the development the problem appear. Pass this of discuss, ability make method philosophy of"have no for but cure" thought at China get certain of dissemination.
Keywords: Govern by non-interference; Method philosophy;Contemporary meaning
摘 要 III
关键词 III
Abstract IV
Keywords IV
引 言 1
一、无为而治的提出、内容及其应用 1
(一)无为而治的提出 1
1.政治、经济因素 1
2.社会文化因素 2
3.老子个人因素 2
(二)无为而治的内容 2
1.寡欲与清静 2
2.自由 2
(三)无为而治的应用 3
1.汉朝的应用 4
2.唐朝的应用 4
二、无为而治的法哲学分析 5
(一)无为的分析 5
(二)无为而治的分析 6
(三)“无为而治”的法哲学启示 8
三、“无为”视野下的当前中国诸问题分析 9
(一)“无为”视野下的政治问题 9
(二)“无为”视野下的经济问题 9
四、“无为而治”的法哲学意义在当代的运用举要 11
(一)政治方面 11
1.全能政府向有限政府转变 12
2.政府行为法治化 12
(二)经济方面 13
1.通过法制明确政府在经济活动中的权限、弱化政府在经济中的地位 14
2.以“尊重经济自主”为原则,修订和制定经济法规 14
结 语 16
参考文献: 18
致 谢 19
[29]RogerT.Ames and David L.Hall.[M].Mew York:Daodejng“Making This Life Significant”,2006.
[30]陈晓翔.老子“无为而治”的当代启示[J].兰州大学学报(社会科学版), 2006,(6).
1.6万字 23页
摘 要
关键词 无为而治 法哲学 当代意义
"Govern by doing nothing that goes against nature" following the philosophy analysis and the present age significance
For millennia , Taoistic “govern by non-interference " has a profound effect on Chinese itical ,economy , society. The rulers of Han and Tang dynasty added the element of govern by non-interference, creating “Wen jing” millennium and “Zhen guan” millennium ". In the ancient times, Chinese ancient laws was influenced by Taoism, especially the theory of govern by non-interference. In fact, "govern by non-interference" is containing rich law philosophical thinkings , For example limited little intervention, economy of the government, rule of law government, government of freedom policy etc,these philosophical thinkings are still having important enlightenment significance to the legal system building. Currently, in the process of our country politics economic and social development, a lot of problems are gradually obviously come out, we need to solve these problems through the law. Method philosophy of"have no for but cure" thought in China of the usage can betterly solve the our country the development the problem appear. Pass this of discuss, ability make method philosophy of"have no for but cure" thought at China get certain of dissemination.
Keywords: Govern by non-interference; Method philosophy;Contemporary meaning
摘 要 III
关键词 III
Abstract IV
Keywords IV
引 言 1
一、无为而治的提出、内容及其应用 1
(一)无为而治的提出 1
1.政治、经济因素 1
2.社会文化因素 2
3.老子个人因素 2
(二)无为而治的内容 2
1.寡欲与清静 2
2.自由 2
(三)无为而治的应用 3
1.汉朝的应用 4
2.唐朝的应用 4
二、无为而治的法哲学分析 5
(一)无为的分析 5
(二)无为而治的分析 6
(三)“无为而治”的法哲学启示 8
三、“无为”视野下的当前中国诸问题分析 9
(一)“无为”视野下的政治问题 9
(二)“无为”视野下的经济问题 9
四、“无为而治”的法哲学意义在当代的运用举要 11
(一)政治方面 11
1.全能政府向有限政府转变 12
2.政府行为法治化 12
(二)经济方面 13
1.通过法制明确政府在经济活动中的权限、弱化政府在经济中的地位 14
2.以“尊重经济自主”为原则,修订和制定经济法规 14
结 语 16
参考文献: 18
致 谢 19
[29]RogerT.Ames and David L.Hall.[M].Mew York:Daodejng“Making This Life Significant”,2006.
[30]陈晓翔.老子“无为而治”的当代启示[J].兰州大学学报(社会科学版), 2006,(6).