《语文课程标准》评析,7.8万字 64页硕士论文摘要:随着新课程改革的深入发展,语文的教学实践也遭遇到前所未有的压力。《语文课程标准》是指导语文教学实践的纲领性、法规性文件,是语文教学实践必须遵循的准则。它的科学与否,关系到我们的语文教育是否能够尽快地走出困境。所以本论文拟采用文献考察和理论分析相结合的方式,在充分了解语...

此文档由会员 guai521 发布
7.8万字 64页
关键词:语文 课程标准 改革 理念 反思
Abstract:The thorough development reforms which along with the new curriculum, the Chinese teaching practice also encounters to the unprecedented pressure. "Chinese Curriculum Standard" is instructs the Chinese teaching practice the programmatic quality, the laws and regulations document, is criterion which the Chinese teaching practice must follow. Its science or not, relates our language to educate whether can go out the difficult position as soon as possible. Therefore the present paper plans the way which uses the literature inspection and the theoretical analysis unifies, in the full understanding Chinese education reform history evolution and in the present situation foundation, as cuts into the spot take "Chinese Curriculum Standard", the discussion analyzes it to the Chinese education development function, then the attempt proposes the corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion.
Must correctly understand this language New class changes, must thoroughly understand instructs new education idea and curriculum view which this new class changes, as well as our country language education the condition which develops in the history and it in the position which international domestic locates, can stand in a broader angle of view carefully examines the success and failure and the success or failure which this language New curriculum reforms.
In September, 1905, the Qing government announced stops the imperial civil service examination, is popular the school, started the long road endless "a west study step of travel". But also merely displays by the introduction, the translation changes the narration, even if has the little practice research also to leave forms we true own education ideology also to have the quite great distance. But the west has at the same time carried on three large-scale educations reforms.
Modern Chinese education from 1904 Qing government "Kui Mao educational system" stipulation Chinese alone Establishes the Subject, until now already some more than 100 years, but present situation still not entirely as desired, blindness, the utility still was in the current Chinese teaching the universal existence question. Is the surface why lively Chinese education which disguises the old as the new to go out the trough continuously with difficulty? This not only lets we suspects "Chinese development" the rationality. Perhaps we are unable to deny, since an on century, as a result of the well known reason, Chinese continuously has occupied is constrained with in the predicament which controls, its spirit and the thought inevitably receive the west ideology infiltrating, but own cultural tradition actually is facing the more and more serious crisis aspect.
This Chinese curriculum standard reform, as soon as changed formerly successively the program of instruction only was indicates on in the behavior the revision, from Chinese discipline nature and status, basic idea, curriculum goal, teaching appraisal and so on principled in the question proposed the brand-new judgment, was in the true significance about Chinese teaching revolution. First it proposed constructs the construction principle to take the new curriculum standard the core idea; Next, "humanities" proposed has promoted Chinese discipline connotation; Third, it paid great attention to Chinese the practicality to indicate the Chinese knowledge instruction key transformation; Fourth, "Chinese accomplishment" proposed symbolized Chinese discipline goal idea has had the quantities leap; Fifth, Chinese teaching material has also completed teach book to the textbook transformation.
Platform reforms which as the new curriculum, "Chinese Curriculum Standard" compared before the program of instruction in theoretically had the new breakthrough without doubt. However, it by no means has not also been worth consummating and the improvement place, reforms in the advancement in the current curriculum, we are not difficult to discover it also has many problems, urgently needs us to explore, studies. Therefore, "Chinese Curriculum Standard" must perform from in the education practice foundation to consummate, only then has the possibility to cause this new curriculum to reform truly goes down.
Keyword: Chinese,course criterion,reformation,idea,rethink profoundly
目 录
前 言 6
第一章 《语文课程标准》的颁布 9
一、《语文课程标准》制订的背景 9
(一)教育理论的改革:一个高潮迭起的世界话题 9
(二)语文教育的革命:令人沉痛的世纪难题 13
二、语文改革的历史流变 18
(一)语文的渊源 18
(二)艰难的历程 22
第二章《语文课程标准》——语文教学的革命 28
一、以建构主义作为新课程标准的核心理念 28
(一)倡导“合作”的学习方式 29
(二)倡导“探究性”的学习方式 30
(三)倡导“综合性学习” 31
二、“人文性”的提出提升了语文学科的内涵 33
(一)注重情感,以人为本——从“思想性”到“人文性”的转变 33
(二)人文性在语文课程改革中的实施 35
三、注重语文的实践性表明了语文知识传授重点的转变 36
(一)从重系统知识到重应用知识 37
(二)从重理性知识到重感性知识 37
(三)从重掌握知识到重运用知识 38
四、语文素养——新课程标准的目的理念 39
(一)“语文素养”内涵和意义的理解 39
(二)现代社会需要怎样的“语文素养”? 41
(三)如何培养学生的“语文素养” 42
五、语文教材——由教本到读本的转变 42
(一)教材的内涵 43
(二)如何创造性地使用教材 43
(三)新教材的特点 44
第三章《语文课程标准》存在的问题及反思 46
一、重新审视语文课程的性质 46
(一)对于“工具性和人文性的统一”的质疑 46
(二)关于语文的本体和她的载体——课程 48
二、制约语文课程改革的评价制度:高考 53
(一)我国现行的教育体制决定了高考制度仍是课程的最终评价方式 54
(二)我国的高考制度应如何改革才能体现课程评价的价值 56
三、内在超越——《语文课程标准》的重新定位 60
(一)教育的堕落——近百年来的文化批判与反思 60
(二)着眼于文化批判与生成的建构性课程 62
致 谢 65
7.8万字 64页
关键词:语文 课程标准 改革 理念 反思
Abstract:The thorough development reforms which along with the new curriculum, the Chinese teaching practice also encounters to the unprecedented pressure. "Chinese Curriculum Standard" is instructs the Chinese teaching practice the programmatic quality, the laws and regulations document, is criterion which the Chinese teaching practice must follow. Its science or not, relates our language to educate whether can go out the difficult position as soon as possible. Therefore the present paper plans the way which uses the literature inspection and the theoretical analysis unifies, in the full understanding Chinese education reform history evolution and in the present situation foundation, as cuts into the spot take "Chinese Curriculum Standard", the discussion analyzes it to the Chinese education development function, then the attempt proposes the corresponding countermeasure and the suggestion.
