奇瑞微型汽车悬架系统设计毕业论文,摘 要随着汽车工业的发展,人们对汽车乘座舒适性和安全性的要求逐渐提高,因此对汽车悬架系统和减震器也提出了更高的要求。这次设计的微型汽车的悬架系统是有实际意义的。本次设计的主要内容是:奇瑞微型汽车的前、后悬架系统的结构设计。其前后悬架均采用目前比较流行的麦弗逊式独立悬架,减震器为液力双向作...

此文档由会员 sndnso 发布
摘 要
With the development of the automobile industry, people have been promoting the requirement for the safety and ride comfort of vehicles. As a result there is a big demand on the suspension and the shock absorber system. The design of the mini-car suspension system is a practical sense.
The project mainly includes the designs of the front and rear suspension system of the Chery Automobiles. The independent McPherson suspension in common use is adopted in both the front and the rear suspension system. The shock absorber with two-direction hydraulic-cylinder is applied here. This papers introduced the structure characteristics of the front and rear suspension, determined the suspension parameters, designed and calculated the shock absorbers and coil spring, etc. Furthermore, a program for ride performance computation is compiled by using MATLAB software.
In the suspension analysis of the sample car, a model with two degree of freedoms is established. Some curves for ride quality analysis are carried out. From the calculated curves, some topics on how the suspension parameters effect on the ride comfort are discussed. Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn that the current designed suspension system has a good ride performance.
Key words: Suspension system; Shock absorber; Coil spring; Guidance mechanism; Ride performance
目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 悬架简介 1
1.2 设计要求: 2
第2章 前、后悬架结构的选择 3
2.1独立悬架结构特点 3
2.2独立悬架结构形式分析 3
2.3辅助元件 4
第3章 技术参数确定与计算 5
3.1主要技术参数 5
3.2悬架性能参数确定 5
3.3悬架静挠度 6
3.4悬架动挠度 6
3.5悬架弹性特性曲线 6
第4章 弹性元件的设计计算 7
4.1前悬架弹簧 7
4.2后悬架弹簧 8
第5章 悬架导向机构的设计 10
5.1导向机构设计要求 10
5.2麦弗逊独立悬架示意图 10
5.3导向机构受力分析 11
5.4横臂轴线布置方式 13
5.5导向机构的布置参数 13
第6章 减振器设计 14
6.1减振器概述 14
6.2减振器分类 14
6.3减振器参数选取 15
6.4减振器阻尼系数 15
6.5最大卸荷力 16
6.6筒式减振器主要尺寸 16
第7章 横向稳定杆设计 18
7.1横向稳定杆参数确定 18
第8章 平顺性分析 20
8.1平顺性概念 20
8.2汽车的等效振动分析 20
8.3车身加速度的幅频特性 22
8.4相对动载的幅频特性 23
8.5悬架动挠度的幅频特性 24
8.6影响平顺性的因素 26
第9章 结 论 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 29
附 录Ⅰ 30
附 录II 39