浅论清朝律与例的关系,7900多字11页包括开题报告,任务书,论文摘 要律与例是明清时期两种最主要的法律形式,其中律是秦汉以来最正统、最持久的法律形式,我国封建社会中各朝各代都将“律”作为其刑事法典的名称,它具有稳定和概括的特点。而例是在律之外的另一种法律形式,具有详尽、灵活的特点。对于律例关系的问题,并不如某些学者所说...

原文档由会员 xiaowei 发布
7900多字 11页
摘 要
关键词:律 例 律例关系
The Relationship between Lv and Li in the Qing Dynasty
Lv and Li are two important legal forms in the Ming and Qing dynasties, Lv which is the most orthodox Qin and Han dynasties, the most lasting legal form, China's feudal society of all generations will be in the "Lv" as the name of the Criminal Code, it has a stable and broad characteristics. Li is outside Lv in a legal form, with detaile and flexible features. The relationship between Lv and Li does not , as some scholars have said: to the Qing, Lv is useless, and even taking Li break or replace Lv. But it should be Lv and Li have parallel. In the state Lv is the most fundamental norms, the selection of Li is based on changes in society to fill the insufficient Lv,"Lv" and "Li" are countries important legal forms, they are the basic provisions of the Code at the same time, the same reality of the actual social relations plays a regulatory role. The reason that there is such a ralationship between Lv and Li in Qing dynasty is ralated to the legislation of Qing dynasty and legislators on the idea of periodic revision of the cases ,besides the impact of the Lv and Li’s own characteristies.
Key words: Lv; Li; relationship between Lv and Li
目 录
摘要 Ⅱ
前言 1
一、律与例的概念及特点 1
(一)律的概念及特点 1
1.律的概念 1
2.律的特点 1
(二)例的概念及特点 3
1.例的概念 3
2.例的特点 3
二、清朝“律例并行、以例辅律”的律例关系 4
三、清朝律例关系的具体体现 4
(一)律例并行 4
(二)依律定例,以例辅律 5
(三)“以例破律”的现象并不普遍 7
四、清朝出现“律例并行,以例辅律”关系的原因 7
(二)清朝“准古酌今”立法思想的影响 7
(二)清朝定期修例对律例关系的影响 8
(三)律例自身特点的影响 8
结 语 9
参考文献 10
致 谢 11
[1] 黄静嘉. 中国法制史论述从稿[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社,2006.
[2] 苏亦工. 明清律典与条例[M]. 北京:中国政法大学出版社,1999.
[3] 苏亦工. 清代律例的地位及其相互关系[J]. 中国法学,1988,5.
[4] 曾宪义. 中国法制史[M]. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2000.
[5] 郑定,赵晓耕. 中国法制史教学参考书[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2003.
[6] 吕丽. 论《大清律例》“以例辅律”的体例原则[J]. 吉林大学社会科学学报,1999,4.
[7] 吕丽. 例以辅律,非以代律[J]. 法制与社会发展,2002,6.
[8] 华友根. 薛允升的律学研究及其影响[J]. 政治与法律
7900多字 11页
摘 要
关键词:律 例 律例关系
The Relationship between Lv and Li in the Qing Dynasty
Lv and Li are two important legal forms in the Ming and Qing dynasties, Lv which is the most orthodox Qin and Han dynasties, the most lasting legal form, China's feudal society of all generations will be in the "Lv" as the name of the Criminal Code, it has a stable and broad characteristics. Li is outside Lv in a legal form, with detaile and flexible features. The relationship between Lv and Li does not , as some scholars have said: to the Qing, Lv is useless, and even taking Li break or replace Lv. But it should be Lv and Li have parallel. In the state Lv is the most fundamental norms, the selection of Li is based on changes in society to fill the insufficient Lv,"Lv" and "Li" are countries important legal forms, they are the basic provisions of the Code at the same time, the same reality of the actual social relations plays a regulatory role. The reason that there is such a ralationship between Lv and Li in Qing dynasty is ralated to the legislation of Qing dynasty and legislators on the idea of periodic revision of the cases ,besides the impact of the Lv and Li’s own characteristies.
Key words: Lv; Li; relationship between Lv and Li
目 录
摘要 Ⅱ
前言 1
一、律与例的概念及特点 1
(一)律的概念及特点 1
1.律的概念 1
2.律的特点 1
(二)例的概念及特点 3
1.例的概念 3
2.例的特点 3
二、清朝“律例并行、以例辅律”的律例关系 4
三、清朝律例关系的具体体现 4
(一)律例并行 4
(二)依律定例,以例辅律 5
(三)“以例破律”的现象并不普遍 7
四、清朝出现“律例并行,以例辅律”关系的原因 7
(二)清朝“准古酌今”立法思想的影响 7
(二)清朝定期修例对律例关系的影响 8
(三)律例自身特点的影响 8
结 语 9
参考文献 10
致 谢 11
[1] 黄静嘉. 中国法制史论述从稿[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社,2006.
[2] 苏亦工. 明清律典与条例[M]. 北京:中国政法大学出版社,1999.
[3] 苏亦工. 清代律例的地位及其相互关系[J]. 中国法学,1988,5.
[4] 曾宪义. 中国法制史[M]. 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2000.
[5] 郑定,赵晓耕. 中国法制史教学参考书[M].北京:中国人民大学出版社,2003.
[6] 吕丽. 论《大清律例》“以例辅律”的体例原则[J]. 吉林大学社会科学学报,1999,4.
[7] 吕丽. 例以辅律,非以代律[J]. 法制与社会发展,2002,6.
[8] 华友根. 薛允升的律学研究及其影响[J]. 政治与法律