

openrisc1200基于sopc应用分析,3.3万字55页 摘要 : 本文针对openrisc 1200进行尝试性研究,借助sopc平台来验证ip软核的性能。通过对openrisc 1200的源代码进行编译,仿真,综合,然后下载到sopc开发实验平台中对其进行验证、测试。在对openrisc 1200性能进行验证的过程中,综合使用了多种开发工具:wincvs、...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 刘伟平 发布

3.3万字 55页
摘要 :
本文针对OpenRISC 1200进行尝试性研究,借助SOPC平台来验证IP软核的性能。通过对OpenRISC 1200的源代码进行编译,仿真,综合,然后下载到SOPC开发实验平台中对其进行验证、测试。在对OpenRISC 1200性能进行验证的过程中,综合使用了多种开发工具:WinCVS、Active-HDL、Synplify Pro 8.1、Quartus II 。此外还涉及到Linux操作系统,并在Linux系统下进行了OpenRISC 1200工具链的编译安装。另外,本文就OpenRISC 1200和当前比较有影响的其他两款嵌入式CPU软核Nios II和Leon 2在特点、结构、面积方面进行了对比。
关键词: OpenRISC 1200;SOPC技术;FPGA;IP核
The paper researches OpenRISC 1200 tentatively, and verifies the performances of soft IP core on SOPC platform. The code of OpenRISC 1200 is compiled, simulated, synthezied, and programmed to SOPC Platfrom to test and verify. In the processing, such tools are applied: Active HDL, Synplify Pro 8.1, Quartus II, as well as the Linux operating system is involved, also the set of the OpenRISC 1200 compiler tools is verified. Furthermore, the paper compares OR1200 to some other soft-core such as Nios II and Leon 2 on the performance, structure and speed and occupied rate.
Finally, this article summarizes the whole work of the task,and puts forward the ideas and insights for the developments and applications on OpenRISC 1200 in the future.
Keywords: OpenRISC 1200;SOPC technology;FPGA;IP Core.

目 录
1 引言
2 SOPC技术
3 RISC处理器体系结构
3.1 概述
3.2 RISC处理器的特性
4 OR1200架构
4.1 OpenRISC 1000概述
4.2 OR1200构架
5 OpenRISC 1200在SOPC上的验证
6 结论和展望