混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的动力学滑模控制,1.9万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 混联机构结合了并联机构和串联机构的特点,具有广泛的应用前景。但是由于其多变量、多自由度、多参数耦合的非线性特性,其系统存在不确定性。使用常规控制方法对其进行控制,不易达到令人满意的控制效果。与基于运动学的控制方...
此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
摘要 混联机构结合了并联机构和串联机构的特点,具有广泛的应用前景。但是由于其多变量、多自由度、多参数耦合的非线性特性,其系统存在不确定性。使用常规控制方法对其进行控制,不易达到令人满意的控制效果。
本文首先阐述了汽车电泳涂装输送机的发展现状,并且对混联机构的发展及运动学分析、动力学分析和控制方法的研究现状进行了综述,并对动力学控制和滑模控制的研究现状进行了介绍;然后,介绍了汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制系统的硬件系统;其次,对混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构进行运动学分析和动力学分析;然后,基于构建的动力学模型,对一种新型的混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构进行了动力学滑模控制器设计,并利用 Lyapunov 函数理论证明所设计控制方案的稳定性;最后,利用 MATLAB 对所设计的混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的控制律进行仿真试验,其结果表明在所设计的控制器的作用下,该混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机具有良好的运动性能。
Dynamic Sliding Mode Control of Hybrid Mechanism for Automobile Electro-Coating Conveying
Abstract Hybrid mechanism combines the features of parallel mechanism and serial mechanism and has wide applications. Because of its multi-variable, multi-degree of freedom, multi-parameter coupled characteristic, the system will be uncertain. The conventional control strategy is difficult to achieve a satisfactory result.
Compared with the control method based on kinematics, the control strategy based on dynamic model for a hybrid mechanism can take the complex dynamics model and the coupling relationship of all joints and branched chains into account, so that its requirements of control is achieved. Thus, the control strategy based on dynamic model is put forward. The complex nonlinear feature of Hybrid mechanism and the existence of external disturbances bring uncertainty to a system with a pure dynamic control strategy. The sliding mode is robust and it also has a fast response, no overshoot and so on. Therefore, with a new kind of hybrid mechanism for automobile electro-coating conveying as the research object, this paper proposes the dynamic sliding mode control.
Firstly, this paper expounds the automobile electro-coating conveying mechanism and the features, the application development and the research status of kinematics, dynamics and control methods of hybrid mechanism are summarized, then the present situation of dynamic control and sliding mode are also summarized; Secondly, hardware platform of the auto-mobile electro-coating conveying mechanism’s control system is introduced; Thirdly, for the hybrid mechanism for automobile electro-coating conveying, kinematics and dynamics are analyzed; After that, based on the Lagrange dynamic model, dynamic sliding mode control for the hybrid mechanism for automobile electro-coating conveying is proposed, and the stability of the control method is analyzed and proved theoretically by a Lyapunov function; Finally, the simulation experiments of the dynamic sliding mode control is done by MATLAB. The results showed that under the control of the controller which is designed, the hybrid mechanism for automobile electro-coating conveying performs well.
Keywords: hybrid mechanism, kinematics control, dynamic control, sliding model control
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 汽车电泳涂装输送机的概述 1
1.2 混联机构的概述 2
1.2.1 混联机构的特点与发展 2
1.2.2 混联机构的研究现状 3
1.3 混联机构的控制方法 6
1.3.1 控制方法概述 6
1.3.2 动力学控制 6
1.3.3 滑模变结构控制 7
1.4 本课题的主要研究内容 7
第二章 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制系统硬件系统 9
2.1 引 言 9
2.2 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制系统的硬件结构和控制原理 9
2.2.1 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制系统的硬件结构 9
2.2.2 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制系统的控制原理 10
2.3 关键部件的选用 10
2.3.1 工控机IPC 10
2.3.2 UMAC运动控制卡 10
2.3.3 伺服系统的选择 11
2.2.4 位置检测传感器 12
2.4 硬件参数 13
2.5 本章小结 14
第三章 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的运动学分析 15
3.1 引 言 15
3.2 本课题研究对象 15
3.3 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的结构分析 16
3.4 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的运动学分析 16
3.4.1 位置正解 16
3.4.2 位置逆解 17
3.4.3 雅可比矩阵 18
3.5 输送机构末端的期望运动轨迹 19
3.6 本章小结 19
第四章 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的动力学分析 20
4.1 引 言 20
4.2 拉格朗日法动力学建模基本原理 20
4.3 各组成部分的动力学分析 21
4.3.1 动平台 21
4.2.2 9条支链 24
4.2.3 四个滑块 30
4.2.4 主动轮与从动轮 30
4.4 混联式汽..
