
原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
7600多字 12页
摘 要
Socrates and law-abiding concept and
its Implications to China
The Death of Socrates is one of the thoughtful law cases in human history. Although the adjudgement of Socrates is a draconian one and it is based on unwarranted charges, Socrates was willing to accept the death to defend the dignity of the law. The death of Socrates showed that he did not stick to the legal concept of pragmatism and the non-ethical-legal concept, but a legal concept of formalism. It has great significance for his legal concept to maintain the authority of the law and construct the compliance order. Moreover it is of great value for China which is in the start-up phase of the rule of law. Nevertheless, we must recognize that the law concept of Socrates has the danger of indulging the draconian law. Thus the state must improve legislation and establish an effective mechanism for correcting the draconian law.
Keywords: The death of Socrates, Legal concept of formalism, Law authority, Law-abiding
目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract III
前 言 1
一、苏格拉底之死:以生命捍卫法律尊严 1
(一)苏格拉底的审判:一次“公正的”恶法审判 1
(二)苏格拉底以死捍卫法律尊严、树立法律权威 2
二、苏格拉底的守法观:一种形式主义的守法观 3
(一)守法观的主要类型 3
(二)苏格拉底的守法观 5
三、苏格拉底的守法观在当代的价值 5
(一)守法---我国现阶段法制的迫切需要 5
(二)提倡守法观,对我国的现实意义 5
结 语 7
参考文献: 8
致 谢 9
[10] [美] 德沃金.认真对待权利[M].信春鹰、吴玉章译.北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1998.271.
[11] 王振东.恶法亦法理论的历史寻踪及其价值[J].法理学、法史学,2008.2:158.
[12] [英]拉兹.法律的权威:法律与道德论文集[M].朱峰,译.北京:法律出版社,2005.250
[13] 张文显.二十一世纪西方法哲学思潮研究[M].北京:法律出版社,2006.168.
[14] 杨磊.论法治下的恶法[J].华东政法学院学报,1999.1:82.
[15] 甄惠.苏格拉底与法律权威的对话[J].前沿,2005.12:35.
[16] 周旺生.法理探索[M].北京:人民出版社,2005.235.
7600多字 12页
摘 要
Socrates and law-abiding concept and
its Implications to China
The Death of Socrates is one of the thoughtful law cases in human history. Although the adjudgement of Socrates is a draconian one and it is based on unwarranted charges, Socrates was willing to accept the death to defend the dignity of the law. The death of Socrates showed that he did not stick to the legal concept of pragmatism and the non-ethical-legal concept, but a legal concept of formalism. It has great significance for his legal concept to maintain the authority of the law and construct the compliance order. Moreover it is of great value for China which is in the start-up phase of the rule of law. Nevertheless, we must recognize that the law concept of Socrates has the danger of indulging the draconian law. Thus the state must improve legislation and establish an effective mechanism for correcting the draconian law.
Keywords: The death of Socrates, Legal concept of formalism, Law authority, Law-abiding
目 录
摘 要 II
Abstract III
前 言 1
一、苏格拉底之死:以生命捍卫法律尊严 1
(一)苏格拉底的审判:一次“公正的”恶法审判 1
(二)苏格拉底以死捍卫法律尊严、树立法律权威 2
二、苏格拉底的守法观:一种形式主义的守法观 3
(一)守法观的主要类型 3
(二)苏格拉底的守法观 5
三、苏格拉底的守法观在当代的价值 5
(一)守法---我国现阶段法制的迫切需要 5
(二)提倡守法观,对我国的现实意义 5
结 语 7
参考文献: 8
致 谢 9
[10] [美] 德沃金.认真对待权利[M].信春鹰、吴玉章译.北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1998.271.
[11] 王振东.恶法亦法理论的历史寻踪及其价值[J].法理学、法史学,2008.2:158.
[12] [英]拉兹.法律的权威:法律与道德论文集[M].朱峰,译.北京:法律出版社,2005.250
[13] 张文显.二十一世纪西方法哲学思潮研究[M].北京:法律出版社,2006.168.
[14] 杨磊.论法治下的恶法[J].华东政法学院学报,1999.1:82.
[15] 甄惠.苏格拉底与法律权威的对话[J].前沿,2005.12:35.
[16] 周旺生.法理探索[M].北京:人民出版社,2005.235.