
砝码检定数据自动采集与处理系统设计,1.95万字我自己的毕业论文,原创的,已经通过校内系统检测,仅在本站独家出售,重复率低,大家放心下载使用摘要: 对于传统的电子天平来说,在称量物体时往往需要很多繁杂的操作步骤,而且整个过程都需要人为的参与,这样不仅浪费了时间、降低了生产效率,而且在无形中带入了人为操作失误而出现的误差。...

此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
摘要: 对于传统的电子天平来说,在称量物体时往往需要很多繁杂的操作步骤,而且整个过程都需要人为的参与,这样不仅浪费了时间、降低了生产效率,而且在无形中带入了人为操作失误而出现的误差。本文主要研究用计算机与多台电子天平组合通信来构建砝码检定数据自动采集与处理系统,实现对电子天平所称量物体相关信息数据的自动采集和后期的保存与管理工作,通过整个系统的运行和操作,以达到远程监控及自动处理数据的目的,满足砝码检定过程中的实际需要,减轻检定人员的劳动强度,提高工作效率,同时也大大减小由于人工操作而带来的人为误差,提高天平测量的精度。研究中使用的电子天平品牌为梅特勒-托利多,带有 9 针的串口输出端,通过串口扩展卡扩展计算机的串口,使天平能与上位计算机进行串行数据通信,实时传送测量数据,同时通过虚拟仪器软件的处理,达到数据自动采集系统的生成。上位计算机与电子天平之间用屏蔽多芯电缆通过串口连接,并遵循 RS232 协议。
关键词:电子天平 虚拟仪器 串口通信 数据采集 RS232协议
The design of automatic data acquisition and processing system for weights calibration
Abstract : For the traditional electronic balance, there will be many complicated procedures when weights the objects, and the whole process requires human involvement, which not only wastes time, reduces the production efficiency, but also substitutes into the man-made error in the imperceptibly. This paper mainly studied the building of data automatic acquisition and processing system of weight verification via a computer and a plurality of electronic balance, realizing the preservation and management of the related information of the automatic data acquisition for the weighing of electronic balance, and by the running and operation of the entire system, in order to achieve the purpose of the remote monitoring and automatic data processing, meet the actual needs of weight verification, and reduce the labor intensity of testing as well as improve the work efficiency. At the same time also greatly reduce human error caused by manual operation, improving the balance accuracy. In our study we used the Mettler Toledo electronic balance, which with a 9 needle serial port outputs. In addition, in the course of study we expanded the computer’s serial ports with the serial port expansion card, so that the balance could communicate with the host computer and transmit real-time measured data to it as well as to generate automatic data acquisition system in the process of virtual instrument software. The host computer and electronic balance was connected with shielded multiconductor cable. And it follows the RS232 protocol.
Keyword: electronic balance; virtual instrument; serial communication; data acquisition; the RS232 protocol
目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2 课题研究意义 1
1.3 国内外发展现状 2
1.4 本文主要设计内容 3
第2章 砝码检定系统总体方案设计 4
2.1 砝码检定系统概述 4
2.1.1 砝码的分类及影响砝码检定的因素 4
2.1.2 天平砝码的检定方法 6
2.1.3 砝码的清洁保护 8
2.2 质量比较器的性能参数与技术指标 8
2.2.1 质量比较器简述 8
2.2.2 技术指标 8
2.3 砝码检定数据自动采集与处理系统总体设计 10
2.3.1 系统需求分析 10
2.3.2 模块化设计原则 10
2.3.3 系统硬件组成与工作原理 11
2.4 本章小结 12
第3章 砝码检定数据自动采集与处理系统软件设计 12
3.1 软件系统的总体结构 12
3.2 软件通信协议与用户界面设计 13
3.2.1 软件通信协议 13
3.2.2 用户界面设计 15
3.3 软件功能的模块化设计 16
3.3.1 检定数据采集功能 16
3.3.2 数据保存与查询功能 19
3.3.3 记录与报表生成功能 21
3.3.4 数据导入导出功能 23
3.4 本章小结 26
