

混合动力汽车用内嵌式永磁电机研究,1.85万字自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家出售,重复率低,推荐下载使用摘要 当前社会科技飞速发展,人民的生活水平日益提高的同时,也带来了资源短缺、环境污染等负面问题,在这样的大背景下,混合动力汽车(hev)作为传统燃油汽车与纯电动汽车的过渡车型,成为当前世界各国研究的热点。自1997年...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文


此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布



摘要 当前社会科技飞速发展,人民的生活水平日益提高的同时,也带来了资源短缺、环境污染等负面问题,在这样的大背景下,混合动力汽车(HEV)作为传统燃油汽车与纯电动汽车的过渡车型,成为当前世界各国研究的热点。自1997年日本丰田集团的普锐斯混合动力车型在世界市场上量产化以来,它已越来越被大众所熟知,早已不是罕见的新品。但是,混合动力依旧有很多关键性的技术需要去研究,各国也对其相当重视,投入了大量的财力物力。相信日后,混合动力汽车必将有良好的市场前景。
关键字: 混合动力汽车 内嵌式永磁电机 有限元分析

Research on Interior Permanent Magnet Motor for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Abstract In current social, rapid development of technology, increasing people's living standards, but also brought negative issues that is shortage of resources and environmental pollution. In this context, hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) become a hot current study around the world as a transition models between traditional fuel vehicles and pure electric vehicles. Since the Toyota Prius hybrid electric vehicles group in the world market mass production in the 1997, it has become increasingly well known by the public, no longer a rare new self. But there still are a lot of key of hybrid technology needs to study, many countries also think it important and put a lot of financial and material resources. I believe in the future, hybrid cars will surely have a good market prospect.
In this paper, in the background of hybrid cars, Firstly,,we have a brief presentation about hybrid car, including the background of the development of hybrid electric vehicles, general concepts ,structure classification and their characteristics.
Secondly, the current focus of research on permanent magnet motors especially sine wave permanent magnet motor were introduced by some theoretical analysis.We give a brief analysis of rotor structure model of permanent magnet motor and put forward the concept of using interior permanent magnet motor. A brief introduction about Vector control for permanent magnet motor paves the way for the latter to make a further study.
Finally,there is an analysis about the interior permanent magnet that is fit for hybrid system.We use the Toyota Prius motor model as a template to build Prius motor model in maxwell platform by using Ansoft / Maxwell software.After the finite element analysis,there is some simulation analysis solution in static and dynamic magnetic field .We get the torque, flux density, flux, and the back-EMF waveform in the electromagnetic field and the corresponding parameter analysis lays the foundation for the subsequent in-depth study .
Keywords hybrid electric vehicles interior permanent magnet motor finite element analysis

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.2混合动力汽车概念及特点 2
1.3混合动力汽车的结构和分类 2
1.3.1串联式 3
1.3.2并联式 4
1.3.3混联式 5
1.4本文研究的主要内容 6
第二章 永磁同步电机的结构特性及工作原理概述 8
2.1永磁电机概述 8
2.2永磁同步电机的发展 8
2.3永磁同步电机的结构分类 10
2.4正弦波永磁电机的原理及基本方程 12
2.4.1正弦波永磁电机概述 12
2.4.2正弦波永磁同步电动机矢量控制系统原理 14
第三章 以普锐斯为模型的内嵌式永磁电机的分析 19
3.1电机模型的建立 19
3.1.1Ansoft Maxwell软件的简介 19
3.1.2二维电磁场理论和有限元基础 19
3.1.3建立电机模型 21
3.2以Prius电机为模型的电磁场分析 26
3.2.1磁通密度与磁力线分布 26
3.2.2转矩 30
3.2.3磁链 33
3.2.4反电动势 34
3.2.5气隙磁密 35
3.2.6齿槽转矩 36
第四章 总结与展望 38
4.1总结 38
4.2展望 38
致谢 40
参考文献 41