
基于fpga的便捷式b超交互系统的设计,基于fpga的便捷式b超交互系统的设计1.8万字我自己的毕业论文,原创的,已经通过校内系统检测,仅在本站独家出售,重复率低,大家放心下载使用 摘要我国医疗器械产业是一个新型的健康产业,由于发展不久,不论是产能上还是研发上都远远不能满足市场需求,我国现在医疗器械与药品的消费比例差不多为1:10,但在发达国家这个比例已经达...

此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
本文在分析了国内外便捷式B超仪背景与市场现状后,提出了一种基于NiOS II开发系统的便捷式B超仪设计方案。旨在满足中国居民对便捷式B超仪的需求。
论文首先分析了便捷式B超仪的基本原理与结构,详细介绍了NiOS II处理器,论证了在FPGA技术下开发的可能性,提出了以NiOS II+FPGA为平台,QuartusII为软件支撑的便捷式B超仪交互系统设计方案。并用SOPC技术来构建,以求使便捷式B超仪在性能,体积,价格,稳定性,适用范围达到更高的要求。其次,对系统的软硬件进行总的需求分析,并按照要求对软硬件系统进行开发,得出仿真结果,并进行分析。本文所设计的便携式B型超声诊断仪可在多种特殊环境(诸如地震、抗洪、火灾、战争)中发挥作用,同时也可在偏远乡村诊所中完成对相关疾病的诊断工作。
关键词:NiOS II处理器, FPGA, SOPC, 便捷式B超仪
China's medical equipment industry is a new kind of health industry, whether it is due to the development near the capacity of its research and development are still far from being able to meet the market demand, China's consumption ratio of medical equipment and drugs, now almost 1:10, but in developed countries this the ratio has reached 1:1, we can see that China's medical equipment industry, there is still a wide gap, and now more than 60 percent of China's medical device products are dependent on imports. Under the impetus of this background, China B-portable instrument industry maintained rapid and sustainable development, for the development of China's medical equipment made a significant contribution.
After analyzing the ultrasound instrument background and market situation at home and abroad portable B, B-made portable instrument design is based on a NiOS II development system. Designed to meet the needs of the residents of China B-portable instrument.
Thesis analyzes the basic principle and structure portable B-meter, detailing NiOS II processor, demonstrated the possibility of FPGA technology under development is proposed to NiOS II + FPGA platform, QuartusII portable software support B-device interactive system design. SOPC technology to build and use, in order to make portable B-device performance, volume, price stability, the scope for higher requirements. Secondly, the overall system's hardware and software requirements analysis, and in accordance with the requirements of the hardware and software system development, simulation results obtained and analyzed. This article is designed for portable B-type ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus may play a role in a variety of special circumstances (such as earthquakes, floods, fires, wars), and also to complete the diagnostic work-related diseases in remote rural clinics.
Keywords: NiOS II processor, FPGA, SOPC, B super-portable instrument.
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2现代超声诊断技术国内外发展概况以及研究目的与意义 1
1.3研究的目的与意义 2
1.4便捷式B超的性能指标 3
1.4.1纵向分辩力 3
1.4.2横向分辩力 4
1.4.3对比分辩力 4
1.4.4倍号动态范围 4
1.5 FPGA在数字超声系统中的应用 5
1.6本文工作和内容安排 6
1.7 本章小结 7
第二章 便携式B型超声仪成像系统原理以及系统的总体设计 8
2.1超声成像原理 8
2.2 B型超声仪的相关物理量 11
2.3系统的总体设计 12
2.3.1 一般B超检查仪的设计及实现的功能 12
2.3.2 一般B型超声诊断仪系统的软硬件组成 14
2.4本章小结 15
第三章 便携式B型超声仪系统的硬件设计 16
3.1软核CPU简介 17
3.2发射部分硬件结构 19
3.3接收部分硬件结构 19
3.4图像处理部分硬件结构 21
3.5人机接口部分硬件结构 21
3.6电源部分硬件结构 22
3.7本章小结 23
第四章 便携式B型超声仪系统的软件平台 24
4.1 Quartus II简介 24
4.2 SOPC Builder 25
4.3 NIOS II IDE 26
4.4 系统重要功能模块 27
4.4.1底层初始化 27
4.4.2功能层 28
4.4.3显示层 29
4.5本章小结 30
第五章 交互系统的设计与实现 31
5.1软件的设计实现与调试 31
5.2 系统的仿真与调试 35
5.2.1 NIOS II最小系统仿真 35
5.2.2 便捷式B超仪发射部分的仿真 35
5.2.3 便捷式B超仪接收射部分的仿真 36
