

基于单片机的大功率led驱动器设计,基于单片机的大功率led驱动器设计2.1万字我自己的毕业论文,原创的,已经通过校内系统检测,仅在本站独家出售,重复率低,大家放心下载使用摘 要led作为一种新型光源,其照明具有寿命长、发光效率高、发光响应速度快、高频特性好、较强发光方向性、动态色彩控制、抗震性能好和绿色环保等特点,使之成为人类照明史上继白炽灯、荧光灯之...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文


此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布



摘 要 LED作为一种新型光源,其照明具有寿命长、发光效率高、发光响应速度快、高频特性好、较强发光方向性、动态色彩控制、抗震性能好和绿色环保等特点,使之成为人类照明史上继白炽灯、荧光灯之后新的照明技术,是发展低碳经济而使用的节能环保型绿色光源,更是取代传统白炽灯和荧光灯的最佳选择。

关键词:LED 驱动器 单片机 PWM调光 电流检测

Design of High-power LED Driver Based On Single-chip
Abstract LED as a new type of light source, the lighting has long service life, high luminous efficiency, fast luminous response speed, good frequency characteristic and strong light direction, dynamic color control, good seismic performance and green environmental protection and other characteristics, making it new lighting technology in the history after the incandescent lamp, fluorescent lamp lighting , the environmentally friendly green light source for the development of low carbon economy , rather the best choice to replace traditional incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp.
In this paper , a kind of high-power LED drive system using AT89S51 as the core , using PT4115 as high-power LED constant current drive scheme , can implement PWM multilevel brightness dimming control of LED lamp . At the same time , this system uses three-terminal voltage regulator LM7812 for power supply system, A/D converter MAX187 for current detection system , temperature sensor DS18B20 for temperature detecting system , 1602 character LCD liquid crystal for display system, buzzer system and buttons system . For software design in drive control , in accordance with the requirements for system function and modularization program design idea , this paper design the main program , the clock interrupt program , multistage dimming PWM module , temperature and current acquisition module , keys module , display module and alarm module .The realization method of these modules is analyzed in detail to achieve the software system smoothly high-speed running to ensure the realization of system functions . Finally ,this paper summarizes the problems and solutions in the process of design .

Key words: LED Driver Single Chip PWM dimming Current Detection

第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的来源及研究意义 1
1.2 LED照明概述 1
1.2.1 LED照明国内市场现状 1
1.2.2 LED照明前景分析 4
1.2.3 LED照明国内与国际差距 5
1.3 LED驱动器简介及发展趋势 7
1.3.1 LED驱动器简介 7
1.3.2 LED驱动器技术的发展 8
1.4 本文主要工作及章节安排 9
1.4.1 本文主要工作 9
1.4.2 章节安排 10
第二章 硬件设计 11
2.1 系统硬件组成 11
2.2 单片机主控模块 12
2.3 电源模块 13
2.4 恒流驱动模块 14
2.5 电流检测模块 17
2.6 温度检测模块 18
2.7 按键模块 19
2.8 液晶显示模块 20
2.9 蜂鸣模块 21
2.10 负载模块 22
2.11 小结 23
第三章 软件设计 24
3.1 系统主程序 24
3.2 按键检测与处理程序 25
3.3 电流读取程序 27
3.4 温度数据的读取与处理 27
3.5 液晶显示程序 30
3.6 定时器中断程序 32
3.7 小结 34
第四章 驱动系统调试 35
4.1 系统调试 35
4.2 小结 37
第五章 总结与展望 38
5.1 总结 38
5.2 展望 38
致 谢 39
参考文献 40