基于多模型的非线性系统的控制器设计,1.23万字自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家出售,重复率低,推荐下载使用摘要 在工业控制中,实际的控制对象都具有一定的非线性。对于这种被控系统,常规自适应控制器难以取得较好的控制效果。因为当系统从一种工况突变到另一种工况时,系统的参数会发生较大变化,常规自适应控制器中的辨识器难以跟随系...
此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
摘要 在工业控制中,实际的控制对象都具有一定的非线性。对于这种被控系统,常规自适应控制器难以取得较好的控制效果。因为当系统从一种工况突变到另一种工况时,系统的参数会发生较大变化,常规自适应控制器中的辨识器难以跟随系统参数的实际变化,造成模型估计不准确,从而导致基于此模型设计的控制器性能不佳。
● 针对CSTR系统,分别在三种工况下分析其ARX模型结构,然后在每一工况点附近激励系统,得到系统的输入/输出数据。再采用批处理最小二乘法完成对各个ARX模型的参数辨识,并验证模型的有效性;
● 基于各模型参数求解相应的Diophantine方程,由性能指标,求出每个模型的步最优预测输出,并以切换控制律,实现被控对象的优化控制。
关键词:多模型 批处理最小二乘法 广义预测控制
Controller Design for Nonlinear System Based on Multiple-Model
Abstract In the real industrial process,the controlled plant is always nonlinear.For this system,conventional adaptive controller can not get relatively good control effect.Because when operating condition changes from one condition to another,the parameter of the system will change a lot,the estimator of the adaptive controller can’t follow the parameter changes so that the model based on it is not accurate and the corresponding controller is not perfect.
Multiple model is a technology which is used to solve the problem about nonlinear process in its huge regime:According to different operating space,create linear models with its controller for each operating condition, then utilize a specific method to weight or switch in models or controllers to control the plant.
In this paper,a approach based on multiple model using General Predictive Control(GPC) was proposed for Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor(CSTR)--a typical nonlinear process which run in huge regime.The main task of this paper is as follow:
● In the first,depending on CSTR,analysis the structure of ARX models under three operating conditions. Then active the system near to every operating condition and get the corresponding input/output data.Next,identify the parameter of every mode using a batch algorithm based on Least Square Algorithm(LS) and test the validity of the model.
● In according with the parameter of each model,solve the corresponding Diophantine equation.Then minimize the performance index, calculate the bestpace output of each model and utilize switching strategy to get the best control.
After simulating,it is affirmed that it can acquire relatively good result and can be applied to industrial process.
Key words: Multiple Model Least Square Algorithm General Predictive Control
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 多模型建模方法 2
1.2.2 多模型控制器设计方法 3
1.2.3 存在问题 4
1.3 本文工作 5
1.4 本章小结 5
第二章 多模型辨识算法 7
2.1 问题描述 7
2.2 多模型算法 7
2.2.1 扩展自回归模型(ARX模型) 7
2.2.2 批处理最小二乘法 7
2.3 仿真实例 9
2.3.1 CSTR基本原理 9
2.3.2 CSTR数学模型 10
2.3.3 多模型辨识算法在CSTR中的仿真应用 11
2.4 本章小结 15
第三章 多模型预测控制器设计 16
3.1 预测控制综述 16
3.1.1 预测控制提出背景 16
3.1.2 预测控制基本机理 16
3.2 广义预测控制器设计 18
3.2.1 j步最优预测 18
3.2.2 广义预测控制算法 19
3.3 仿真实例 22
3.4 本章小结 24
第四章 总结与展望 24
4.1 结论 25
4.2 展望 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27
摘要 在工业控制中,实际的控制对象都具有一定的非线性。对于这种被控系统,常规自适应控制器难以取得较好的控制效果。因为当系统从一种工况突变到另一种工况时,系统的参数会发生较大变化,常规自适应控制器中的辨识器难以跟随系统参数的实际变化,造成模型估计不准确,从而导致基于此模型设计的控制器性能不佳。
● 针对CSTR系统,分别在三种工况下分析其ARX模型结构,然后在每一工况点附近激励系统,得到系统的输入/输出数据。再采用批处理最小二乘法完成对各个ARX模型的参数辨识,并验证模型的有效性;
● 基于各模型参数求解相应的Diophantine方程,由性能指标,求出每个模型的步最优预测输出,并以切换控制律,实现被控对象的优化控制。
关键词:多模型 批处理最小二乘法 广义预测控制
Controller Design for Nonlinear System Based on Multiple-Model
Abstract In the real industrial process,the controlled plant is always nonlinear.For this system,conventional adaptive controller can not get relatively good control effect.Because when operating condition changes from one condition to another,the parameter of the system will change a lot,the estimator of the adaptive controller can’t follow the parameter changes so that the model based on it is not accurate and the corresponding controller is not perfect.
Multiple model is a technology which is used to solve the problem about nonlinear process in its huge regime:According to different operating space,create linear models with its controller for each operating condition, then utilize a specific method to weight or switch in models or controllers to control the plant.
In this paper,a approach based on multiple model using General Predictive Control(GPC) was proposed for Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor(CSTR)--a typical nonlinear process which run in huge regime.The main task of this paper is as follow:
● In the first,depending on CSTR,analysis the structure of ARX models under three operating conditions. Then active the system near to every operating condition and get the corresponding input/output data.Next,identify the parameter of every mode using a batch algorithm based on Least Square Algorithm(LS) and test the validity of the model.
● In according with the parameter of each model,solve the corresponding Diophantine equation.Then minimize the performance index, calculate the bestpace output of each model and utilize switching strategy to get the best control.
After simulating,it is affirmed that it can acquire relatively good result and can be applied to industrial process.
Key words: Multiple Model Least Square Algorithm General Predictive Control
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 多模型建模方法 2
1.2.2 多模型控制器设计方法 3
1.2.3 存在问题 4
1.3 本文工作 5
1.4 本章小结 5
第二章 多模型辨识算法 7
2.1 问题描述 7
2.2 多模型算法 7
2.2.1 扩展自回归模型(ARX模型) 7
2.2.2 批处理最小二乘法 7
2.3 仿真实例 9
2.3.1 CSTR基本原理 9
2.3.2 CSTR数学模型 10
2.3.3 多模型辨识算法在CSTR中的仿真应用 11
2.4 本章小结 15
第三章 多模型预测控制器设计 16
3.1 预测控制综述 16
3.1.1 预测控制提出背景 16
3.1.2 预测控制基本机理 16
3.2 广义预测控制器设计 18
3.2.1 j步最优预测 18
3.2.2 广义预测控制算法 19
3.3 仿真实例 22
3.4 本章小结 24
第四章 总结与展望 24
4.1 结论 25
4.2 展望 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27