汽车防碰撞系统的研究,2.8万字 79页包括开题报告,任务书,文献综述,中英文翻译,论文,封面中文摘要近年来,我国道路交通安全形式越来越严峻, 在众多的交通事故中,以追尾碰撞与超车侧向碰撞事故这两种类型最为常见。如果能够在事故发生前提醒驾驶员并采取一定的安全措施,对减少交通事故的发生则是非常有用的,汽车防撞预警系统正是基...
原文档由会员 李娇娇 发布
2.8万字 79页
近年来,我国道路交通安全形式越来越严峻, 在众多的交通事故中,以追尾碰撞与超车侧向碰撞事故这两种类型最为常见。如果能够在事故发生前提醒驾驶员并采取一定的安全措施,对减少交通事故的发生则是非常有用的,汽车防撞预警系统正是基于提高车辆的主动安全性来实现在行车过程中,给驾驶员提供必要的技术设施。
The traffic safety condition is becoming more and more serious in recent years, the statistic shows that among the accident of highway the Rear-end Collision and Side Collision are frequent. If the drivers can be informed before the accidents take place, the safety level will be improved greatly. The highway vehicle anti-collision warning system is such a technique based on the initiative security of automobile when driving
Based on the mathematic model of automobile safe following distance, the hardware and software of the system are built. Through an integrated comparison of detecting techniques, the millimeter wave frequency modulated pulse-Doppler radar、Ultrasonic sensor and infrared sensor are chosen, which can measure the lengthways distance and transverse distance, relative velocity of two vehicles and azimuth at the same time. Based on reference various theories of anti-collision warning system, the system includes four sub-systems: the main control unit of sub-system, measuring distance of sub-system, information unit of sub-system and monitor, sound& light alarm of sub-system. Based on it, the key technologies involved in the system are determined. Based on the safety distance model, the software and hardware of the main control unit of sub-system and measuring distance of sub-system are designed, the key technologies is solved.
Vehicle anti-collision technique as sub-item of Intelligent Transport System will grow up and be perfect in future. It will shorten the safe space between car heads, actualize the safe overtaking and guarantee vehicle safety, so it will help to increase transport efficiency and keep economic fast growth.
Key word: anti-collision warning system; radar; ultrasonic; infrared; sensor
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题意义和背景 1
1.2国内外研究的现状 2
1.3本文的主要工作和内容安排 5
第二章 几种测距方式的比较和选择 6
2.1激光方式 7
2.2超声波方式 8
2.3红外线方式 9
第三章系统模型的建立 10
3.1追尾防撞模型的建立 10
3.1.1模型建立的理论依据 10
3.1.2模型的建立 12
3.1.3模型的讨论 17
3.1.4模型参数的讨论 18
3.2超车侧向防撞模型的建立 19
3.2.1模型的建立 19
3.2.2模型参数的选择 26
3.2.3模型的最小转角与最大转角数据分析 28
第四章 系统硬件设计 30
4.1 单片机的性能特点 30
4.1.1单片机的选择 30
4.1.2 MCS-51单片机的主要性能 31
4.1.3单片机系统的设计要求 31
4.2 追尾碰撞报警系统硬件设计 32
4.2.1测量距离通道的设计 32
4.2.2测速通道的设计 33
4.2.3开关量输入通道的设计 34
4.2.4转向、油门、制动信号的采集 35
4.2.5声光报警的设计 36
4.2.6显示装置的设计 39
4.2.7电源设计 43
4.2.8电路板的电源保护装置和电源的抗干扰的设计 44
4.2.9“看门狗”电路的设计 44
4.3系统主要传感器 47
4.3.1毫米波雷达传感器 48
4.3.2超声波传感器 53
4.3.3红外线传感器 55
4.3.4霍尔车速传感器 55
4.3.5转向角度传感器 59
4.3.6制动踏板传感器 60
4.3.7油门传感器 61
4.3.8路面状况选择开关 61
4.4 系统总体电路图 64
第五章报警系统软件程序的实现 65
5.1系统报警方式 65
5.2程序设计思想 65
5.3程序的实现 66
第六章 结论与展望 71
6.1结论 71
6.2展望 71
参考文献 73
[20]Gabriel leen,Dond Heffernam,and alan Dune. Digital Networks in the Automotive Vehicle[i].IEE Computing&Control Engineering journal.
