公共课平时成绩查询系统(php+sql),公共课平时成绩查询系统(php+sql)7000多字 25页包括论文,程序代码,数据库,演示ppt摘要众所周知,现代信息技术是现代教育技术的基础和核心,培养和创新型的人才必须依靠现代教育技术。从这一层意义上讲,我们说掌握一定的计算机应用技能已经成为国家未来的合格建设者的必备素质,所以现在在大学中对非计算机系的学生开设了...

原文档由会员 weyue 发布
7000多字 25页
关键字: LAMP 查询 平时成绩
It is well known that the modern information technology is foundation and the core of the modern educational technique, trained and the innovation talented person must depend on the modern educational technique.Says from this significance,it is extremely important to grasps the certain computer skill.so each school has all opened the compute culture basic class.with the help of the study the computer cultue basic class,all students can through computer rank test smoothly.Because there is so many students study this class,the result of usually search are very trouble.This system is compiles for teacher and the schoolmate,with the help of this system,searche the result of text is very easy.The characteristic of this system is fast accurate and convenient.This system is a school WEB stand sub- system, has the very good exterior connection, coordinate stand other subsystems serve the school result management.
Key words:LAMP Query Usual result
目 录
摘要 1
一 引言 4
二 需求分析 9
三 总体设计 11
四 详细设计 15
五 测试报告 23
结束语 24
参考资料 25
1. 网站PHP后台解决方案 余斌 人民邮电出版社
2. Dreamwerver互动网站百宝箱for PHP 邓文渊 中国铁道出版社
3.PHP 4.0 与MySQL 动态网站编程 冯燕奎 清华大学出版社
4.PHP&MySQL网站建设宝典 黄经纬 清华大学出版社
7000多字 25页
关键字: LAMP 查询 平时成绩
It is well known that the modern information technology is foundation and the core of the modern educational technique, trained and the innovation talented person must depend on the modern educational technique.Says from this significance,it is extremely important to grasps the certain computer skill.so each school has all opened the compute culture basic class.with the help of the study the computer cultue basic class,all students can through computer rank test smoothly.Because there is so many students study this class,the result of usually search are very trouble.This system is compiles for teacher and the schoolmate,with the help of this system,searche the result of text is very easy.The characteristic of this system is fast accurate and convenient.This system is a school WEB stand sub- system, has the very good exterior connection, coordinate stand other subsystems serve the school result management.
Key words:LAMP Query Usual result
目 录
摘要 1
一 引言 4
二 需求分析 9
三 总体设计 11
四 详细设计 15
五 测试报告 23
结束语 24
参考资料 25
1. 网站PHP后台解决方案 余斌 人民邮电出版社
2. Dreamwerver互动网站百宝箱for PHP 邓文渊 中国铁道出版社
3.PHP 4.0 与MySQL 动态网站编程 冯燕奎 清华大学出版社
4.PHP&MySQL网站建设宝典 黄经纬 清华大学出版社