

医院就诊患者流量统计,1.5万字自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家出售,重复率低,推荐下载使用摘要 人作为社会的主体,社会活动的主要参与者,在计算机出现并高速发展的现代,成为人工智能研究的作用对象。计算机视觉与人工智能研究联系紧密,需要实现人的识别、跟踪及行为分析等功能。本文以摄像机采集的视频作为处理对象,主要研究摄像机垂...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布



摘要 人作为社会的主体,社会活动的主要参与者,在计算机出现并高速发展的现代,成为人工智能研究的作用对象。计算机视觉与人工智能研究联系紧密,需要实现人的识别、跟踪及行为分析等功能。本文以摄像机采集的视频作为处理对象,主要研究摄像机垂直向下拍摄情况下的人头提取及跟踪技术。
本文以传统可见光摄像头获取的图像为处理对象,在matlab上提取HOG特征实现人头检测,利用Mean-shift 实现人员跟踪和计数,完成了客流量统计的嵌入式模块化设计。

关键词 流量统计 人头计数 人头检测 目标跟踪

Flow Statistics of Patients in Hospital

Abstract As the main body in the community and the main participants in social activities, human become role of the object of artificial intelligence research, with the appearance and the high-speed development of computer in the modern time. Computer version is a subject that aims at realizing people recognition, tracking, behavior analysis and so on. This paper mainly researches the head extraction and tracking in the vertical downward view, which is based on the video collected by camera.
Firstly, we conduct an extensive study of the state-of-the-art intelligent surveillance systems and person detection techniques. We also analyze their scope of application and limitations.
Secondly, we give a performance analysis of the traditional histogram of oriented gradients head detection algorithm, propose a GPU accelerated algorithm which can achieve effective detection.
This message, based on the traditional optical camera to obtain images as treatment, is for detecting head HOG feature extracting in matlab, personnel tracking and counting by using Mean – shift. Finally completing the traffic statistics embedded modular design.

Key words flow statistics people counting head detection target tracking

第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 研究意义 2
1.3 国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1 人头检测技术的研究现状 3
1.3.2 人数统计的研究现状 4
1.4 课题结构和主要研究内容 5
第二章 人头检测及跟踪方法介绍 6
2.1 人头检测方法分类 6
2.1.1基于头部区域轮廓的人头检测 6
2.1.2基于方向梯度直方图的人头检测 8
2.2 运动目标跟踪 11
2.2.1 基于粒子滤波的跟踪 11
2.2.2基于差分EMD的目标跟踪 12
第三章 基于方向梯度直方图的高效人头检测 13
第四章 基于Mean-shift 的目标跟踪 16
4.1 基于mean-shift算法的物体跟踪 16
4.2 一种基于改进均值漂移算法的人头跟踪方法 17
第五章 人头计数 19
5.1 对人员进行聚类 19
5.2 判断进出方向 20
第六章 结论 22
致 谢 23
参考文献 24