
智能农业气象站设计,2.3万字我自己的毕业论文,原创的,已经通过校内系统检测,仅在本站独家出售,重复率低,大家放心下载使用摘要 随着现代农业的快速发展,设施农业已经成为现代农业发展的重要手段,并在世界各地被广泛应用。与此同时,设施农业的研究也是科研项目的重要课题。温室检测系统作为设施农业的重要组成部分,是实现温室自动化、...

此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
摘要 随着现代农业的快速发展,设施农业已经成为现代农业发展的重要手段,并在世界各地被广泛应用。与此同时,设施农业的研究也是科研项目的重要课题。温室检测系统作为设施农业的重要组成部分,是实现温室自动化、科学化的基本保证。由于温室环境系统的复杂性,如何通过设定合理的控制目标作为作物生长提供适宜的环境,同时最大限度利用自然资源,降低温室的能源损耗都是需要深入研究的方向。
文章首先向读者介绍国内外温室控制课题的研究现状和未来的发展动态,同时对选取本课题的意义进行必要的说明,提出设计和实现方案。本文所设计的系统可以分为两大部分:第一是温室参数测量部分;第二是数据采集处理部分。参数可分为三个基本内容:温度测量、湿度测量和光照强度测量。温度测量采用TI公司的温度传感器DS18B20,单总线输出温度数字值给单片机,经由控制芯片处理后显示;湿度测量采用瑞士Sensirion 公司设计的SHT11温湿度传感器。
关键词:农业气象站 温度 湿度 MSP430单片机 DS18B20 SHT11
Smart Agricultural Station Design
ABSTRACT With the rapid development of modern agriculture, agricultural facilities has become an important means of modern agricultural development, and is widely used around the world. At the same time, agricultural research facilities is also an important subject of research. Greenhouse detection system as an important part of agricultural facilities is to achieve greenhouse automation, scientific basic guarantee. Due to the complexity of the greenhouse system, how to provide a suitable environment for the growth of crops, while maximizing the use of natural resources, reduce energy consumption greenhouse direction are studied in depth by setting reasonable goals as a control.
In this paper, sensor technology and micro-chip control technology, combined with the control strategy of modern agriculture, designed a greenhouse temperature, and focuses on the sensor network organization, greenhouse control strategy research. While low power requirements based on the greenhouse system hardware design also carried out the selection.
At the first, this paper describes the current research and developments in the domestic and international greenhouse control system, while the significance of this topic, select the demonstration, and presents the design and implementation of specific programs.
The first parameter is a measure of greenhouse part; second part is the data acquisition and processing. Parameters section includes three basic elements: temperature measurement, humidity measurement and light intensity. Temperature measurement using TI's temperature sensor DS18B20, single-bus digital temperature output value to the microcontroller, via post processing display; humidity measurement using SHT11 sensor.
SCM data acquisition and processing system, and in part by the smallest single-chip system peripheral interface circuit. System peripheral interface circuit consists of the following five basic components:
A keyboard section, a display section, the calendar section, the supply voltage section, a storage section.The design software using C language, temperature and humidity to complete the cycle of light intensity measurement within the real-time display and calendar. Finally, the design of intelligent design agricultural weather stations were summarized and analyzed the shortcomings of the system and improve the direction to do the work for the next study.
Keywords Agricultural weather station temperature humidity MSP430 DS18B20 SHT11
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2 国内外温室相关技术的现状及发展趋势 1
1.3 选题意义及研究思路 2
1.4温室环境控制方法 3
1.5论文研究的主要内容 3
第二章 系统总体方案设计 4
2.1 系统基本功能及总体设计 4
2.2 系统方案论证及芯片选型 4
2.3 系统设计方案 7
本章小结 8
第三章 系统各个模块介绍 9
3.1 MSP430单片机 9
3.1.1 MSP430F449单片机的特点及管脚 9
3.1.2 MSP430F449单片机外围模块 13
3.2 温度传感器DS18B20 15
3.2.1 DS18B20内部结构 17
3.2.2 DS18B20测温原理 18
3.3 湿度传感器SHT11 19
3.4 LT/G光照传感器 20
3.5 时钟芯片DS1302 21
3.5.1 时钟芯片DS1302外部引脚 21
3.5.2 DS1302控制字 21
3.5.3 复位和时钟控制 22
3.5.4 数据输入及输出 22
3.6 液晶显示芯片JM12864M 22
3.7 数据存储芯片ST24C64 25
本章总结 26
第四章 系统硬件设计 27
4.1 MSP430单片机最小系统 27
4.2 测量电路设计 28
4.2.1温度测量 28
4.2.2 湿度测量电路 29
4.3.3 光照强度测量电..
