基于同步误差的并联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构滑模控制,3.3万字我自己的毕业论文,原创的,已经通过校内系统检测,仅在本站独家出售,重复率低,大家放心下载使用摘要 并联机构目前为机器人领域研究的热点之一,同串联机构相比,它具有刚度大、精度高、结构紧凑等特点,在工业、航空、军事等领域具有广泛的应用前景。并联机构作为一个结构复杂、...
此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
摘要 并联机构目前为机器人领域研究的热点之一,同串联机构相比,它具有刚度大、精度高、结构紧凑等特点,在工业、航空、军事等领域具有广泛的应用前景。并联机构作为一个结构复杂、多变量、多自由度、多参数耦合的非线性系统,对其控制策略、控制方法的研究不仅具有较高的理论价值,而且具有重要的应用价值。通常在设计并联机构控制系统时,将并联机构的各个分支当作完全独立的系统,当采用常规控制方法时,其控制效果不够理想。因此,寻求性能良好且易于实现的控制理论和算法以满足并联机构的控制要求一直是控制界亟待解决的难题。基于此,本文针对并联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的特点,提出了一种新的基于同步误差的滑模控制方法。
本文首先阐述了汽车电泳涂装输送设备的发展现状,同时对并联机构的特点、发展与应用及其运动学、动力学分析和控制方法的研究现状进行了综述,并对滑模变结构和同步控制的研究现状进行了总结;然后,针对一种新型的并联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构进行运动学和动力学分析;其次,介绍了汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制系统的硬件系统;然后,为进一步提高并联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的同步协调性,基于所构建的动力学模型,将交叉耦合控制技术和滑模控制结合设计了一种基于同步误差的滑模控制方法,并利用 Lyapunov 函数理论证明所设计控制方案的稳定性;最后,利用Matlab对所设计的基于同步误差的并联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的控制律进行仿真试验研究,通过将常规滑模控制器、基于同步误差的滑模控制器进行仿真比较,其结果表明了基于同步误差的滑模控制器具有响应速度快,跟踪误差小等优点。
关键词:并联机构 动力学模型 滑模控制 同步误差
Sliding Mode Control of Parallel Mechanism for Automobile Electro-Coating Conveying Based on Synchronized Error
Abstract Now the parallel mechanism has become a hot-point of robot, and has been widely used in industry, aviation, military and other fields .Compared with the traditional serial mechanism, it has the advantages of big-load capability, high precision, compact structure etc. As the parallel mecha- nism is highly nonlinear, strong coupling, multi-variable, multi-degree of freedom, it has important application value and high theoretical to study its control strategies and the control methods. It is far from satisfying at the beginning when we used some routine methods that the each branch of the parallel mechanism was treated as a fully independent system. So it is still difficult and hot in the control area of the parallel mechanism to seek a good control theory and algorithms of high reliability, robustness, self-adaptability, intelligence and user-friendly to meet the control needs of such complex systems. And a new kind of sliding mode control algorithm based on synchronized error is designed in this paper.
Firstly, this paper expounds the automobile electro-coating conveying equipments and the feature, the application development and the research status of kinematics, dynamics and control methods of parallel mechanism are summarized, then the present situation of sliding mode variable structure and synchronized control are also summarized; Secondly, for a new kind of parallel mechanism for automobile electro-coating conveying, kinematics and dynamics are analyzed; Thirdly, hardware platform of the automobile electro-coating conveying mechanism’s control system is introduced; After that, based on the Lagrange dynamic model, a new sliding mode control scheme based on synchronized error for parallel mechanism for automobile electro-coating conveying is proposed to improve coordination, by incorporating cross-coupling technology into the sliding mode control, and the stability of the control method is analyzed and proved theoretically by a Lyapunov function; Finally, the simulation experiments of the sliding mode control based on synchronized error is done by Matlab. Comparing with a conventional sliding mode controller, the results show that the designed sliding mode controller based on synchronized error has the faster response speed, the smaller tracking error etc.