Must correctly understand this language New class changes, must thoroughly understand instructs new education idea and curriculum view which this new class changes, as well as our country language education the condition which develops in the history and it in the position which international domestic locates, can stand in a broader angle of view carefully examines the success and failure and the success or failure which this language New curriculum reforms.
In September, 1905, the Qing government announced stops the imperial civil service examination, is popular the school, started the long road endless "a west study step of travel". But also merely displays by the introduction, the translation changes the narration, even if has the little practice research also to leave forms we true own education ideology also to have the quite great distance. But the west has at the same time carried on three large-scale educations reforms.
Modern Chinese education from 1904 Qing government "Kui Mao educational system" stipulation Chinese alone Establishes the Subject, until now already some more than 100 years, but present situation still not entirely as desired, blindness, the utility still was in the current Chinese teaching the universal existence question. Is the surface why lively Chinese education which disguises the old as the new to go out the trough continuously with difficulty? This not only lets we suspects "Chinese development" the rationality. Perhaps we are unable to deny, since an on century, as a result of the well known reason, Chinese continuously has occupied is constrained with in the predicament which controls, its spirit and the thought inevitably receive the west ideology infiltrating, but own cultural tradition actually is facing the more and more serious crisis aspect.
This Chinese curriculum standard reform, as soon as changed formerly successively the program of instruction only was indicates on in the behavior the revision, from Chinese discipline nature and status, basic idea, curriculum goal, teaching appraisal and so on principled in the question proposed the brand-new judgment, was in the true significance about Chinese teaching revolution. First it proposed constructs the construction principle to take the new curriculum standard the core idea; Next, "humanities" proposed has promoted Chinese discipline connotation; Third, it paid great attention to Chinese the practicality to indicate the Chinese knowledge instruction key transformation; Fourth, "Chinese accomplishment" proposed symbolized Chinese discipline goal idea has had the quantities leap; Fifth, Chinese teaching material has also completed teach book to the textbook transformation.
Platform reforms which as the new curriculum, "Chinese Curriculum Standard" compared before the program of instruction in theoretically had the new breakthrough without doubt. However, it by no means has not also been worth consummating and the improvement place, reforms in the advancement in the current curriculum, we are not difficult to discover it also has many problems, urgently needs us to explore, studies. Therefore, "Chinese Curriculum Standard" must perform from in the education practice foundation to consummate, only then has the possibility to cause this new curriculum to reform truly goes down.
Keyword: Chinese,course criterion,reformation,idea,rethink profoundly
目 录
前 言 6
第一章 《语文课程标准》的颁布 9
一、《语文课程标准》制订的背景 9
(一)教育理论的改革:一个高潮迭起的世界话题 9
(二)语文教育的革命:令人沉痛的世纪难题 13
二、语文改革的历史流变 18
(一)语文的渊源 18
(二)艰难的历程 22
第二章《语文课程标准》——语文教学的革命 28
一、以建构主义作为新课程标准的核心理念 28
(一)倡导“合作”的学习方式 29
(二)倡导“探究性”的学习方式 30
(三)倡导“综合性学习” 31
二、“人文性”的提出提升了语文学科的内涵 33
(一)注重情感,以人为本——从“思想性”到“人文性”的转变 33
(二)人文性在语文课程改革中的实施 35
三、注重语文的实践性表明了语文知识传授重点的转变 36
(一)从重系统知识到重应用知识 37
(二)从重理性知识到重感性知识 37
(三)从重掌握知识到重运用知识 38
四、语文素养——新课程标准的目的理念 39
(一)“语文素养”内涵和意义的理解 39
(二)现代社会需要怎样的“语文素养”? 41
(三)如何培养学生的“语文素养” 42
五、语文教材——由教本到读本的转变 42
(一)教材的内涵 43
(二)如何创造性地使用教材 43
(三)新教材的特点 44
第三章《语文课程标准》存在的问题及反思 46
一、重新审视语文课程的性质 46
(一)对于“工具性和人文性的统一”的质疑 46
(二)关于语文的本体和她的载体——课程 48
二、制约语文课程改革的评价制度:高考 53
(一)我国现行的教育体制决定了高考制度仍是课程的最终评价方式 54
(二)我国的高考制度应如何改革才能体现课程评价的价值 56
三、内在超越——《语文课程标准》的重新定位 60
(一)教育的堕落——近百年来的文化批判与反思 60
(二)着眼于文化批判与生成的建构性课程 62
致 谢 65