

基于饱和方法的农业机械直线导航,1.28万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 农业机械属于相对概念,指用于农业、畜牧业、林业和渔业所有机械的总称,农业机械属于农机具的范畴。推广使用农业机械称为农业机械化。农业机器人的导航控制是机器人研究的重点,农用车辆工作环境极为复杂...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文


此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布




摘要  农业机械属于相对概念,指用于农业、畜牧业、林业和渔业所有机械的总称,农业机械属于农机具的范畴。推广使用农业机械称为农业机械化。农业机器人的导航控制是机器人研究的重点,农用车辆工作环境极为复杂,其运动受自然环境、土壤条件、负荷变化等许多非线性因素的影响,这就要求设计的控制系统不仅要满足跟踪路径稳、准、快,还要具备较强的鲁棒性。
本文以农用拖拉机为研究对象, 提出了一种基于饱和方法的直线路径跟踪导航算法.该算法可以为农用拖拉机导航中普遍存在的输入饱和控制问题提供一种有效的解决办法. 首先, 基于直线导航系统运动学模型, 将其线性化得到易于控制设计的线性系统模型. 其次, 设计非饱和控制器, 使得系统在该非饱和控制器作用下全局镇定.最后, 结合饱和函数和非饱和控制器, 构造出饱和控制器, 并证明在该饱和控制器作用下系统全局渐近稳定。 
关键词  农用拖拉机  路径跟踪控制器设计  鲁棒性  稳定性

 Agricultural machinery straight line navigation method based on saturation
   Abstract. Agricultural machinery is a relative concept, refers to the floorboard of all machinery of agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry and fishery, agriculture machinery belonging to agricultural machinery category. Promote the use of agricultural machinery called the mechanization of agriculture. Navigation control for agricultural robot is the focus of robotics research, agricultural vehicle working environment is very complex, its movement by the natural environment, soil conditions, load changes many nonlinear factors, control system, which requires the design should not only meet the tracking path stability, accurate, fast, but also have strong robustness. 
   And the relative stability robustness and the robustness of the control system and control system (frequency domain characterization of control system stability margin is a performance index) and the invariance principle (theory of control and eliminate the disturbance of the control system of automatic control theory) are closely linked, the internal model principle (the dynamics model into the controller external signal to form a design principle of high precise feedback control system) based on the robust problem plays an important role in promoting.
   In this paper, an agricultural tractor as the research object, presents a straight path tracking navigation algorithm based on saturation method. The algorithm for agricultural tractor navigation exists in the input saturation control problem to provide an effective solution. Firstly, the linear navigation system based on the kinematics model, linearized to obtain easy linear control system model design. Secondly, design of non saturated controller, which makes the system in the unsaturated global controller under calm. Finally, combined with the saturation function and non saturated controller, construct the saturation controller, and proved the global asymptotic stability of the system under the action of saturated controller. 

Key words agricultural tractors;path trackingcontroller design;stability;
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.1.1 农业导航技术的研究方向 1
1.2 农业导航控制的几个关键技术 2
1.2.1 感知技术 2
1.2.2 决策技术 2
1.2.3 控制技术 2
1.2.4 车辆定位和路径规划 3
1.3自动导航的发展概况 3
1.3.1  PID控制 3
1.3.2 针对PID控制的现有研究 4
1.3.3. 现有农用机械导航控制系统存在的问题 4
1.4本文主要完成的内容 5
第二章 直线导航控制问题的模型 6
2.1农用拖拉机直线跟踪运动学模型 6
2.2农用拖拉机直线跟踪运动学模型的解释 7
2.3农用拖拉机直线跟踪运动学模型的预备知识 7
第三章 自适应积分滑模控制器的设计 9
3.1 饱和有限时间控制器的设计 9
3.2 鲁棒控制器的设计 17
3.3 自适应鲁棒控制器的设计 18
第四章 直线导航的仿真验证 21
4.1 饱和有限时间控制器的仿真验证 21
4.2 鲁棒控制器的仿真验证 22
4.3 自适应鲁棒控制器的仿真验证 23

结论与展望 25
致谢 27
参考文献 28