s2sh网上书店系统(mysql5+tomcat5.5/6),s2sh网上书店系统+mysql5+tomcat5.5/61.9万字 55页包括毕业论文,外文文献,系统程序,系统使用说明等内容随着internet的发展,电子商务将成为21世纪的主流商业模式。网上书店是随着这些网络技术的发展而出现的一种新型图书销售渠道。它通过人与电子通信方式的结合,依靠计算机网络,以通讯技术为基础,...

原文档由会员 wxliang2008 发布
1.9万字 55页
With the development of Internet, e-commerce will become the popular business model in the 21st century. On-line bookstore is a kind of new books marketing channel which appears along with these networking's development.It through the union of the person and the electronic communications ways, depending upon the computer network and taking the mechanics of communication as the foundation to realize the books’ transaction on-line. Online bookstore, compared with the traditional bookstore, its business methods and sales’ channels is new; Its 24 hours’ all-weather and all-direction service can not be reached to by front bookshop, and the low cost is the main reason to open an on-line bookstore.Compared with other products, the transportation of books is almost afraid of collision and is not on time; At the same time,the books have the unique advantages,which is the single function, the simple form and easy to determine and select,so it’s most adapted to the on-line transaction. Once again,on-line bookstore become a pioneer in e-commerce,because it has the low unit price and that can reduce the thredhold of the network for the consumers of the first time.
This article mainly described the realization of the flow for purchasing books on-line. First, this article stated the technology and the development kit that is need to be used to realize the system, which mainly including the j2ee principle,the jsp technology,the myeclipse development kit,the mysql database, the tomcat application server and so on. Followed closely,this article was stating analysis of the system’s design and demand ,and the bookstore system’s basic flow and the structural design plan. After,this article entered a link of the detailed design,which is main to prominent the focus of the realization of the bookstore system, here has the introducing of the system modles’ realization, the images of these blocks and key code.The following was the main part of the full text,it detailly described the solutions for the realization of an on-line bookstore.
Key Words: e-commerce;online bookstore;java;servlet;jsp
摘 要
1 前 言
1.1 选题背景
1.2 相关课题综述
1.3 课题设计思路
1.4 相关技术简介
2 需求分析
2.1 功能需求分析
2.2 性能需求分析
2.3 用户权限描述
3 概要设计
3.1 书店系统基本流程
3.2 书店系统总体结构分析
3.3 书店系统功能描述
3.4 数据库分析设计
3.4.1 关系数据库设计
3.4.2 MySQL数据库系统
4 详细设计
4.1 程序描述
4.1.1 前台描述
4.1.2 后台描述
4.2 前台数据库结构
4.3 后台数据库结构
4.4 图书浏览模块的实现过程
4.5 图书购买模块的实现过程
4.5.1 添加至购物车
4.5.2 查看购物车
4.5.3 修改购物车中图书的数量
4.5.4 从购物车中移去指定图书
4.5.5 清空购物车
4.5.6 生成订单的过程
4.5.7 订单查询
4.6 图书管理模块的设计与实现
4.6.1 查看所有图书
4.6.2 图书分类管理
4.7 系统后台菜单设置
4.8 系统后台管理员权限分配
5 系统关键技术分析与设计
5.1 Ajax与JQuery介绍
5.2 利用Ajax与JQuery实现二级级联菜单
6 结 论
谢 辞
参 考 文 献
[2]蔡翠平.Java 程序设计.北京:清华大学出版社,2004.8
[3]佩里.Java Servlet & JSP经典实例.北京:中国电力出版社,2005.7
[8]Eckel B.Thinking in Java.PHP Hall,1999
[9]Art Taylor.JDBC Database Programming With J2EE.北京:电子工业出版社,2004.2
[13]林上杰,林康司.JSP 2.0 技术手册.北京:电子工业出版社,2004.6
[14]孙卫琴,李洪成.Tomcat与Java Web开发技术详解.北京:电子工业出版社,2004.3
[15]闪四清.Microsoft MYSQL实用教程.北京:人民邮电出版社,2000.10
[17]Steven John Metsker William C Wake.Java设计模式.北京:人民邮电出版社,2007.1
1.9万字 55页
With the development of Internet, e-commerce will become the popular business model in the 21st century. On-line bookstore is a kind of new books marketing channel which appears along with these networking's development.It through the union of the person and the electronic communications ways, depending upon the computer network and taking the mechanics of communication as the foundation to realize the books’ transaction on-line. Online bookstore, compared with the traditional bookstore, its business methods and sales’ channels is new; Its 24 hours’ all-weather and all-direction service can not be reached to by front bookshop, and the low cost is the main reason to open an on-line bookstore.Compared with other products, the transportation of books is almost afraid of collision and is not on time; At the same time,the books have the unique advantages,which is the single function, the simple form and easy to determine and select,so it’s most adapted to the on-line transaction. Once again,on-line bookstore become a pioneer in e-commerce,because it has the low unit price and that can reduce the thredhold of the network for the consumers of the first time.
