超市管理系统论文,32页 7900字摘 要 对超市来说,全新的管理理念是超市生存与否的灵魂。对超市而言,商品信息管理、商家的信息管理和超市内部的员工管理是各超市管理的主要手段。与此同时,为了管理大量的超市商品,超市的管理问题也就提上了日程。随着超市商品的大量增加,其管理难度也越来越大,如何优化超市的日常管理也就成为了一个大众化的课题。在...

此文档由会员 stp830 发布
32页 7900字
摘 要 对超市来说,全新的管理理念是超市生存与否的灵魂。对超市而言,商品信息管理、商家的信息管理和超市内部的员工管理是各超市管理的主要手段。与此同时,为了管理大量的超市商品,超市的管理问题也就提上了日程。随着超市商品的大量增加,其管理难度也越来越大,如何优化超市的日常管理也就成为了一个大众化的课题。
关键词 信息系统、信息管理 超市管理
The small scaled supermarket management system
Abstract : To supermarket, whether all new management principle is the supermarket existence or not of soul To supermarket, the information management of the merchandise management, company's house and employee's management of the supermarket inner parts are each supermarket management of main means At the same time, for managing a great deal of supermarket merchandise, the management problem of the supermarket also lifts up agenda Along with a great deal of increment of the supermarket merchandise, it manages the difficulty also more and more big, how excellent turned the usual management of the supermarket to also become a popularize topic.
At today that the calculator flies to develop soon, fly the usual management that the calculator this information processing sharp weapon is apply in supermarket is already certainly will however, and this also will manage to bring the unprecedented change for the supermarket, it can bring the unexpected performance, also would for the business enterprise soon to develop to provide the infinite potential Adopt the calculator management information system has become the scientific and modern important marking of the supermarket management, it came obviously economic performance and social performances for the business enterprise management This text introduced how the supermarket manage the information of the owner and company's house, building up the faith degree that a set of information system comes to analytical company's house and analyzing the customer to purchase the interest, the development of the supermarket incline to.
Keywords: information system, the information management supermarket management
1前言 1
1.1概述 1
1.2研究目的 1
1.3研究现状 2
1.4小超市管理系统开发的背景及意义 3
2内容 4
2.1系统设计说明 4
2.1.1研究的内容 4
2.1.2系统平台选择 5
2.2 数据库需求分析 5
2.3超市管理系统各功能模块划分如图(1) 6
2.4 数据库概念设计 7
2.5 数据库逻辑设计 8
2.6 系统功能用例图 9
2.7顺序图 10
2.8 类图 10
3 系统各模块设计说明 11
3.1 查询模块 11
3.1.1 员工信息查询 11
3.1.2 商品信息查询 12
3.1.3厂商信息查询 13
3.1.4商品库存查询 14
3.2 维护模块 15
3.2.1员工信息维护如图7所示: 15
3.2.2商品信息维护 15
3.2.3 厂商信息维护 16
3.3 进货/售货模块 16
3.4统计模块 20
4结论 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26
[1]陈博,周晓杰。Visual FoxPro 8.0 数据库开发实例教程.清华大学出版社,2004.
[2] 甘仞初,信息系统开发[M].经济科学出版社 2000年
[3] 陈禹,信息系统分析与设计[M].电子工业出版社 1985年
[4] 黄梯云,管理信息系统[M].高等教育出版社 1999年
[5]方美琪, 软件开发工具[M] 经济科学出版社 2002年
[6]黄梯云, 管理信息系统[M] 经济科学出版社 1997年
[7]王珊, 数据组织与管理[M] 经济科学出版社 1996年
[8]陈禹方美琪, 软件开发工具[M] 经济科学出版社 1999年
[9] 黄梯云 ,管理信息系统导论[J] 机械工业出版社 2000年
[10] 王立峰,延伟东,章华.软件工程理论与实践[M].清华大学出版社.2003年12月.
[11] Stephen R .S Software Engineering with Java [M], 1999.
