
基于图像的人体运动分析,1.46万字自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家出售,重复率低,推荐下载使用摘要 图像配准是图像处理领域的一个基本问题,它在医学、军事、遥感、计算机视觉等众多领域有着广泛的应用。比如,在遥感和医学图像处理中的图像融合则是在图像配准的基础上,将多幅同源图像的不同信息融合到一幅图像当中从而满足某种具体应用...

此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
摘要 图像配准是图像处理领域的一个基本问题,它在医学、军事、遥感、计算机视觉等众多领域有着广泛的应用。比如,在遥感和医学图像处理中的图像融合则是在图像配准的基础上,将多幅同源图像的不同信息融合到一幅图像当中从而满足某种具体应用需求的一种操作。准确地说,图像配准操作是将同一场景(或物体)在不同时刻或视角下,经由相同或者不同成像设备得到的,位于不同坐标系下的图像变换到同一坐标系的过程。在过去的几十年内很多学者在图像配准领域做了大量的研究工作,并取得了许多研究成果。图像配准有很多应用,例如,对模拟目标进行跟踪训练是射击训练的重要科目。在实际的射击训练中, 较多的场合下背景较复杂, 角点较多, 基于图像配准的运动目标检测在此种场合下能够很好地检测出运动目标。
关键词:图像配准 人体运动分析 运动检测 matlab程序设计
Human Motion Analysis Based on Image Registration
Abstract Image registration is one of the fundamental tasks in image processing, it finds wile application in medicine, military, remote sensing, astrophysics, geophysics, and computer vision. For example, image fusion is an important and useful technique in many disparate fields such as image understanding, computer vision and medical image processing, but before the image fusion, all of the images must been registered. The images are always sampled from different sensors, at different times and from different viewpoints. The task of image registration is to find an optimal geometric transformation that can transform the images of the same scene into the same coordinate system. Image registration is used in computer vision, medical imaging, biological imaging and brain mapping, military automatic target recognition and compiling and analyzing images and data from satellites.
Image Registration-based human motion analysis is receiving increasing attention from computer vision researchers. It becomes one of the most researched fields in psychology and artificial intelligence. While human motion analysis based on image registration in recent years has been made considerable progress, but on the whole, it is still at a relatively basic study stage, faces many problems and difficulties, remains to be further studied and explored. In this paper we analyze some problems and challenges in the future.
Keywords image registration, human motion analysis, motion detection, matlab
第一章 绪论 1
1.1人体运动分析的意义 1
1.2人体运动分析的方法现状与趋势 2
1.2.1方法现状 2
1.2.2趋势 2
1.3基于图像的运动分析方法 3
1.4本课题的研究意义 4
1.5本课题的研究内容 4
第二章 图像配准的算法 5
2.1基于特征的图像配准方法 5
2.1.1点特征 6
2.1.2线段特征 6
2.1.3曲线与轮廓特征 6
2.1.4封闭区域特征 7
2.1.5矩不变量特征 7
2.1.6混合特征 7
2.2基于图像灰度信息的配准方法 8
2.3亚像素图像配准算法 9
2.3.1基于灰度插值的亚像素图像配准方法 10
2.3.2基于相似系数矩阵插值或曲面拟合的亚像素图像配准 10
2.3.3基于梯度的亚像素图像配准方法 11
第三章 偏微分方程的图像配准 13
3.1原理 13
3.2数值求解方法 13
3.3图像插值 14
3.3.1最近邻域法 14
3.3.2双线性插值法 15
3.3.3 双三次插值法 16
3.4实验结果 17
3.5讨论 21
第四章 Matlab程序设计 22
4.1程序设计 22
4.2程序流程图 23
第五章 总结与展望 24
5.1总结 24
5.2展望 25
参考文献 26
致谢 29
摘要 图像配准是图像处理领域的一个基本问题,它在医学、军事、遥感、计算机视觉等众多领域有着广泛的应用。比如,在遥感和医学图像处理中的图像融合则是在图像配准的基础上,将多幅同源图像的不同信息融合到一幅图像当中从而满足某种具体应用需求的一种操作。准确地说,图像配准操作是将同一场景(或物体)在不同时刻或视角下,经由相同或者不同成像设备得到的,位于不同坐标系下的图像变换到同一坐标系的过程。在过去的几十年内很多学者在图像配准领域做了大量的研究工作,并取得了许多研究成果。图像配准有很多应用,例如,对模拟目标进行跟踪训练是射击训练的重要科目。在实际的射击训练中, 较多的场合下背景较复杂, 角点较多, 基于图像配准的运动目标检测在此种场合下能够很好地检测出运动目标。
关键词:图像配准 人体运动分析 运动检测 matlab程序设计
Human Motion Analysis Based on Image Registration
Abstract Image registration is one of the fundamental tasks in image processing, it finds wile application in medicine, military, remote sensing, astrophysics, geophysics, and computer vision. For example, image fusion is an important and useful technique in many disparate fields such as image understanding, computer vision and medical image processing, but before the image fusion, all of the images must been registered. The images are always sampled from different sensors, at different times and from different viewpoints. The task of image registration is to find an optimal geometric transformation that can transform the images of the same scene into the same coordinate system. Image registration is used in computer vision, medical imaging, biological imaging and brain mapping, military automatic target recognition and compiling and analyzing images and data from satellites.
Image Registration-based human motion analysis is receiving increasing attention from computer vision researchers. It becomes one of the most researched fields in psychology and artificial intelligence. While human motion analysis based on image registration in recent years has been made considerable progress, but on the whole, it is still at a relatively basic study stage, faces many problems and difficulties, remains to be further studied and explored. In this paper we analyze some problems and challenges in the future.
Keywords image registration, human motion analysis, motion detection, matlab
第一章 绪论 1
1.1人体运动分析的意义 1
1.2人体运动分析的方法现状与趋势 2
1.2.1方法现状 2
1.2.2趋势 2
1.3基于图像的运动分析方法 3
1.4本课题的研究意义 4
1.5本课题的研究内容 4
第二章 图像配准的算法 5
2.1基于特征的图像配准方法 5
2.1.1点特征 6
2.1.2线段特征 6
2.1.3曲线与轮廓特征 6
2.1.4封闭区域特征 7
2.1.5矩不变量特征 7
2.1.6混合特征 7
2.2基于图像灰度信息的配准方法 8
2.3亚像素图像配准算法 9
2.3.1基于灰度插值的亚像素图像配准方法 10
2.3.2基于相似系数矩阵插值或曲面拟合的亚像素图像配准 10
2.3.3基于梯度的亚像素图像配准方法 11
第三章 偏微分方程的图像配准 13
3.1原理 13
3.2数值求解方法 13
3.3图像插值 14
3.3.1最近邻域法 14
3.3.2双线性插值法 15
3.3.3 双三次插值法 16
3.4实验结果 17
3.5讨论 21
第四章 Matlab程序设计 22
4.1程序设计 22
4.2程序流程图 23
第五章 总结与展望 24
5.1总结 24
5.2展望 25
参考文献 26
致谢 29