

电磁阀体进出油口孔加工组合机床液压系统设计,1.8万字 48页包括任务书,设计说明书,工序卡,零件图、加工示意图摘 要   电磁阀体进出油口孔加工组合机床,它的配置型式具有固定式液压夹紧的单工位组合机床,这类组合机床夹具和工作台都是固定不动的,动力滑台实现进给运动。滑台上的动力箱实现切削运动,根据工件结构特点,以及精确要...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文



原文档由会员 qq520 发布

1.8万字 48页

摘 要
电磁阀体进出油口孔加工组合机床,它的配置型式具有固定式液压夹紧的单工位组合机床,这类组合机床夹具和工作台都是固定不动的,动力滑台实现进给运动。滑台上的动力箱实现切削运动,根据工件结构特点,以及精确要求,采用结合面为定值基准面。 在基准面对应的另一圆柱面上,用压块压紧,由于结合面的加工精度较高,以它为基面,完全可以达到要求的加工精度。



The solenoid valve body turn over oil buccal cavity processing aggregate machine-tool, its configuration has the simplex position aggregate machine-tool which the stationary hydraulic pressure clamps ,this kind of aggregate machine-tool jig and the work table all are fixed motionless, the power realizes for the movement. On power box realization cutting motion, according to the work piece unique feature, as well as the precise request, uses the junction plane for the definite value reduced plane. In the reduced plane correspondence another round cylinder, contracts with the briquetting, because the junction plane processing precision is higher, take it as the basic plane, definitely may meet the requirements the processing precision.
A geometry engine bed system design ---- three charts card (1) "is processed the components working procedure chart" it is the aggregate machine-tool design main basis, it makes the use, overhauls and adjusts the engine bed the important engineering factor (2) plan processing schematic drawing, it is the cutting tool jig, the hydraulic pressure electrical fittings design and the general part choice main firsthand information, it is adjusts the engine bed, the cutting tool and the test run basis. (3) The plan relation and the movement relations and the examination engine bed various parts are opposite to the position and relate whether satisfies the processing request, the general part choice is whether appropriate, and for further develops the headstock, the jig and so on the special-purpose part, the components design provides the basis. (4) The generic efficiency computation card, it uses for to reflect the engine bed the processing process, completes the time which this movement needs, the cutting specifications, the engine bed productivity and the engine bed load factor.

Key words: Aggregate machine-tool, hydraulic system, hydraulic cylinder, automatic circulation, headstock.

摘 要 I
第一章 绪 论 1
第二章 电磁阀体进出油口孔的加工工艺 3
2.1零件的分析 3
2.1.1.零件的作用 3
2.1.2.零件的工艺分析 3
2.2工艺规程的设计 4
2.2.1.确定毛坯的制造形式 4
2.2.2.基准的选择: 4
2.3制订工艺路线 4
2.4确定工序尺寸及公差 6
2.5.钻、扩、平刮、铰孔的切削用量及其基本工时 10
第三章 电磁阀体的进出油口孔的加工组合机床液压系统的设计 12
3.1负载分析 13
3.2.负载图和速度图的绘制 15
3.3液压缸主要参数的确定 15
3.3.1.初选液压缸的工作压力 15
3.3.2.计算液压缸的尺寸 16
3.4.液压缸的强度计算 19
3.5.液压系统图的拟订: 26
3.5.1.液压回路的选择 26
3.5.2组成液压系统 29
3.6.液压元件的计算和选择 32
3.6.1.液压泵 32
3.6.2.阀类元件及其辅助元件 32
3.8.油箱的选择 38
3.9液压系统的性能验算 39
致 谢 42
参 考 文 献 43

参 考 文 献
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