vb高校固定资产管理系统,2万字 92页包括论文和系统程序中文摘要随着电脑的普及与使用,现在的管理也提升了一个档次,渐渐实现了无纸化办公,即从原来的人工记录管理模式转变为电脑一体化管理。高校是科研的阵地,后勤的高校固定资产管理系统也应该一改传统的人工管理,更加信息化,时代化,节省人力物力,提高效率。基于这一点,开发此高校...

原文档由会员 weyue 发布
2万字 92页
With the popularization and use of the computer, present management has been promoted much, more and more jobs have been done by computer. It namely changes the original artificial record management mode into computer's integrating and managing. The university is the position of scientific research, the apartment management should change traditional managing artificially too, for the efficiency. So , develop the management software of student's apartment .
Student Apartment Management System is a utility management system based on the managing mode of many universities and colleges.Universal and easy-operating are the greatest features of the system ,which is also applicable for enterprises of the same type.Apartment keepers bear a increasingly heavy burden because of the gradually added number of roomers.In order to free apartment keepers from the heave work,and make the work more convienent and efficient.
The apartment management system is developed. The system computerized all the processes concerning the apartment management which include apartment,dormitory distribution,roomer registration,santitation examination,and the query for apartment property,students' violation of discipline,teachers' records and rooming situation.It makes the apartment management more efficient and much better.
Key word: dispose 、 register 、 check
引言 4
第一章系统分析 5
1.1开发工具简介及系统运行环境 5
1.2开发的必要性 6
1.3系统开发的可行性 7
1.4数据来源 8
1.5新系统数据流程图 9
第二章 数据库设计 12
第三章功能模块设计 16
3.1新系统功能结构图及运行图如下: 16
3.2系统设置: 17
3.3高校固定资产管理系统 18
3.4 卫生检查 19
3.5 公寓资产 20
3.6 记录查看与记录删除 20
3.7值班记录 20
3.8帮助制作 21
第四章 程序设计 22
主程序流程图 22
4.1 登录界面 23
4.2 程序主界面 26
4.3系统设置 32
4.4高校固定资产管理系统 57
4.5资产检查 60
4.6 公寓资产 64
4.7记录查看 66
4.8记录删除 74
4.9值班记录 81
4.10 Help制作 88
第五章 系统测试 90
总结 91
参考文献 92
[1]Visual Basic 程序设计 王栋 清华大学出版社
[2]Visual Basic 高级编程宋伟 吴建国 清华大学出版社
[3]Visual Basic 6.0 入门与提高 戴红 陈哲 清华大学出版社
[4]Visual Basic 6.0应用指南 何斌 王运坚
冯峰 刘醒 人民邮电出版社
[5] Visual Basic 高级编程技术 陈 明
杨劲松 北京希望电子出版社
[6] Visual Basic实用教程 陈弘原 中国水利水电出版社
[7]数据库系统概论 萨师煊、王珊 高等教育出版社
[8]软件系统开发技术 潘锦平
施小姚 西安电子科技大学出版
2万字 92页
With the popularization and use of the computer, present management has been promoted much, more and more jobs have been done by computer. It namely changes the original artificial record management mode into computer's integrating and managing. The university is the position of scientific research, the apartment management should change traditional managing artificially too, for the efficiency. So , develop the management software of student's apartment .
Student Apartment Management System is a utility management system based on the managing mode of many universities and colleges.Universal and easy-operating are the greatest features of the system ,which is also applicable for enterprises of the same type.Apartment keepers bear a increasingly heavy burden because of the gradually added number of roomers.In order to free apartment keepers from the heave work,and make the work more convienent and efficient.
The apartment management system is developed. The system computerized all the processes concerning the apartment management which include apartment,dormitory distribution,roomer registration,santitation examination,and the query for apartment property,students' violation of discipline,teachers' records and rooming situation.It makes the apartment management more efficient and much better.
Key word: dispose 、 register 、 check
引言 4
第一章系统分析 5
1.1开发工具简介及系统运行环境 5
1.2开发的必要性 6
1.3系统开发的可行性 7
1.4数据来源 8
1.5新系统数据流程图 9
第二章 数据库设计 12
第三章功能模块设计 16
3.1新系统功能结构图及运行图如下: 16
3.2系统设置: 17
3.3高校固定资产管理系统 18
3.4 卫生检查 19
3.5 公寓资产 20
3.6 记录查看与记录删除 20
3.7值班记录 20
3.8帮助制作 21
第四章 程序设计 22
主程序流程图 22
4.1 登录界面 23
4.2 程序主界面 26
4.3系统设置 32
4.4高校固定资产管理系统 57
4.5资产检查 60
4.6 公寓资产 64
4.7记录查看 66
4.8记录删除 74
4.9值班记录 81
4.10 Help制作 88
第五章 系统测试 90
总结 91
参考文献 92
[1]Visual Basic 程序设计 王栋 清华大学出版社
[2]Visual Basic 高级编程宋伟 吴建国 清华大学出版社
[3]Visual Basic 6.0 入门与提高 戴红 陈哲 清华大学出版社
[4]Visual Basic 6.0应用指南 何斌 王运坚
冯峰 刘醒 人民邮电出版社
[5] Visual Basic 高级编程技术 陈 明
杨劲松 北京希望电子出版社
[6] Visual Basic实用教程 陈弘原 中国水利水电出版社
[7]数据库系统概论 萨师煊、王珊 高等教育出版社
[8]软件系统开发技术 潘锦平
施小姚 西安电子科技大学出版