此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
关键词:双向DC-DC变换器 双向Cuk变换器 双向SEPIC变换器 双向半桥
Research and Design of Multi Port Bidirectional Power
Converter for Electric Vehicle
Abstract:With environmental protection, energy and other issues have become increasingly prominent, the advantages of electric cars will be gradually reflected, compared to other vehicles, it is more easy to operate, no pollution, low noise. However, the existing technical conditions, the performance and the service life of the battery will be the main bottleneck of development of electric vehicles. Aiming at this problem, a bidirectional DC-DC converter can solve this problem effectively, optimize the motor control can be bidirectional DC-DC converter, so as to improve the efficiency and performance of the whole electric vehicle.
Bidirectional DC-DC converter is a typical "dual-use" equipment of a machine, it can realize the bidirectional transmission of energy. In need of energy bidirectional flow of the occasion, the application of bidirectional DC-DC converter can reduce system weight, volume and cost reduction, which has important research value.
This paper firstly introduces the research status of the application field, bidirectional DC-DC converter and application in electric vehicles. and then analyzes the bidirectional DC-DC converter related circuit such as the simulation of bidirectional Cuk circuit, bidirectional SEPIC circuit, bidirectional Buck-Boost circuit and bidirectional half bridge circuit and on the principle, and gives the simulation waveforms, the simulation results are consistent with the theory.
Key word:Bidirectional DC-DC converter Bidirectional Cuk converter
Bidirectional SEPIC converter Half bridge
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景与意义 1
1.2 双向DC-DC变换器的应用领域 1
1.3 双向DC-DC变换器的研究现状 3
1.3.1 双向DC-DC变换器的原理介绍 3
1.3.2 双向DC-DC变换器在电动车上面的应用 4
1.3.3 双向DC-DC变换器的拓扑结构概述 5
第二章 双向DC-DC变换器功率电路原理及拓扑选择 8
2.1 现有双向DC-DC功率变换器拓扑 8
2.1.1 双向Buck-Boost变换器电路的工作原理 8
2.1.2 双向Cuk变换器原理 9
2.1.3 双向SEPIC变换器原理 10
2.1.4 双向半桥变换器电路原理 11
2.1.5 双向变换器工作实例 12
2.2 变换器的拓扑结构选择 13
第三章 双向半桥变换器功率电路原理与设计 15
3.1 双向半桥变换器的拓扑结构分析 15
3.1.1 降压变换器模式 15
3.1.2 升压变换器模式 16
3.2 双向半桥变换器电路参数设计 16
3.2.1 功率电路输入、输出电压设计 16
3.2.2 开关元器件的开关频率选择 16
3.2.3 储存电感量的计算 17
3.2.4 输入、输出电容电容量计算 17
第四章 双向DC-DC变换器控制电路研究 18
4.1 双向DC-DC变换器的控制方式 18
4.2 PWM控制技术 18
4.3 双向DC-DC变换器控制模式分析 19
4.3.1 电压模式控制 19
4.3.2 电流模式控制 21
4.4 双向DC-DC变换器控制系统的实现 22
4.4.1 模拟控制的实现 22
4.4.2 数字控制的实现 23
第五章 DC-DC变换器的仿真 24
5.1 MTLALB简介 24
5.2 电流可逆斩波电路仿真 24
5.3 反馈控制的DC-DC Buck-Boost变换电路仿真 26
5.4 双向半桥DC-DC变换电路仿真 27
5.4.1 负载为电阻的升压模式仿真 28
5.4.2 负载为直流电机的升压模式仿真 29
5.4.3 负载为电阻的降压模式仿真 30
5.4.4 负载为直流电机的降压模式仿真 31
第六章 毕业设计内容总结 33
致 谢 34
参考文献 35
关键词:双向DC-DC变换器 双向Cuk变换器 双向SEPIC变换器 双向半桥
Research and Design of Multi Port Bidirectional Power
Converter for Electric Vehicle
Abstract:With environmental protection, energy and other issues have become increasingly prominent, the advantages of electric cars will be gradually reflected, compared to other vehicles, it is more easy to operate, no pollution, low noise. However, the existing technical conditions, the performance and the service life of the battery will be the main bottleneck of development of electric vehicles. Aiming at this problem, a bidirectional DC-DC converter can solve this problem effectively, optimize the motor control can be bidirectional DC-DC converter, so as to improve the efficiency and performance of the whole electric vehicle.
Bidirectional DC-DC converter is a typical "dual-use" equipment of a machine, it can realize the bidirectional transmission of energy. In need of energy bidirectional flow of the occasion, the application of bidirectional DC-DC converter can reduce system weight, volume and cost reduction, which has important research value.
This paper firstly introduces the research status of the application field, bidirectional DC-DC converter and application in electric vehicles. and then analyzes the bidirectional DC-DC converter related circuit such as the simulation of bidirectional Cuk circuit, bidirectional SEPIC circuit, bidirectional Buck-Boost circuit and bidirectional half bridge circuit and on the principle, and gives the simulation waveforms, the simulation results are consistent with the theory.
Key word:Bidirectional DC-DC converter Bidirectional Cuk converter
Bidirectional SEPIC converter Half bridge
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景与意义 1
1.2 双向DC-DC变换器的应用领域 1
1.3 双向DC-DC变换器的研究现状 3
1.3.1 双向DC-DC变换器的原理介绍 3
1.3.2 双向DC-DC变换器在电动车上面的应用 4
1.3.3 双向DC-DC变换器的拓扑结构概述 5
第二章 双向DC-DC变换器功率电路原理及拓扑选择 8
2.1 现有双向DC-DC功率变换器拓扑 8
2.1.1 双向Buck-Boost变换器电路的工作原理 8
2.1.2 双向Cuk变换器原理 9
2.1.3 双向SEPIC变换器原理 10
2.1.4 双向半桥变换器电路原理 11
2.1.5 双向变换器工作实例 12
2.2 变换器的拓扑结构选择 13
第三章 双向半桥变换器功率电路原理与设计 15
3.1 双向半桥变换器的拓扑结构分析 15
3.1.1 降压变换器模式 15
3.1.2 升压变换器模式 16
3.2 双向半桥变换器电路参数设计 16
3.2.1 功率电路输入、输出电压设计 16
3.2.2 开关元器件的开关频率选择 16
3.2.3 储存电感量的计算 17
3.2.4 输入、输出电容电容量计算 17
第四章 双向DC-DC变换器控制电路研究 18
4.1 双向DC-DC变换器的控制方式 18
4.2 PWM控制技术 18
4.3 双向DC-DC变换器控制模式分析 19
4.3.1 电压模式控制 19
4.3.2 电流模式控制 21
4.4 双向DC-DC变换器控制系统的实现 22
4.4.1 模拟控制的实现 22
4.4.2 数字控制的实现 23
第五章 DC-DC变换器的仿真 24
5.1 MTLALB简介 24
5.2 电流可逆斩波电路仿真 24
5.3 反馈控制的DC-DC Buck-Boost变换电路仿真 26
5.4 双向半桥DC-DC变换电路仿真 27
5.4.1 负载为电阻的升压模式仿真 28
5.4.2 负载为直流电机的升压模式仿真 29
5.4.3 负载为电阻的降压模式仿真 30
5.4.4 负载为直流电机的降压模式仿真 31
第六章 毕业设计内容总结 33
致 谢 34
参考文献 35