摘要 随着现代农业的快速发展,设施农业已经成为现代农业发展的重要手段,并在世界各地被广泛应用。与此同时,设施农业的研究也是科研项目的重要课题。温室检测系统作为设施农业的重要组成部分,是实现温室自动化、科学化的基本保证。由于温室环境系统的复杂性,如何通过设定合理的控制目标作为作物生长提供适宜的环境,同时最大限度利用自然资源,降低温室的能源损耗都是需要深入研究的方向。
文章首先向读者介绍国内外温室控制课题的研究现状和未来的发展动态,同时对选取本课题的意义进行必要的说明,提出设计和实现方案。本文所设计的系统可以分为两大部分:第一是温室参数测量部分;第二是数据采集处理部分。参数可分为三个基本内容:温度测量、湿度测量和光照强度测量。温度测量采用TI公司的温度传感器DS18B20,单总线输出温度数字值给单片机,经由控制芯片处理后显示;湿度测量采用瑞士Sensirion 公司设计的SHT11温湿度传感器。
关键词:农业气象站 温度 湿度 MSP430单片机 DS18B20 SHT11
Smart Agricultural Station Design
ABSTRACT With the rapid development of modern agriculture, agricultural facilities has become an important means of modern agricultural development, and is widely used around the world. At the same time, agricultural research facilities is also an important subject of research. Greenhouse detection system as an important part of agricultural facilities is to achieve greenhouse automation, scientific basic guarantee. Due to the complexity of the greenhouse system, how to provide a suitable environment for the growth of crops, while maximizing the use of natural resources, reduce energy consumption greenhouse direction are studied in depth by setting reasonable goals as a control.
In this paper, sensor technology and micro-chip control technology, combined with the control strategy of modern agriculture, designed a greenhouse temperature, and focuses on the sensor network organization, greenhouse control strategy research. While low power requirements based on the greenhouse system hardware design also carried out the selection.
At the first, this paper describes the current research and developments in the domestic and international greenhouse control system, while the significance of this topic, select the demonstration, and presents the design and implementation of specific programs.
The first parameter is a measure of greenhouse part; second part is the data acquisition and processing. Parameters section includes three basic elements: temperature measurement, humidity measurement and light intensity. Temperature measurement using TI's temperature sensor DS18B20, single-bus digital temperature output value to the microcontroller, via post processing display; humidity measurement using SHT11 sensor.
SCM data acquisition and processing system, and in part by the smallest single-chip system peripheral interface circuit. System peripheral interface circuit consists of the following five basic components:
A keyboard section, a display section, the calendar section, the supply voltage section, a storage section.The design software using C language, temperature and humidity to complete the cycle of light intensity measurement within the real-time display and calendar. Finally, the design of intelligent design agricultural weather stations were summarized and analyzed the shortcomings of the system and improve the direction to do the work for the next study.
Keywords Agricultural weather station temperature humidity MSP430 DS18B20 SHT11
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究背景 1
1.2 国内外温室相关技术的现状及发展趋势 1
1.3 选题意义及研究思路 2
1.4温室环境控制方法 3
1.5论文研究的主要内容 3
第二章 系统总体方案设计 4
2.1 系统基本功能及总体设计 4
2.2 系统方案论证及芯片选型 4
2.3 系统设计方案 7
本章小结 8
第三章 系统各个模块介绍 9
3.1 MSP430单片机 9
3.1.1 MSP430F449单片机的特点及管脚 9
3.1.2 MSP430F449单片机外围模块 13
3.2 温度传感器DS18B20 15
3.2.1 DS18B20内部结构 17
3.2.2 DS18B20测温原理 18
3.3 湿度传感器SHT11 19
3.4 LT/G光照传感器 20
3.5 时钟芯片DS1302 21
3.5.1 时钟芯片DS1302外部引脚 21
3.5.2 DS1302控制字 21
3.5.3 复位和时钟控制 22
3.5.4 数据输入及输出 22
3.6 液晶显示芯片JM12864M 22
3.7 数据存储芯片ST24C64 25
本章总结 26
第四章 系统硬件设计 27
4.1 MSP430单片机最小系统 27
4.2 测量电路设计 28
4.2.1温度测量 28
4.2.2 湿度测量电路 29
4.3.3 光照强度测量电..