asp+sql机房设备管理系统,asp+sql机房设备管理系统1.6万字 44页包括论文,系统程序,开题报告,答辩ppt,资料完整,推荐下载!摘要本论文是从北方软件学院的实际业务出发,针对现在手工管理现状,经过详细的系统分析调查,为计算中心“量体裁衣”开发的一个实用的机房设备管理系统。本系统主要实现的是机房设备管理功能。此系统与国内现有的原有的机房管...

原文档由会员 果酸 发布
1.6万字 44页

The present paper is embarks from the north software study actual service, in view of the present manual management present situation, passes through the detailed system analysis investigation, “acts according to circumstances” a development practical engine room equipment management system management system for the data processing center. This system main realization is the engine room equipment management function.I have carried on this systematic and the domestic existing original engine room management system management system the comparison, has analyzed its technology feasible and the economical feasibility. Simultaneously has carried on the market survey, has carried on the essential demand analysis, finally has developed this system. This system has the strict management jurisdiction function, the manager may carry on the detailed information input through the request, thus guarantee information validity.The present paper elaborated in detail the entire software performance history, finally I also talk my graduation project harvest and the feelings in the paper.
Has used IIS and the ASP design method in this module performance history, the ASP language is the present quite popular software development language, it most has the prospects for development software development technology now, takes the new generation of software development technology, Compares with the traditional life cycle method, has its unique one side. The present paper described this module performance history from the software engineering angle, from the plan time question definition, the feasibility study and the demand analysis continuously to the development period system design, the detailed design, the code designed and codes the debugging all to carry on the quite detailed introduction. Took the next this module revision and the maintenance and will further develop important reference.
This system front end development kit is DREAMWEVER, uses the ASP script language, the backstage relational database choice is relational database SQL-SERVER, and uses the ODBC connection database.
Key word: Engine room management; ASP; SQL-SERVER; ODBC.
1系统需求分析 1
1.1本课题的研究意义 1
1.2问题定义及内容简介 3
1.3背景 3
2系统分析 4
2.1系统分析的概念 4
2.1.1系统分析的基本含义 5
2.1.2初步调查 5
2.2可行性分析 9
2.2.1系统可行性研究分析 10
2.2.2可行性分析报告 11
2.2.3系统开发具体研究分析 11
2.3详细设计 12
3 系统设计 13
3.1系统关键问题分析 13
3.1.1 开发语言的选择 13
3.1.2系统设计的任务与原则 14
3.1.3系统的总体设计 14
3.1.4运行环境与开发平台的选择 15
3.1.5数据库设计 15
3.2系统设计原则 18
3.2.1 设计的总原则 18
3.2.2 关键技术的分析 19
4系统实现 19
4.1程序界面及程序代码的建立与编写 19
4.1.1权限管理 19
4.1.2数据库的连接 21
4.1.3信息有效性判断 22
4.1.4添加、修改、查找、删除、敏感信息提示 22
4.1.5分页功能 26
4.1.6导出EXCEL表功能 30
5 结论与展望 31
5.1系统测试 31
5.2系统功能的总结 32
5.2.1用户信息的登录功能 32
5.2.2会员添加功能 33
5.2.3用户信息的维护 33
5.2.4硬件信息维护 34
5.2.5安全性考虑 34
5.3系统展望 36
参考文献 36
致 谢 37
[1]《ASP 3 初级编程》. David Buser John Kauffman . 机械工业出版社
[2]《ASP与SQL Server网站架设》.贾佳 郝洪明 . 机械工业出版社
[3]《SQL Server 2000 开发指南》. Michael Otey,Paul Conte.清华大学出版社
[4]《构建面向CRM的数据挖掘应用》.Alex Berson Stephen Smith Kurt Thearling. 人民邮电出版社
[5] 《分析型CRM:读你千遍不厌倦》. 李蓓 .创智CRM知识园地
1.6万字 44页

The present paper is embarks from the north software study actual service, in view of the present manual management present situation, passes through the detailed system analysis investigation, “acts according to circumstances” a development practical engine room equipment management system management system for the data processing center. This system main realization is the engine room equipment management function.I have carried on this systematic and the domestic existing original engine room management system management system the comparison, has analyzed its technology feasible and the economical feasibility. Simultaneously has carried on the market survey, has carried on the essential demand analysis, finally has developed this system. This system has the strict management jurisdiction function, the manager may carry on the detailed information input through the request, thus guarantee information validity.The present paper elaborated in detail the entire software performance history, finally I also talk my graduation project harvest and the feelings in the paper.
Has used IIS and the ASP design method in this module performance history, the ASP language is the present quite popular software development language, it most has the prospects for development software development technology now, takes the new generation of software development technology, Compares with the traditional life cycle method, has its unique one side. The present paper described this module performance history from the software engineering angle, from the plan time question definition, the feasibility study and the demand analysis continuously to the development period system design, the detailed design, the code designed and codes the debugging all to carry on the quite detailed introduction. Took the next this module revision and the maintenance and will further develop important reference.
This system front end development kit is DREAMWEVER, uses the ASP script language, the backstage relational database choice is relational database SQL-SERVER, and uses the ODBC connection database.
Key word: Engine room management; ASP; SQL-SERVER; ODBC.
1系统需求分析 1
1.1本课题的研究意义 1
1.2问题定义及内容简介 3
1.3背景 3
2系统分析 4
2.1系统分析的概念 4
2.1.1系统分析的基本含义 5
2.1.2初步调查 5
2.2可行性分析 9
2.2.1系统可行性研究分析 10
2.2.2可行性分析报告 11
2.2.3系统开发具体研究分析 11
2.3详细设计 12
3 系统设计 13
3.1系统关键问题分析 13
3.1.1 开发语言的选择 13
3.1.2系统设计的任务与原则 14
3.1.3系统的总体设计 14
3.1.4运行环境与开发平台的选择 15
3.1.5数据库设计 15
3.2系统设计原则 18
3.2.1 设计的总原则 18
3.2.2 关键技术的分析 19
4系统实现 19
4.1程序界面及程序代码的建立与编写 19
4.1.1权限管理 19
4.1.2数据库的连接 21
4.1.3信息有效性判断 22
4.1.4添加、修改、查找、删除、敏感信息提示 22
4.1.5分页功能 26
4.1.6导出EXCEL表功能 30
5 结论与展望 31
5.1系统测试 31
5.2系统功能的总结 32
5.2.1用户信息的登录功能 32
5.2.2会员添加功能 33
5.2.3用户信息的维护 33
5.2.4硬件信息维护 34
5.2.5安全性考虑 34
5.3系统展望 36
参考文献 36
致 谢 37
[1]《ASP 3 初级编程》. David Buser John Kauffman . 机械工业出版社
[2]《ASP与SQL Server网站架设》.贾佳 郝洪明 . 机械工业出版社
[3]《SQL Server 2000 开发指南》. Michael Otey,Paul Conte.清华大学出版社
[4]《构建面向CRM的数据挖掘应用》.Alex Berson Stephen Smith Kurt Thearling. 人民邮电出版社
[5] 《分析型CRM:读你千遍不厌倦》. 李蓓 .创智CRM知识园地