This article mainly described the realization of the flow for purchasing books on-line. First, this article stated the technology and the development kit that is need to be used to realize the system, which mainly including the j2ee principle,the jsp technology,the myeclipse development kit,the mysql database, the tomcat application server and so on. Followed closely,this article was stating analysis of the system’s design and demand ,and the bookstore system’s basic flow and the structural design plan. After,this article entered a link of the detailed design,which is main to prominent the focus of the realization of the bookstore system, here has the introducing of the system modles’ realization, the images of these blocks and key code.The following was the main part of the full text,it detailly described the solutions for the realization of an on-line bookstore.
Key Words: e-commerce;online bookstore;java;servlet;jsp
摘 要
1 前 言
1.1 选题背景
1.2 相关课题综述
1.3 课题设计思路
1.4 相关技术简介
2 需求分析
2.1 功能需求分析
2.2 性能需求分析
2.3 用户权限描述
3 概要设计
3.1 书店系统基本流程
3.2 书店系统总体结构分析
3.3 书店系统功能描述
3.4 数据库分析设计
3.4.1 关系数据库设计
3.4.2 MySQL数据库系统
4 详细设计
4.1 程序描述
4.1.1 前台描述
4.1.2 后台描述
4.2 前台数据库结构
4.3 后台数据库结构
4.4 图书浏览模块的实现过程
4.5 图书购买模块的实现过程
4.5.1 添加至购物车
4.5.2 查看购物车
4.5.3 修改购物车中图书的数量
4.5.4 从购物车中移去指定图书
4.5.5 清空购物车
4.5.6 生成订单的过程
4.5.7 订单查询
4.6 图书管理模块的设计与实现
4.6.1 查看所有图书
4.6.2 图书分类管理
4.7 系统后台菜单设置
4.8 系统后台管理员权限分配
5 系统关键技术分析与设计
5.1 Ajax与JQuery介绍
5.2 利用Ajax与JQuery实现二级级联菜单
6 结 论
谢 辞
参 考 文 献
[2]蔡翠平.Java 程序设计.北京:清华大学出版社,2004.8
[3]佩里.Java Servlet & JSP经典实例.北京:中国电力出版社,2005.7
[8]Eckel B.Thinking in Java.PHP Hall,1999
[9]Art Taylor.JDBC Database Programming With J2EE.北京:电子工业出版社,2004.2
[13]林上杰,林康司.JSP 2.0 技术手册.北京:电子工业出版社,2004.6
[14]孙卫琴,李洪成.Tomcat与Java Web开发技术详解.北京:电子工业出版社,2004.3
[15]闪四清.Microsoft MYSQL实用教程.北京:人民邮电出版社,2000.10
[17]Steven John Metsker William C Wake.Java设计模式.北京:人民邮电出版社,2007.1
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