5.2.4 便捷式B超仪图像部分的仿真 37
5.2.5便捷式B超仪人机接口部分的仿真 38
5.2.6 便捷式B超仪电源部分的仿真 38
5.3调试中的认知与体会 39
第六章 总结和展望 40
6.1总结 40
6.2不足与展望 40
本文在分析了国内外便捷式B超仪背景与市场现状后,提出了一种基于NiOS II开发系统的便捷式B超仪设计方案。旨在满足中国居民对便捷式B超仪的需求。
论文首先分析了便捷式B超仪的基本原理与结构,详细介绍了NiOS II处理器,论证了在FPGA技术下开发的可能性,提出了以NiOS II+FPGA为平台,QuartusII为软件支撑的便捷式B超仪交互系统设计方案。并用SOPC技术来构建,以求使便捷式B超仪在性能,体积,价格,稳定性,适用范围达到更高的要求。其次,对系统的软硬件进行总的需求分析,并按照要求对软硬件系统进行开发,得出仿真结果,并进行分析。本文所设计的便携式B型超声诊断仪可在多种特殊环境(诸如地震、抗洪、火灾、战争)中发挥作用,同时也可在偏远乡村诊所中完成对相关疾病的诊断工作。
关键词:NiOS II处理器, FPGA, SOPC, 便捷式B超仪
China's medical equipment industry is a new kind of health industry, whether it is due to the development near the capacity of its research and development are still far from being able to meet the market demand, China's consumption ratio of medical equipment and drugs, now almost 1:10, but in developed countries this the ratio has reached 1:1, we can see that China's medical equipment industry, there is still a wide gap, and now more than 60 percent of China's medical device products are dependent on imports. Under the impetus of this background, China B-portable instrument industry maintained rapid and sustainable development, for the development of China's medical equipment made a significant contribution.
After analyzing the ultrasound instrument background and market situation at home and abroad portable B, B-made portable instrument design is based on a NiOS II development system. Designed to meet the needs of the residents of China B-portable instrument.
Thesis analyzes the basic principle and structure portable B-meter, detailing NiOS II processor, demonstrated the possibility of FPGA technology under development is proposed to NiOS II + FPGA platform, QuartusII portable software support B-device interactive system design. SOPC technology to build and use, in order to make portable B-device performance, volume, price stability, the scope for higher requirements. Secondly, the overall system's hardware and software requirements analysis, and in accordance with the requirements of the hardware and software system development, simulation results obtained and analyzed. This article is designed for portable B-type ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus may play a role in a variety of special circumstances (such as earthquakes, floods, fires, wars), and also to complete the diagnostic work-related diseases in remote rural clinics.
Keywords: NiOS II processor, FPGA, SOPC, B super-portable instrument.
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2现代超声诊断技术国内外发展概况以及研究目的与意义 1
1.3研究的目的与意义 2
1.4便捷式B超的性能指标 3
1.4.1纵向分辩力 3
1.4.2横向分辩力 4
1.4.3对比分辩力 4
1.4.4倍号动态范围 4
1.5 FPGA在数字超声系统中的应用 5
1.6本文工作和内容安排 6
1.7 本章小结 7
第二章 便携式B型超声仪成像系统原理以及系统的总体设计 8
2.1超声成像原理 8
2.2 B型超声仪的相关物理量 11
2.3系统的总体设计 12
2.3.1 一般B超检查仪的设计及实现的功能 12
2.3.2 一般B型超声诊断仪系统的软硬件组成 14
2.4本章小结 15
第三章 便携式B型超声仪系统的硬件设计 16
3.1软核CPU简介 17
3.2发射部分硬件结构 19
3.3接收部分硬件结构 19
3.4图像处理部分硬件结构 21
3.5人机接口部分硬件结构 21
3.6电源部分硬件结构 22
3.7本章小结 23
第四章 便携式B型超声仪系统的软件平台 24
4.1 Quartus II简介 24
4.2 SOPC Builder 25
4.3 NIOS II IDE 26
4.4 系统重要功能模块 27
4.4.1底层初始化 27
4.4.2功能层 28
4.4.3显示层 29
4.5本章小结 30
第五章 交互系统的设计与实现 31
5.1软件的设计实现与调试 31
5.2 系统的仿真与调试 35
5.2.1 NIOS II最小系统仿真 35
5.2.2 便捷式B超仪发射部分的仿真 35
5.2.3 便捷式B超仪接收射部分的仿真 36
5.2.4 便捷式B超仪图像部分的仿真 37
5.2.5便捷式B超仪人机接口部分的仿真 38
5.2.6 便捷式B超仪电源部分的仿真 38
5.3调试中的认知与体会 39
第六章 总结和展望 40
6.1总结 40
6.2不足与展望 40