弹簧吊耳零件工艺及加工Φ30 两孔夹具设计.rar
弹簧吊耳零件工艺及加工Φ30 两孔夹具设计,1.4万字 38页包括任务书,设计说明书,工序卡,加工工艺过程卡,15张完整cad设计图摘要本次设计的是弹簧吊耳的加工工艺以及加工Φ30两孔的夹具的设计,弹簧吊耳一般分为前后吊耳两种,前吊耳是用于固定钢板与后桥定位,只能转动,不能移动,需要经常加注黄油或更换胶套,后吊耳则可以向...

原文档由会员 lyy1314 发布
弹簧吊耳零件工艺及加工Φ30 两孔夹具设计
1.4万字 38页

What this design around is the spring shackle processing craft as well as the processing φ30liang hole jig's design, the spring shackle divides into the shackle two kinds generally, the first shackle is uses in the fixed steel plate and the rear axle of car localization, can only rotate, cannot move, needs frequently the replenishment butter or the replacement gum cover, the latter shackle may move backward or extend, after generally big freight vehicle, the shackle is fixed, is only the steel plate extends. The car is moves the shackle, the steel plate and the shackle also moves, leading role after the carrying capacity, enables its steel plate to obtain extends, the extension, can have the normal cushioning effect. Limit spring position, and along with spring vertical motion, but around movement.
The jig design aims at φ30liang the hole unit clamp, considered the components quantity is quite big, belongs to the large scale production, therefore the efficiency is very important, therefore this design has discarded the former old way, uses the technical quite advanced air operated achievement clamping force origin. Components not high specification, therefore uses one to sell the localization, coordinates jig's about simultaneously to clamp then may satisfy the request.
Key word: Craft, datum, cutting specifications, localization datum, position error
目 录
第1章 零件的分析..1
1.1 零件的作用.1
1.2 零件的工艺分析.2
第2章 工艺规程设计.3
2.1 确定毛坯的制造形式..3
2.2 基准的选择..3
2.3 制定工艺路线..4
2.3.1 工艺路线方案一5
2.3.2 工艺路线方案二5
2.3.3 工艺路线的比较与最终工艺方案..6
2.4 机械加工余量和工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定..6
2.5 确定切削用量及基本工时..7
2.5.1 工序一9
2.5.2 工序二.11
2.5.3 工序三..12
2.5.4 工序四..16
2.5.5 工序五..19
2.5.6 工序六..20
第3章 专用夹具设计.21
3.1 问题的提出.21
3.2 夹具设计.21
3.2.1 定位基准的选择..21
3.2.2 夹紧力的计算及汽缸的相关数据计算..21
3.2.3 定位误差的分析..24
3.2.4 夹具设计及操作的简要说明25
第4章 结论..26
参考文献 27
致谢 28
[1] 李益民.机械制造工艺设计简明手册.哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社,1994
[2] 张捷主编.机械制造技术基础.成都:西南交通大学出版社,2006
[3] 吴宗泽,罗圣国主编.机械设计课程设计手册.第二版.北京:高等教育出版社,1999
[4] 艾兴、肖诗纲.切削用量简明手册.北京:机械工业出版社,2004
[5] 张耀.机械加工工艺设计实用手册.北京:航天工业出版社. 1993
[6] 李云、阎志、孙学强、贾建华.机械制造工艺及设备设计指导手册 北京:机械工业出版社,1997
[7] 东北重型机械学院、洛阳工学院、第一汽车制造厂职工大学.机床夹具设计手册
[8] 沈学勤主编.公差配合与技术测量.北京:高等教育出版社,1998
[9] 黄如林 汪群.金属加工工艺及工装设计.北京:化学工业出版社
1.4万字 38页

What this design around is the spring shackle processing craft as well as the processing φ30liang hole jig's design, the spring shackle divides into the shackle two kinds generally, the first shackle is uses in the fixed steel plate and the rear axle of car localization, can only rotate, cannot move, needs frequently the replenishment butter or the replacement gum cover, the latter shackle may move backward or extend, after generally big freight vehicle, the shackle is fixed, is only the steel plate extends. The car is moves the shackle, the steel plate and the shackle also moves, leading role after the carrying capacity, enables its steel plate to obtain extends, the extension, can have the normal cushioning effect. Limit spring position, and along with spring vertical motion, but around movement.
The jig design aims at φ30liang the hole unit clamp, considered the components quantity is quite big, belongs to the large scale production, therefore the efficiency is very important, therefore this design has discarded the former old way, uses the technical quite advanced air operated achievement clamping force origin. Components not high specification, therefore uses one to sell the localization, coordinates jig's about simultaneously to clamp then may satisfy the request.
Key word: Craft, datum, cutting specifications, localization datum, position error
目 录
第1章 零件的分析..1
1.1 零件的作用.1
1.2 零件的工艺分析.2
第2章 工艺规程设计.3
2.1 确定毛坯的制造形式..3
2.2 基准的选择..3
2.3 制定工艺路线..4
2.3.1 工艺路线方案一5
2.3.2 工艺路线方案二5
2.3.3 工艺路线的比较与最终工艺方案..6
2.4 机械加工余量和工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定..6
2.5 确定切削用量及基本工时..7
2.5.1 工序一9
2.5.2 工序二.11
2.5.3 工序三..12
2.5.4 工序四..16
2.5.5 工序五..19
2.5.6 工序六..20
第3章 专用夹具设计.21
3.1 问题的提出.21
3.2 夹具设计.21
3.2.1 定位基准的选择..21
3.2.2 夹紧力的计算及汽缸的相关数据计算..21
3.2.3 定位误差的分析..24
3.2.4 夹具设计及操作的简要说明25
第4章 结论..26
参考文献 27
致谢 28
[1] 李益民.机械制造工艺设计简明手册.哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社,1994
[2] 张捷主编.机械制造技术基础.成都:西南交通大学出版社,2006
[3] 吴宗泽,罗圣国主编.机械设计课程设计手册.第二版.北京:高等教育出版社,1999
[4] 艾兴、肖诗纲.切削用量简明手册.北京:机械工业出版社,2004
[5] 张耀.机械加工工艺设计实用手册.北京:航天工业出版社. 1993
[6] 李云、阎志、孙学强、贾建华.机械制造工艺及设备设计指导手册 北京:机械工业出版社,1997
[7] 东北重型机械学院、洛阳工学院、第一汽车制造厂职工大学.机床夹具设计手册
[8] 沈学勤主编.公差配合与技术测量.北京:高等教育出版社,1998
[9] 黄如林 汪群.金属加工工艺及工装设计.北京:化学工业出版社