2.8万字 79页
近年来,我国道路交通安全形式越来越严峻, 在众多的交通事故中,以追尾碰撞与超车侧向碰撞事故这两种类型最为常见。如果能够在事故发生前提醒驾驶员并采取一定的安全措施,对减少交通事故的发生则是非常有用的,汽车防撞预警系统正是基于提高车辆的主动安全性来实现在行车过程中,给驾驶员提供必要的技术设施。
The traffic safety condition is becoming more and more serious in recent years, the statistic shows that among the accident of highway the Rear-end Collision and Side Collision are frequent. If the drivers can be informed before the accidents take place, the safety level will be improved greatly. The highway vehicle anti-collision warning system is such a technique based on the initiative security of automobile when driving
Based on the mathematic model of automobile safe following distance, the hardware and software of the system are built. Through an integrated comparison of detecting techniques, the millimeter wave frequency modulated pulse-Doppler radar、Ultrasonic sensor and infrared sensor are chosen, which can measure the lengthways distance and transverse distance, relative velocity of two vehicles and azimuth at the same time. Based on reference various theories of anti-collision warning system, the system includes four sub-systems: the main control unit of sub-system, measuring distance of sub-system, information unit of sub-system and monitor, sound& light alarm of sub-system. Based on it, the key technologies involved in the system are determined. Based on the safety distance model, the software and hardware of the main control unit of sub-system and measuring distance of sub-system are designed, the key technologies is solved.
Vehicle anti-collision technique as sub-item of Intelligent Transport System will grow up and be perfect in future. It will shorten the safe space between car heads, actualize the safe overtaking and guarantee vehicle safety, so it will help to increase transport efficiency and keep economic fast growth.
Key word: anti-collision warning system; radar; ultrasonic; infrared; sensor
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题意义和背景 1
1.2国内外研究的现状 2
1.3本文的主要工作和内容安排 5
第二章 几种测距方式的比较和选择 6
2.1激光方式 7
2.2超声波方式 8
2.3红外线方式 9
第三章系统模型的建立 10
3.1追尾防撞模型的建立 10
3.1.1模型建立的理论依据 10
3.1.2模型的建立 12
3.1.3模型的讨论 17
3.1.4模型参数的讨论 18
3.2超车侧向防撞模型的建立 19
3.2.1模型的建立 19
3.2.2模型参数的选择 26
3.2.3模型的最小转角与最大转角数据分析 28
第四章 系统硬件设计 30
4.1 单片机的性能特点 30
4.1.1单片机的选择 30
4.1.2 MCS-51单片机的主要性能 31
4.1.3单片机系统的设计要求 31
4.2 追尾碰撞报警系统硬件设计 32
4.2.1测量距离通道的设计 32
4.2.2测速通道的设计 33
4.2.3开关量输入通道的设计 34
4.2.4转向、油门、制动信号的采集 35
4.2.5声光报警的设计 36
4.2.6显示装置的设计 39
4.2.7电源设计 43
4.2.8电路板的电源保护装置和电源的抗干扰的设计 44
4.2.9“看门狗”电路的设计 44
4.3系统主要传感器 47
4.3.1毫米波雷达传感器 48
4.3.2超声波传感器 53
4.3.3红外线传感器 55
4.3.4霍尔车速传感器 55
4.3.5转向角度传感器 59
4.3.6制动踏板传感器 60
4.3.7油门传感器 61
4.3.8路面状况选择开关 61
4.4 系统总体电路图 64
第五章报警系统软件程序的实现 65
5.1系统报警方式 65
5.2程序设计思想 65
5.3程序的实现 66
第六章 结论与展望 71
6.1结论 71
6.2展望 71
参考文献 73
[20]Gabriel leen,Dond Heffernam,and alan Dune. Digital Networks in the Automotive Vehicle[i].IEE Computing&Control Engineering journal.