

加工箱体零件的组合机床设计,2万字 32页包括论文及5张cad设计图摘 要目前,组合机床主要是用于平面加工和孔加工两类。现随着自动化的发展,其工艺范围正在扩大可以完成如:车外圆、行星铣削、焊接、热处理等等切削与非切削工作。它在汽车、电机、仪器仪表等轻工业行业中获得了广泛的应用,它在机床、机车、工程机械等制造业中也已推广应...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文



原文档由会员 guai521 发布

2万字 32页

摘 要


Presently, combination machine tools are mainly used for plane processing and hole processing. With the development of the mechanical automation, its technological scopes are expanding. At present, they can accomplish those cutting and non-cutting work of cylindrical vehicles, planetary milling, welding and heat treatment. Combination machine tools are widely used in those light industries such as automobiles, electrical machinery and instruments and also applied in manufacturing industries of machine tools, locomotives, and engineering machinery. That is to say, the application scope of combination machine tools will be expanded wildly and it will be used in all kinds of industries.
This paper is mainly explained of a systematic method of designing the horizontal drilling double combination machine tool, which is one of the disposing forms of combination machine tools. This paper covers three chapters. The first chapter introduces the present situation, future and characteristics of combination machine tools; and the second chapter is focusing in the total design of combination machine tools, including the technological analysis of processing components, how to choose common components and the arrangement of machine tools; the last chapter is the whole process of the design of multi-axle box.
This design is totally under the guiding of supervisor Li Xianmin and I have consulted many relevant books. But because the limitation of my capability and experience, this paper inevitably has some mistakes and shortcomings. Comments and critics of readers are all pleased.
Keywords: combination machine tools,horizontal drilling double combination machine tool, multi-axle box

目 录

中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
第1章 绪论 1
§1.1组合机床概述 1
§1.2组合机床设计步骤 3
第二章 组合机床总体设计 4
§2-1工艺方案的拟定 4
§2-2 组合机床切削用量的选择 6
§2-3 组合机床总体设计“三图一卡” 8
2.3.1被加工零件工序图 8
2.3.2加工示意图 9
2.3.3机床联系尺寸总图 14
2.3.4组合机床生产率计算卡 17
第三章 组合机床多轴箱设计 19
§3-1绘制多轴箱设计原始依据图 19
§3-2主轴、齿轮的确定及动力计算 20
§3-3多轴箱的传动设计 21
§3-4多轴箱坐标计算、绘制坐标检查图 25
§3-5绘制多轴箱总图及零件图 28
第四章 结论 31
参考文献 32
致谢 33

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