电力设备局部放电检测技术研究,1.77万字自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家出售,重复率低,推荐下载使用摘要 随着电力系统规模的不断扩大,对电力设备的安全性与可靠性也相应提出了更高的要求。电力设备故障的先期表征大都为局部异常放电,而局部放电模式在各种情况下差异是很大的,各种放电模式所产生的危害的差异也很大的,因此,对电力设...
此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
摘要 随着电力系统规模的不断扩大,对电力设备的安全性与可靠性也相应提出了更高的要求。电力设备故障的先期表征大都为局部异常放电,而局部放电模式在各种情况下差异是很大的,各种放电模式所产生的危害的差异也很大的,因此,对电力设备的局部放电状况进行监督并识别其对电力系统的危害等级具有重要意义。本论文主要研究主变和电缆接头两类重要电力设备,研究识别他们局部异常放电类型的模式识别技术,首先检测局部放电信号,然后选择特征值进行提取,接着对放电模式进行识别,最后实现识别系统人机交互。本文主要研究内容有:
关键词:局部放电 脉冲电流 模式识别
Research on Partial Discharge Detection Technology of Electric Power Equipment
Abstract The early fault of power equipment appears as partial discharge. The patterns of partial discharges are various in different circumstances. The damage levels of different partial discharge patterns are also different. The monitoring of partial discharge of electric power equipment and the identification of their harm levels to power system are of great significance. The main concerntration of this dissertation is on the pattern recognition technology of partial discharge of main transformers and cable joints. The partial discharge signals are detected first. Then, feature information is extracted. The patterns of partial discharges are recognized. The human-computer interface of recogition system is implemented. The main contents of this dissertation is organized as follows:
(1)The research background, status and significance of partial discharge are introduced, including current research directions and future trends in this field.
(2)The detection circuits of partial discharge are designed base on pulse current. The features are extracted in statistics method.
(3)The human-computer interface of recognition system is implemented by Matlab software.
Keywords partial discharge pulse current pattern recognition
第一章 绪论 1
1.1电力设备局部放电的研究背景 1
1.2 电力设备局部放电的研究现状 2
1.3电力设备局部放电的研究意义 3
1.4 论文组织结构 4
第二章 电力设备局部放电的产生原因、类型及检测方法 5
2.1 局部放电的产生原因 5
2.2 局部放电的放电类型 6
2.2.1 内部放电 6
2.2.2 沿面局部放电 8
2.3.3 电晕放电 9
2.3.4 电树枝放电 10
2.3绝缘局部放电的检测 10
2.4脉冲电流法检测 14
2.4.1脉冲电流的基本测量电路 14
2.4.2检测阻抗 16
2.4.3放电量的校正 20
第三章 局部放电的模式识别 22
3.1局部放电的放电图谱 22
3.2局部放电特征参数的提取 22
3.3 局部放电的模式识别方法 24
第四章 识别系统人机交互界面 26
结论 28
致谢 29
参考文献: 30
摘要 随着电力系统规模的不断扩大,对电力设备的安全性与可靠性也相应提出了更高的要求。电力设备故障的先期表征大都为局部异常放电,而局部放电模式在各种情况下差异是很大的,各种放电模式所产生的危害的差异也很大的,因此,对电力设备的局部放电状况进行监督并识别其对电力系统的危害等级具有重要意义。本论文主要研究主变和电缆接头两类重要电力设备,研究识别他们局部异常放电类型的模式识别技术,首先检测局部放电信号,然后选择特征值进行提取,接着对放电模式进行识别,最后实现识别系统人机交互。本文主要研究内容有:
关键词:局部放电 脉冲电流 模式识别
Research on Partial Discharge Detection Technology of Electric Power Equipment
Abstract The early fault of power equipment appears as partial discharge. The patterns of partial discharges are various in different circumstances. The damage levels of different partial discharge patterns are also different. The monitoring of partial discharge of electric power equipment and the identification of their harm levels to power system are of great significance. The main concerntration of this dissertation is on the pattern recognition technology of partial discharge of main transformers and cable joints. The partial discharge signals are detected first. Then, feature information is extracted. The patterns of partial discharges are recognized. The human-computer interface of recogition system is implemented. The main contents of this dissertation is organized as follows:
(1)The research background, status and significance of partial discharge are introduced, including current research directions and future trends in this field.
(2)The detection circuits of partial discharge are designed base on pulse current. The features are extracted in statistics method.
(3)The human-computer interface of recognition system is implemented by Matlab software.
Keywords partial discharge pulse current pattern recognition
第一章 绪论 1
1.1电力设备局部放电的研究背景 1
1.2 电力设备局部放电的研究现状 2
1.3电力设备局部放电的研究意义 3
1.4 论文组织结构 4
第二章 电力设备局部放电的产生原因、类型及检测方法 5
2.1 局部放电的产生原因 5
2.2 局部放电的放电类型 6
2.2.1 内部放电 6
2.2.2 沿面局部放电 8
2.3.3 电晕放电 9
2.3.4 电树枝放电 10
2.3绝缘局部放电的检测 10
2.4脉冲电流法检测 14
2.4.1脉冲电流的基本测量电路 14
2.4.2检测阻抗 16
2.4.3放电量的校正 20
第三章 局部放电的模式识别 22
3.1局部放电的放电图谱 22
3.2局部放电特征参数的提取 22
3.3 局部放电的模式识别方法 24
第四章 识别系统人机交互界面 26
结论 28
致谢 29
参考文献: 30