Keywords: parallel mechanism dynamic model sliding mode control synchronized control
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 汽车电泳涂装输送设备的发展现状 1
1.3 并联机构及其控制的国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1 并联机构的概述 3
1.3.2 并联机构的特点 3
1.3.3 并联机构的发展与应用 4
1.3.4 并联机构的国内外研究现状 6
1.3.5 并联机构的发展前景 12
1.4 滑模控制的研究现状及其发展趋势 13
1.5 同步控制的研究现状 15
1.5.1 并行控制 16
1.5.2 主从控制 16
1.5.3 交叉耦合控制 17
1.6 本文研究内容、目的及意义 18
1.7 本章小结 19
第二章 汽车电泳涂装输送机构的运动学分析 20
2.1 引言 20
2.2 汽车电泳涂装输送机构的结构分析 20
2.3 汽车电泳涂装输送机构的运动学分析 22
2.3.1 正向运动学分析 23
2.3.2 反向运动学分析 24
2.3.3 雅克比矩阵求解 25
2.4 本章小结 26
第三章 汽车电泳涂装输送机构的动力学分析 27
3.1 引言 27
3.2 动力学建模方法 27
3.2.1 牛顿—欧拉法(N-E法) 27
3.2.2 拉格朗日法(L法) 27
3.3 汽车电泳涂装输送机构的动力学模型 28
摘要 并联机构目前为机器人领域研究的热点之一,同串联机构相比,它具有刚度大、精度高、结构紧凑等特点,在工业、航空、军事等领域具有广泛的应用前景。并联机构作为一个结构复杂、多变量、多自由度、多参数耦合的非线性系统,对其控制策略、控制方法的研究不仅具有较高的理论价值,而且具有重要的应用价值。通常在设计并联机构控制系统时,将并联机构的各个分支当作完全独立的系统,当采用常规控制方法时,其控制效果不够理想。因此,寻求性能良好且易于实现的控制理论和算法以满足并联机构的控制要求一直是控制界亟待解决的难题。基于此,本文针对并联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的特点,提出了一种新的基于同步误差的滑模控制方法。
本文首先阐述了汽车电泳涂装输送设备的发展现状,同时对并联机构的特点、发展与应用及其运动学、动力学分析和控制方法的研究现状进行了综述,并对滑模变结构和同步控制的研究现状进行了总结;然后,针对一种新型的并联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构进行运动学和动力学分析;其次,介绍了汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制系统的硬件系统;然后,为进一步提高并联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的同步协调性,基于所构建的动力学模型,将交叉耦合控制技术和滑模控制结合设计了一种基于同步误差的滑模控制方法,并利用 Lyapunov 函数理论证明所设计控制方案的稳定性;最后,利用Matlab对所设计的基于同步误差的并联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的控制律进行仿真试验研究,通过将常规滑模控制器、基于同步误差的滑模控制器进行仿真比较,其结果表明了基于同步误差的滑模控制器具有响应速度快,跟踪误差小等优点。
关键词:并联机构 动力学模型 滑模控制 同步误差
Sliding Mode Control of Parallel Mechanism for Automobile Electro-Coating Conveying Based on Synchronized Error
Abstract Now the parallel mechanism has become a hot-point of robot, and has been widely used in industry, aviation, military and other fields .Compared with the traditional serial mechanism, it has the advantages of big-load capability, high precision, compact structure etc. As the parallel mecha- nism is highly nonlinear, strong coupling, multi-variable, multi-degree of freedom, it has important application value and high theoretical to study its control strategies and the control methods. It is far from satisfying at the beginning when we used some routine methods that the each branch of the parallel mechanism was treated as a fully independent system. So it is still difficult and hot in the control area of the parallel mechanism to seek a good control theory and algorithms of high reliability, robustness, self-adaptability, intelligence and user-friendly to meet the control needs of such complex systems. And a new kind of sliding mode control algorithm based on synchronized error is designed in this paper.
Firstly, this paper expounds the automobile electro-coating conveying equipments and the feature, the application development and the research status of kinematics, dynamics and control methods of parallel mechanism are summarized, then the present situation of sliding mode variable structure and synchronized control are also summarized; Secondly, for a new kind of parallel mechanism for automobile electro-coating conveying, kinematics and dynamics are analyzed; Thirdly, hardware platform of the automobile electro-coating conveying mechanism’s control system is introduced; After that, based on the Lagrange dynamic model, a new sliding mode control scheme based on synchronized error for parallel mechanism for automobile electro-coating conveying is proposed to improve coordination, by incorporating cross-coupling technology into the sliding mode control, and the stability of the control method is analyzed and proved theoretically by a Lyapunov function; Finally, the simulation experiments of the sliding mode control based on synchronized error is done by Matlab. Comparing with a conventional sliding mode controller, the results show that the designed sliding mode controller based on synchronized error has the faster response speed, the smaller tracking error etc.
Keywords: parallel mechanism dynamic model sliding mode control synchronized control
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 汽车电泳涂装输送设备的发展现状 1
1.3 并联机构及其控制的国内外研究现状 3
1.3.1 并联机构的概述 3
1.3.2 并联机构的特点 3
1.3.3 并联机构的发展与应用 4
1.3.4 并联机构的国内外研究现状 6
1.3.5 并联机构的发展前景 12
1.4 滑模控制的研究现状及其发展趋势 13
1.5 同步控制的研究现状 15
1.5.1 并行控制 16
1.5.2 主从控制 16
1.5.3 交叉耦合控制 17
1.6 本文研究内容、目的及意义 18
1.7 本章小结 19
第二章 汽车电泳涂装输送机构的运动学分析 20
2.1 引言 20
2.2 汽车电泳涂装输送机构的结构分析 20
2.3 汽车电泳涂装输送机构的运动学分析 22
2.3.1 正向运动学分析 23
2.3.2 反向运动学分析 24
2.3.3 雅克比矩阵求解 25
2.4 本章小结 26
第三章 汽车电泳涂装输送机构的动力学分析 27
3.1 引言 27
3.2 动力学建模方法 27
3.2.1 牛顿—欧拉法(N-E法) 27
3.2.2 拉格朗日法(L法) 27
3.3 汽车电泳涂装输送机构的动力学模型 28