[12] Fernandes C, et a1. High school weekly timetabling by evolutionary algorithms. In:Proc.of the 1999 ACM symposium On Applied computing,Feb.1999:344~ 350
[13]Schaer A. A Survey of Automated Timetabling. Artificial Intelligence Review.1999, 13:87~127
摘 要 对超市来说,全新的管理理念是超市生存与否的灵魂。对超市而言,商品信息管理、商家的信息管理和超市内部的员工管理是各超市管理的主要手段。与此同时,为了管理大量的超市商品,超市的管理问题也就提上了日程。随着超市商品的大量增加,其管理难度也越来越大,如何优化超市的日常管理也就成为了一个大众化的课题。
关键词 信息系统、信息管理 超市管理
The small scaled supermarket management system
Abstract : To supermarket, whether all new management principle is the supermarket existence or not of soul To supermarket, the information management of the merchandise management, company's house and employee's management of the supermarket inner parts are each supermarket management of main means At the same time, for managing a great deal of supermarket merchandise, the management problem of the supermarket also lifts up agenda Along with a great deal of increment of the supermarket merchandise, it manages the difficulty also more and more big, how excellent turned the usual management of the supermarket to also become a popularize topic.
At today that the calculator flies to develop soon, fly the usual management that the calculator this information processing sharp weapon is apply in supermarket is already certainly will however, and this also will manage to bring the unprecedented change for the supermarket, it can bring the unexpected performance, also would for the business enterprise soon to develop to provide the infinite potential Adopt the calculator management information system has become the scientific and modern important marking of the supermarket management, it came obviously economic performance and social performances for the business enterprise management This text introduced how the supermarket manage the information of the owner and company's house, building up the faith degree that a set of information system comes to analytical company's house and analyzing the customer to purchase the interest, the development of the supermarket incline to.
Keywords: information system, the information management supermarket management
1前言 1
1.1概述 1
1.2研究目的 1
1.3研究现状 2
1.4小超市管理系统开发的背景及意义 3
2内容 4
2.1系统设计说明 4
2.1.1研究的内容 4
2.1.2系统平台选择 5
2.2 数据库需求分析 5
2.3超市管理系统各功能模块划分如图(1) 6
2.4 数据库概念设计 7
2.5 数据库逻辑设计 8
2.6 系统功能用例图 9
2.7顺序图 10
2.8 类图 10
3 系统各模块设计说明 11
3.1 查询模块 11
3.1.1 员工信息查询 11
3.1.2 商品信息查询 12
3.1.3厂商信息查询 13
3.1.4商品库存查询 14
3.2 维护模块 15
3.2.1员工信息维护如图7所示: 15
3.2.2商品信息维护 15
3.2.3 厂商信息维护 16
3.3 进货/售货模块 16
3.4统计模块 20
4结论 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26
[1]陈博,周晓杰。Visual FoxPro 8.0 数据库开发实例教程.清华大学出版社,2004.
[2] 甘仞初,信息系统开发[M].经济科学出版社 2000年
[3] 陈禹,信息系统分析与设计[M].电子工业出版社 1985年
[4] 黄梯云,管理信息系统[M].高等教育出版社 1999年
[5]方美琪, 软件开发工具[M] 经济科学出版社 2002年
[6]黄梯云, 管理信息系统[M] 经济科学出版社 1997年
[7]王珊, 数据组织与管理[M] 经济科学出版社 1996年
[8]陈禹方美琪, 软件开发工具[M] 经济科学出版社 1999年
[9] 黄梯云 ,管理信息系统导论[J] 机械工业出版社 2000年
[10] 王立峰,延伟东,章华.软件工程理论与实践[M].清华大学出版社.2003年12月.
[11] Stephen R .S Software Engineering with Java [M], 1999.
[12] Fernandes C, et a1. High school weekly timetabling by evolutionary algorithms. In:Proc.of the 1999 ACM symposium On Applied computing,Feb.1999:344~ 350
[13]Schaer A. A Survey of Automated Timetabling. Artificial Intelligence Review.1999, 13:87~127
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