

分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布



摘要:近年来,国内的电信网络发展迅速,网络所承担的负荷不断增大,客户的需求也越来越多样化,运营商已经不能局限于提供单一的语音、电报、传真等业务。新的市场需求要求电信运营商们必须提供数据、视频、游戏等新兴的业务,而目前的很多多媒体业务是PSTN、PLMN网络很难提供的。于是,在对传统的网络进行改造或者升级之后,基于软交换技术的,具有综合性,开放性的网络构架,能够提供语音、数据和多媒体等业务的下一代网络(Next Generation Network)应运而生。

关键词 下一代网络 监测方法 控制技术 IMS

Next Generation Network (NGN) Monitoring and Control Technology

Abstract In recent years, the rapid development of the domestic telecommunications network has led to the increasing burden on the network. Because that increasingly diverse needs of customers,the operator can not be limited to providing a single voice, telex, fax and other services.New market demands require telecom operators to provide data, video, games and other emerging businesses.At present,PSTN, PLMN networks are difficult to provide some multimedia services.So, after the transformation of the traditional network,Next Generation Network came into being.
In the first chapter of the article,we will outline the concept of next generation networks and Introduce the next generation network development status and future prospects.In the second chapter of the article,we will explore next-generation IMS networks for control.In the third chapter of the article,we will briefly the indicators of the next generation networks and description Test Method A test model of next generation networks and the three next-generation networks.
This paper provides an overview of the concept and architecture of next generation networks,and for the control layer and network monitoring in-depth description of the next generation network so that readers can fully understand the advantages and prospects of the next generation network.We can drill a comprehensive understanding of the next generation network.This article takes the reader to the next generation of the Internet age.
Keyword Next-generation Network Monitoring Methods Control Technology IMS

目 录
引 言 1
第一章 下一代网络的现状与发展趋势 2
1.1下一代网络的概念 2
1.2下一代网络构架和主要支持技术 2
1.3下一代网络领域的现状 4
第二章 下一代网络控制技术的分析和讨论 6
2.1 软交换在下一代网络中的角色 6
2.2 IMS的具体描述 6
2.3 目前IMS面临的困难 7
2.4 IMS与几种技术的关系探讨 7
第三章 NGN监测应该考虑的性能标准 10
3.1 IP传输网络的传输性能标准 10
3.2 NGN络语音业务的语音质量性能标准 15
3.3 NGN语音业务的通信质量性能标准 18
第四章 下一代网络的监测系统设计 21
4.1 对NGN的测试提出的一种模型 21
4.2 模型中业务测试方法 23
4.3 模型中网络设备测试方法 24
4.4 模型中管理功能测试方法 27
4.5 网络监测的常用方法 28
4.6 下一代网络监测系统的设计 29
4.7 系统总体设计 30
结 论 35
致 谢 37
参考文献: 38