摘要 混联机构结合了并联机构和串联机构的特点,具有广泛的应用前景。但是由于其多变量、多自由度、多参数耦合的非线性特性,其系统存在不确定性。使用常规控制方法对其进行控制,不易达到令人满意的控制效果。
本文首先阐述了汽车电泳涂装输送机的发展现状,并且对混联机构的发展及运动学分析、动力学分析和控制方法的研究现状进行了综述,并对动力学控制和滑模控制的研究现状进行了介绍;然后,介绍了汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制系统的硬件系统;其次,对混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构进行运动学分析和动力学分析;然后,基于构建的动力学模型,对一种新型的混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构进行了动力学滑模控制器设计,并利用 Lyapunov 函数理论证明所设计控制方案的稳定性;最后,利用 MATLAB 对所设计的混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的控制律进行仿真试验,其结果表明在所设计的控制器的作用下,该混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机具有良好的运动性能。
Dynamic Sliding Mode Control of Hybrid Mechanism for Automobile Electro-Coating Conveying
Abstract Hybrid mechanism combines the features of parallel mechanism and serial mechanism and has wide applications. Because of its multi-variable, multi-degree of freedom, multi-parameter coupled characteristic, the system will be uncertain. The conventional control strategy is difficult to achieve a satisfactory result.
Compared with the control method based on kinematics, the control strategy based on dynamic model for a hybrid mechanism can take the complex dynamics model and the coupling relationship of all joints and branched chains into account, so that its requirements of control is achieved. Thus, the control strategy based on dynamic model is put forward. The complex nonlinear feature of Hybrid mechanism and the existence of external disturbances bring uncertainty to a system with a pure dynamic control strategy. The sliding mode is robust and it also has a fast response, no overshoot and so on. Therefore, with a new kind of hybrid mechanism for automobile electro-coating conveying as the research object, this paper proposes the dynamic sliding mode control.
Firstly, this paper expounds the automobile electro-coating conveying mechanism and the features, the application development and the research status of kinematics, dynamics and control methods of hybrid mechanism are summarized, then the present situation of dynamic control and sliding mode are also summarized; Secondly, hardware platform of the auto-mobile electro-coating conveying mechanism’s control system is introduced; Thirdly, for the hybrid mechanism for automobile electro-coating conveying, kinematics and dynamics are analyzed; After that, based on the Lagrange dynamic model, dynamic sliding mode control for the hybrid mechanism for automobile electro-coating conveying is proposed, and the stability of the control method is analyzed and proved theoretically by a Lyapunov function; Finally, the simulation experiments of the dynamic sliding mode control is done by MATLAB. The results showed that under the control of the controller which is designed, the hybrid mechanism for automobile electro-coating conveying performs well.
Keywords: hybrid mechanism, kinematics control, dynamic control, sliding model control
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 汽车电泳涂装输送机的概述 1
1.2 混联机构的概述 2
1.2.1 混联机构的特点与发展 2
1.2.2 混联机构的研究现状 3
1.3 混联机构的控制方法 6
1.3.1 控制方法概述 6
1.3.2 动力学控制 6
1.3.3 滑模变结构控制 7
1.4 本课题的主要研究内容 7
第二章 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制系统硬件系统 9
2.1 引 言 9
2.2 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制系统的硬件结构和控制原理 9
2.2.1 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制系统的硬件结构 9
2.2.2 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制系统的控制原理 10
2.3 关键部件的选用 10
2.3.1 工控机IPC 10
2.3.2 UMAC运动控制卡 10
2.3.3 伺服系统的选择 11
2.2.4 位置检测传感器 12
2.4 硬件参数 13
2.5 本章小结 14
第三章 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的运动学分析 15
3.1 引 言 15
3.2 本课题研究对象 15
3.3 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的结构分析 16
3.4 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的运动学分析 16
3.4.1 位置正解 16
3.4.2 位置逆解 17
3.4.3 雅可比矩阵 18
3.5 输送机构末端的期望运动轨迹 19
3.6 本章小结 19
第四章 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的动力学分析 20
4.1 引 言 20
4.2 拉格朗日法动力学建模基本原理 20
4.3 各组成部分的动力学分析 21
4.3.1 动平台 21
4.2.2 9条支链 24
4.2.3 四个滑块 30
4.2.4 主动轮与从动轮 30
4.4 混联式汽..
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