己烯雌酚代谢房室模型建模与控制,1.18万字自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家出售,重复率低,推荐下载使用摘要 己烯雌酚(stilbestrol)是人工合成的非甾体雌激素物质,能产生与天然雌二醇相同的所有药理与治疗作用。主要用于雌激素低下症及激素平衡失调引起的功能性出血、闭经。但是孕妇服用此药,其女性后代在青春期后宫颈和阴...
此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
摘要 己烯雌酚(Stilbestrol)是人工合成的非甾体雌激素物质,能产生与天然雌二醇相同的所有药理与治疗作用。主要用于雌激素低下症及激素平衡失调引起的功能性出血、闭经。但是孕妇服用此药,其女性后代在青春期后宫颈和阴道的腺病及腺癌发生率升高,男性后代生殖道异常和精子异常发生率也增加。为了在保证己烯雌酚治疗效果的前提下减小己烯雌酚在治疗过程中产生的副作用,我们需要研究如何控制己烯雌酚在人体内的代谢残留。
关键词:己烯雌酚 药物代谢 房室模型建模 滑模变结构控制 仿真与建模
Modeling and Control for Compartment Model of Stilbestrol Metabolism
Abestract Diethylstilbestrol is a synthetic non-steroidal estrogens , estradiol can produce all of the same natural pharmacology and therapeutic effects . Mainly for low estrogen hormone imbalance caused by disease and functional bleeding, amenorrhea . But pregnant women taking the drug , their female offspring after puberty increased incidence of adenosis and adenocarcinoma of the cervix and vagina , male offspring reproductive tract abnormalities and increased incidence of abnormal sperm . To reduce side effects of diethylstilbestrol in the treatment process to produce the therapeutic effect of ensuring diethylstilbestrol premise, we need to consider how to control the metabolism of the human body diethylstilbestrol residues.
Variable Structure Control with external interference within the system is completely self-adaptive and easy to implement , and therefore a useful tool called process control system.Sliding Mode Variable Structure Control Act is to enhance its robustness based on variable structure control methods, time-varying systems, uncertain systems, also has good control effect.Based diethylstilbestrol in human organs metastasis model , combining biological modeling multi- compartment model , designed by pole placement linear systems variable structure controller so that the non- stable system reaches a steady state , or make some sense already stable system reaches a steady state as soon as possible in order to stay in the human body diethylstilbestrol shorten time to reduce the harm to the human body.
Through the establishment of compartmental models diethylstilbestrol metabolism in the human body , build the appropriate control system equations to study the changing structure of the human body diethylstilbestrol each organ metastasis model law pole placement control problems , got the system as soon as possible reach a stable equilibrium point variable structure controller , finally using Matlab simulation , test control results.
Keywords Stilestrbol Drug metabolism Compartmental modeling Sliding mode variable structure control Modeling and simulation
目 录
摘要 I
Abestract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1己烯雌酚代谢的建模与控制研究背景 1
1.2己烯雌酚代谢的建模的研究现状 2
1.3本文主要研究内容 3
第二章 己烯雌酚代谢房室模型 5
2.1房室模型 5
2.1.1房室的基本概念 5
2.1.2房室系统的建模 6
2.1.3房室模型的仿真 8
2.2己烯雌酚代谢房室模型的建模 10
第三章 己烯雌酚代谢的控制 12
3.1 变结构控制 12
3.1.1变结构控制系统的基本概念 12
3.1.2变结构控制的发展概况 12
3.1.3变结构控制系统的数学描述 13
3.2己烯雌酚代谢模型的滑模变结构控制 15
3.3 仿真结果 17
总结与展望 19
致 谢 20
参考文献 21
附录 22
摘要 己烯雌酚(Stilbestrol)是人工合成的非甾体雌激素物质,能产生与天然雌二醇相同的所有药理与治疗作用。主要用于雌激素低下症及激素平衡失调引起的功能性出血、闭经。但是孕妇服用此药,其女性后代在青春期后宫颈和阴道的腺病及腺癌发生率升高,男性后代生殖道异常和精子异常发生率也增加。为了在保证己烯雌酚治疗效果的前提下减小己烯雌酚在治疗过程中产生的副作用,我们需要研究如何控制己烯雌酚在人体内的代谢残留。
关键词:己烯雌酚 药物代谢 房室模型建模 滑模变结构控制 仿真与建模
Modeling and Control for Compartment Model of Stilbestrol Metabolism
Abestract Diethylstilbestrol is a synthetic non-steroidal estrogens , estradiol can produce all of the same natural pharmacology and therapeutic effects . Mainly for low estrogen hormone imbalance caused by disease and functional bleeding, amenorrhea . But pregnant women taking the drug , their female offspring after puberty increased incidence of adenosis and adenocarcinoma of the cervix and vagina , male offspring reproductive tract abnormalities and increased incidence of abnormal sperm . To reduce side effects of diethylstilbestrol in the treatment process to produce the therapeutic effect of ensuring diethylstilbestrol premise, we need to consider how to control the metabolism of the human body diethylstilbestrol residues.
Variable Structure Control with external interference within the system is completely self-adaptive and easy to implement , and therefore a useful tool called process control system.Sliding Mode Variable Structure Control Act is to enhance its robustness based on variable structure control methods, time-varying systems, uncertain systems, also has good control effect.Based diethylstilbestrol in human organs metastasis model , combining biological modeling multi- compartment model , designed by pole placement linear systems variable structure controller so that the non- stable system reaches a steady state , or make some sense already stable system reaches a steady state as soon as possible in order to stay in the human body diethylstilbestrol shorten time to reduce the harm to the human body.
Through the establishment of compartmental models diethylstilbestrol metabolism in the human body , build the appropriate control system equations to study the changing structure of the human body diethylstilbestrol each organ metastasis model law pole placement control problems , got the system as soon as possible reach a stable equilibrium point variable structure controller , finally using Matlab simulation , test control results.
Keywords Stilestrbol Drug metabolism Compartmental modeling Sliding mode variable structure control Modeling and simulation
目 录
摘要 I
Abestract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1己烯雌酚代谢的建模与控制研究背景 1
1.2己烯雌酚代谢的建模的研究现状 2
1.3本文主要研究内容 3
第二章 己烯雌酚代谢房室模型 5
2.1房室模型 5
2.1.1房室的基本概念 5
2.1.2房室系统的建模 6
2.1.3房室模型的仿真 8
2.2己烯雌酚代谢房室模型的建模 10
第三章 己烯雌酚代谢的控制 12
3.1 变结构控制 12
3.1.1变结构控制系统的基本概念 12
3.1.2变结构控制的发展概况 12
3.1.3变结构控制系统的数学描述 13
3.2己烯雌酚代谢模型的滑模变结构控制 15
3.3 仿真结果 17
总结与展望 19
致 谢 20
参考文献 21
附录 22