考试题库系统的设计与实现 (delphi+access).rar


考试题库系统的设计与实现 (delphi+access),考试题库系统的设计与实现 (delphi+access)1.3万字 41页附录中包括程序代码目 录摘 要 iabstract ii第1章 前 言 11.1 课题的来源和目的 11.1.1 教育信息化的趋势 11.1.2 传统的考试活动 21.2 开发工具的选择 21.2.1 delphi简介 21.2.2 access...
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原文档由会员 果酸 发布

考试题库系统的设计与实现 (Delphi+Access)
1.3万字 41页

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 前 言 1
1.1 课题的来源和目的 1
1.1.1 教育信息化的趋势 1
1.1.2 传统的考试活动 2
1.2 开发工具的选择 2
1.2.1 Delphi简介 2
1.2.2 Access 简介 4
1.2.3 C/S 简介 5
第2章 系统设计 7
2.1 功能设计 7
2.2 数据库设计 8
2.3 界面设计 8
2.4 数据文件结构 8
2.4.1 考试模板基本表 8
2.4.2 学生模板基本表 9
第3章 系统实现 9
3.1 功能模块 10
3.2 注册功能的实现 10
3.3 登录功能的实现 11
3.4 数据库功能的实现 13
3.5 Word字表处理功能的实现 13
第4章 考试系统的流程介绍 17
第5章 组卷策略 19
结 束 语 21
致 谢 23
参考文献 24
附 录 25

摘 要

关键词:考试题库系统, Delphi, Access, 功能模块,无纸化考试

Now, people pay more attentions to the examination system. It can provide strong data support for the education administration department to make decisions. As result, the author exploited the examination database system, it uses the modern computer technology to manage the students’ examination course, and it is quite convenient to the work of teachers and examination managers.
This system designed and realized the ways of the no-paper testing systems about the course < numeral electronic technique basic>. It mainly provides the function to create the test papers and manage the database. The users can visit the system according to the different limitation, and make the daily maintenance to the information of the test papers’ coding and creating. And what’s more, the system can create test papers for the testing of the students. Considering the database’s safety, it can backups and resumes the information of the database or the data lists according to requirements, in order to avoid making unnecessary troubles because of carelessly losing data.
In the design process, this system sees the people as its center, considers fully the users’ requirements and tries its best to make the interface simple. This system used Delphi 6.0 to exploit foreground application, and used Access 2000 to exploit background database. It is a suit of whole examination system which is based on C/S system. It includes the main modules of the students entering, the students exiting, inputting words, database operations WORD and so on. This system’s characteristic is easy maintenance, convenient use etc, and it can apply for the teaching of the numeral electronic technique basic.

Keywords:system of examination, Delphi, Access, functional module,non-paper examination

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