第4章 砝码检定中的数据处理与误差分析 26
4.1 砝码折算质量与不确定度的分析 26
4.2 砝码检定中空气浮力修正值的计算 29
4.3 砝码结果与误差分析 30
第5章 总结与展望 31
致谢 33
参考文献 34
摘要: 对于传统的电子天平来说,在称量物体时往往需要很多繁杂的操作步骤,而且整个过程都需要人为的参与,这样不仅浪费了时间、降低了生产效率,而且在无形中带入了人为操作失误而出现的误差。本文主要研究用计算机与多台电子天平组合通信来构建砝码检定数据自动采集与处理系统,实现对电子天平所称量物体相关信息数据的自动采集和后期的保存与管理工作,通过整个系统的运行和操作,以达到远程监控及自动处理数据的目的,满足砝码检定过程中的实际需要,减轻检定人员的劳动强度,提高工作效率,同时也大大减小由于人工操作而带来的人为误差,提高天平测量的精度。研究中使用的电子天平品牌为梅特勒-托利多,带有 9 针的串口输出端,通过串口扩展卡扩展计算机的串口,使天平能与上位计算机进行串行数据通信,实时传送测量数据,同时通过虚拟仪器软件的处理,达到数据自动采集系统的生成。上位计算机与电子天平之间用屏蔽多芯电缆通过串口连接,并遵循 RS232 协议。
关键词:电子天平 虚拟仪器 串口通信 数据采集 RS232协议
The design of automatic data acquisition and processing system for weights calibration
Abstract : For the traditional electronic balance, there will be many complicated procedures when weights the objects, and the whole process requires human involvement, which not only wastes time, reduces the production efficiency, but also substitutes into the man-made error in the imperceptibly. This paper mainly studied the building of data automatic acquisition and processing system of weight verification via a computer and a plurality of electronic balance, realizing the preservation and management of the related information of the automatic data acquisition for the weighing of electronic balance, and by the running and operation of the entire system, in order to achieve the purpose of the remote monitoring and automatic data processing, meet the actual needs of weight verification, and reduce the labor intensity of testing as well as improve the work efficiency. At the same time also greatly reduce human error caused by manual operation, improving the balance accuracy. In our study we used the Mettler Toledo electronic balance, which with a 9 needle serial port outputs. In addition, in the course of study we expanded the computer’s serial ports with the serial port expansion card, so that the balance could communicate with the host computer and transmit real-time measured data to it as well as to generate automatic data acquisition system in the process of virtual instrument software. The host computer and electronic balance was connected with shielded multiconductor cable. And it follows the RS232 protocol.
Keyword: electronic balance; virtual instrument; serial communication; data acquisition; the RS232 protocol
目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2 课题研究意义 1
1.3 国内外发展现状 2
1.4 本文主要设计内容 3
第2章 砝码检定系统总体方案设计 4
2.1 砝码检定系统概述 4
2.1.1 砝码的分类及影响砝码检定的因素 4
2.1.2 天平砝码的检定方法 6
2.1.3 砝码的清洁保护 8
2.2 质量比较器的性能参数与技术指标 8
2.2.1 质量比较器简述 8
2.2.2 技术指标 8
2.3 砝码检定数据自动采集与处理系统总体设计 10
2.3.1 系统需求分析 10
2.3.2 模块化设计原则 10
2.3.3 系统硬件组成与工作原理 11
2.4 本章小结 12
第3章 砝码检定数据自动采集与处理系统软件设计 12
3.1 软件系统的总体结构 12
3.2 软件通信协议与用户界面设计 13
3.2.1 软件通信协议 13
3.2.2 用户界面设计 15
3.3 软件功能的模块化设计 16
3.3.1 检定数据采集功能 16
3.3.2 数据保存与查询功能 19
3.3.3 记录与报表生成功能 21
3.3.4 数据导入导出功能 23
3.4 本章小结 26
第4章 砝码检定中的数据处理与误差分析 26
4.1 砝码折算质量与不确定度的分析 26
4.2 砝码检定中空气浮力修正值的计算 29
4.3 砝码结果与误差分析 30
第5章 总结与展望 31
致谢 33
参考文献 34