

分类: 论文>通信/电子论文



原文档由会员 刘瑞 发布

2.5万字 55页



In order to solve the increasingly serious traffic problems in the city, how to carry on effective management and control to the existing traffic becomes an urgent problem that should be solved in transportation of our country. The control system of urban traffic signal is one of mandatory methods to solve the congestion of traffic. The system is used to control and manage the urban road traffic, to realize the intellectual control of the traffic signal, to make the vehicle sail out of the conflict area in good order through regular control and the application of traffic light, playing an important role to the traffic network ourban road smoothly and openly.
The telecommunication technique in which the urban traffic signal uses always adopts telephone cables at present. When the project is implemented the cable generally adopts the way in which erecting in the sky or underground lay. But there are various kinds of aerial or underground facility in the city, so the on-the-spot traffic situation is very complicated and brings a lot of difficultto the implementation of project, such as high costs and so on.
The road traffic signal does not have the electric cable coordination control is the character can the transportation system important constituent .Also is in all terminal equipment the most complex signal processing and the control system. How this topic research and does the solution object is realize in the non-electric cable connection correspondence situation, realizes each traffic signal cybertron synchronized action. This article introduced in detail does not have the electric cable to coordinate the controller the overall design and its hardware electric circuit, the software procedure: Voltage comparator, 2 frequency multipliers, synchronized clock electric circuit, 6 7SEDLED nixietube display circuit. The system software includes: Master routine, subroutine, realization control procedure and so on. 。

Key words: electric cable coordination control.control system
Sys system clock,LEDnixietube demonstration

第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题的目的 1
1.2设计的主要内容 1
1.3设计的技术要求 2
1.4论文研究的背景与主要研究的内容 2
1.4.1城市交通信号控制的演变 2
1.4.2研究的意义 3
第二章智能交通系统 3
2.1世界上几种典型的交通信号控制系统 3
2.1.1 国外的典型城市道路交通控制系统 3
2.2中国的城市交通信号控制系统 5
2.2.1国内的城市道路交通控制系统 6
2.2.2国内的城市道路交通控制系统 7
2.3道路交通信号与控制 8
2.3.1空耗控制原理 8
2.3.2区域信号控制(面控) 9
2.3.3线路信号控制(线控) 9定周期控制 10交通感应控制 10
第三章 道路交通信号控制机 11
3.1交通信号控制机的发展 11
3.2中国道路交通信号控制机的发展现状 11
3.3无电缆协调控制机 13
第四章 10ms时钟脉冲发生器的实现 16
4.1电压比较器 16
4.1.1电压比较器设计概念 16
4.1.2基本的电压比较器设计和性能指标 19
4.1.3比较器的设计和调试 19
4.1.4小节 26
4.2倍频器 26
4.2.1倍频器的原理及其特点 26
4.2.2倍频器的分类 27
4.2.3倍频方案的选择 27
4.2.4倍频器的设计 28
4.2.5小节 35
第五章 定时监控的实现 35
5.1定时监控的概念 35
5.2时钟芯片的介绍和功能 36
5.2.1 DS1302内部寄存器 37
5. 3zlg7289A串行口LED数码管及键盘管理器件 45
5.3.1概述 45
5.3.2控制指令 46
第六章调试与分析 52
6.1调试过程中遇到的问题与解决方法 52
6.2调试结果 52
第七章结论 53
7.1工作总结 53
7.2展望 53
7.3结束语 53
谢词 54
参考文献 55

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