

ca6140机床后托架加工工艺及加工φ22.5,φ30.2,φ40孔的夹具设计,ca6140机床后托架加工工艺及加工φ22.5,φ30.2,φ40孔的夹具设计1.3万字 40页包括开题报告,任务书,工序卡,零件图、装配图等5张cad图纸目 录摘 要 iabstract ii第一章 零件的分析 11.1 零件的作用 11.2零件的工艺分析 11.2.1 ca6140机床后托架的技术要求 1第二章 工...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文



原文档由会员 space 发布

1.3万字 40页

目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 零件的分析 1
1.1 零件的作用 1
1.2零件的工艺分析 1
1.2.1 CA6140机床后托架的技术要求 1
第二章 工艺规程设计 3
2.1确定毛坯的制造形式 3
2.2加工工艺方案的确定 3
2.2.1平面的加工 3
2.2.2孔的加工案 3
2.3基准面的选择 4
2.3.1粗基准选择应当满足以下要求 4
2.3.2精基准选择的原则 4
2.4工艺路线的拟定 5
2.4.1制定工艺路线 5
2.4.2工艺路线比较分析 6
2.5 机械加工余量,工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 7
2.5.1 毛坯的结构工艺要求 7
2.5.2 底面偏差及加工余量计算 8
2.5.2正视图上的三孔的偏差及加工余量计算 8
2.5.3顶面两组孔加工余量计算 10
2.6 选择加工设备及刀具,夹具,量具 10
2.6.1粗、精铣A面 11
2.6.2镗三孔 11
2.6.3钻顶面四孔 11
2.7 确定切削用量及基本工时 11
2.7.1工序5:粗铣,精铣底面 11
2.7.2工序6,7:粗、半精、精镗CA6140侧面三杠孔 13
2.7.3工序9,10:钻顶面四孔 20
2.7.4工序11:钻侧面两孔 23
第三章 镗孔专用夹具的设计 26
3.1 定位方案的确定 26
3.2定位元件确定 26
3.3 定位误差分析计算 27
3.4夹紧方案及元件确定 27
3.5对刀方案 27
3.6夹具体分析 27
3.7夹紧力的计算 27
3.8推杆的设计 29
3.8.1推杆强度校验 29
3.9夹具设计及操作的简明说明 29
总 结 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33

摘 要




Enable producing the target in process of production (raw materials, the blank , state of quality and quantity on part become always ) take place direct course of change ask craft course, if the blank is made, machining, heat treatment , assemble etc. and call it the craft course. In the course of making the craft , is it confirm every erector location and worker step that process need this of process to want, the locomotive of processing , this process , and the entering the giving amount of the lathe, cut depth , the rotational speed of the main shaft and speed of cutting, the jig of this process, the cutter and measuring tool, a one hundred sheets of number of times still leaves and a one hundred sheets of length leaves, calculate basic time of this process , auxiliary time and service time of place of working finally. CA6140 lathe to stand here after a technical analysis of the structure and to determine the mechanical machining line, develop a parts manufacturing processes of the programme and mechanical machining and components for the processing of 40mm、30.2mm and 25.5mm diameter Kong design of a dedicated boring jig.

Keywords: The process; worker one; the surplus of processing; jig; clamp strength

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