

用于超声流量计标定的温箱控制系统设计,1.76万字自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家出售,重复率低,推荐下载使用摘 要 气体超声流量计有着广泛的应用,其生产过程中,为克服器件和材料的分散性对检测精度的影响,需对其进行参数标定。标定过程受有关环境变化的影响,需在标准环境中进行,其中温度是主要环境参数之一,本项目拟设计一个高精...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布



摘 要 气体超声流量计有着广泛的应用,其生产过程中,为克服器件和材料的分散性对检测精度的影响,需对其进行参数标定。标定过程受有关环境变化的影响,需在标准环境中进行,其中温度是主要环境参数之一,本项目拟设计一个高精度温度可调的温控箱,以对超声流量计标定提供相关的标定环境。

关键词: 单片机 温度控制 ADC0809

The design of temperature box control system used for ultrasonic flowmeter calibration

Abstract Gas ultrasonic flowmeter has been widely used, in its production process, in order to overcome the device and material dispersion effect on the accuracy, we need to parameter calibration.The calibration process is influenced by environmental change, it should be carried out in a standard environment, which temperature is one of the main environmental parameters.This project intends to design a high precision temperature control box that temperature is adjustable, in order to provide the relevant calibration of ultrasonic flowmeter calibration environment.
Temperature as one of the important factors affecting ultrasonic flowmeter measurement precision, that if we can control of temperature change on the measurement is very necessary. This paper introduces a design of temperature control system based on MCU, through the MCU controls relay that is on or off, to adjust the size of the actual temperature inside oven. The ultrasonic flowmeter can be calibrated at a stable temperature environment, it frees interference from the outside temperature, and improves the measurement accuracy of ultrasonic flowmeter. The temperature control system has realized the real-time measurement display function; It has also realized the each module design of circuit based on MCU temperature control system, and we completed the corresponding module circuit design of the driver. finally, which through the test to determine the utility of the system is feasible.
Through the calibration test of the temperature control system shows that the system performance is stable and reliable. When it is in 8 ~ 45 ℃ temperature range, the control precision is ± 0.5 ℃. It has achieved the design purpose and provides device support for the calibration of ultrasonic flowmeter.

Key words: MCU Temperature control system ADC0809

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的研究背景 1
1.2 课题的研究意义 2
1.3 国内外的研究 3
1.4 本文主要工作和章节安排 4
1.4.1 本文主要工作 4
1.4.2 章节安排 4
第二章 系统硬件电路设计 5
2.1 系统总体方案设计 5
2.2 自动控制模块设计 6
2.2.1 单片机的概述 6
2.2.2 AT89S52芯片 7
2.3 电源电路模块设计 10
2.4 温度控制模块设计 10
2.4.1 AD590概述 11
2.4.2 温度检测、放大电路原理分析 12
2.4.3 温度检测与放大电路设计 12
2.5 A/D转换电路模块设计 13
2.5.1 ADC0809概述 13
2.5.2 A/D转换电路图 15
2.6 温度设制、显示及报警电路模块设计 15
2.6.1 LED显示器简介 15
2.6.2 电路图 17
2.7 单片机控制模块设计 17
2.7.1 固态继电器简介 17
2.7.2 驱动模块设计 17
2.7.3 驱动电压 18
第三章 系统软件设计 20
3.1 系统开发环境 20
3.2 系统程序流程图 21
3.3 数据采集与数据处理 21
3.3.1 数据采集模块 21
3.3.2 数据处理模块 22
3.4 计算温度子程序 23
3.5 显示数据刷新子程序 24
3.6 控制算法 24
3.6.1 被控对象分析 24
3.6.2 模型建立 25
3.6.3 控制算法的设计 26
3.7 LED显示程序 27
第四章 系统测试 29
4.1 硬件测试 29
4.1.1 单元模块测试 29
4.1.2 系统整体测试 29
4.2 软件测试 30
4.3 联机测试 30
4.4 测试数据与结果分析 31
4.4.1 测试数据 31
4.4.2 结果分析 32
总结 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35
附录 部分源程序 37