基于cpld的电机辅助控制与仿真,基于cpld的电机辅助控制与仿真1.39万字我自己的毕业论文,原创的,已经通过校内系统检测,仅在本站独家出售,重复率低,大家放心下载使用摘要 电机(英文:electric machinery,俗称“马达”)是指依据电磁感应定律实现电能转换或传递的一种电磁装置,它的主要作用是产生驱动转矩,作为用电器或各种机械的动力源。电...
此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
摘要 电机(英文:Electric machinery,俗称“马达”)是指依据电磁感应定律实现电能转换或传递的一种电磁装置,它的主要作用是产生驱动转矩,作为用电器或各种机械的动力源。电机控制器是通过集成电路的主动工作来控制电机按照设定的方向,速度,角度,响应时间进行工作,使得电机应用范围更为广泛,输出效率更高,噪音更小等优点。
Assist Control and Simulation of the Motor Based CPLD
Abstract Motor (Electric machinery, commonly known as "motor") refers to the law of electromagnetic induction based on realized energy conversion or transfer of an electromagnetic device. Its main role is to produce a driving torque, as a power source for various electrical or mechanical. A motor controller controls the motor to set the direction, speed, angle of the work through the active integrated circuit, the response time for work, making the motor wider range of applications, higher output efficiency, quieter and so on.
The control requirements of high reliability, such as fast response speed, high precision, small size. Based on MCU chip control system is generally difficult to realize this requirement. And, the cost of control system based on DSP chip is generally too high. However with all kinds of Brushless DC motor control method is becoming more and more mature, especially the large-scale field programmable gate array FPGA, CPLD appeared, provides the possibility to realize these requirements. This topic is proposed on the basis of this background.
This paper presents a brushless DC motor controller based on CPLD .Focus on the analysis of the hardware circuit motor controller and Simulation. And further verify the correctness of the controller. Then the controller for control tasks shouldered, programming draw schematics, and finally with ispLEVER verify the proposed control method.
Key words: Motor Assist Control, CPLD, Hardware Design, ispLEVER software.
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的研究意义 1
1.1.1 电机的发展 1
1.1.2 电机控制技术的发展 2
1.1.3 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 4
1.1.4 主要研究内容 4
第2章 电机控制系统及硬件电路 6
2.1 电机控制系统的总体结构 6
2.2 各模块解析 6
2.2.1 三相桥逆变电路 6
2.2.2 逆变电路MOS管的驱动电路 11
2.2.3 电机的的过流保护电路 13
2.2.4 CPLD主控 17
2.2.5 人机接口 17
2.3 小结 18
第3章 CPLD电机辅助控制设计 20
3.1 CPLD简介 20
3.1.1 CPLD的发展 20
3.1.2 主流的CPLD系列简介 20
3.1.3 常用CPLD的介绍及其选型 21
3.2 控制器设计 21
3.2.1 设计所要完成的任务 21
3.2.2 仿真任务的实现 21
3.3 ISP的介绍 23
3.4 控制器的建模 23
3.4.1 过流过压保护 23
3.4.2 电机的正反转 25
3.4.3 延时消抖电路设计 27
3.4.4 系统故障LED显示 28
3.4.5 驱动管保护模块 29
3.5 ispLEVER仿真分析 31
3.6小结 32
第4章 总结与展望 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35
摘要 电机(英文:Electric machinery,俗称“马达”)是指依据电磁感应定律实现电能转换或传递的一种电磁装置,它的主要作用是产生驱动转矩,作为用电器或各种机械的动力源。电机控制器是通过集成电路的主动工作来控制电机按照设定的方向,速度,角度,响应时间进行工作,使得电机应用范围更为广泛,输出效率更高,噪音更小等优点。
Assist Control and Simulation of the Motor Based CPLD
Abstract Motor (Electric machinery, commonly known as "motor") refers to the law of electromagnetic induction based on realized energy conversion or transfer of an electromagnetic device. Its main role is to produce a driving torque, as a power source for various electrical or mechanical. A motor controller controls the motor to set the direction, speed, angle of the work through the active integrated circuit, the response time for work, making the motor wider range of applications, higher output efficiency, quieter and so on.
The control requirements of high reliability, such as fast response speed, high precision, small size. Based on MCU chip control system is generally difficult to realize this requirement. And, the cost of control system based on DSP chip is generally too high. However with all kinds of Brushless DC motor control method is becoming more and more mature, especially the large-scale field programmable gate array FPGA, CPLD appeared, provides the possibility to realize these requirements. This topic is proposed on the basis of this background.
This paper presents a brushless DC motor controller based on CPLD .Focus on the analysis of the hardware circuit motor controller and Simulation. And further verify the correctness of the controller. Then the controller for control tasks shouldered, programming draw schematics, and finally with ispLEVER verify the proposed control method.
Key words: Motor Assist Control, CPLD, Hardware Design, ispLEVER software.
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的研究意义 1
1.1.1 电机的发展 1
1.1.2 电机控制技术的发展 2
1.1.3 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 4
1.1.4 主要研究内容 4
第2章 电机控制系统及硬件电路 6
2.1 电机控制系统的总体结构 6
2.2 各模块解析 6
2.2.1 三相桥逆变电路 6
2.2.2 逆变电路MOS管的驱动电路 11
2.2.3 电机的的过流保护电路 13
2.2.4 CPLD主控 17
2.2.5 人机接口 17
2.3 小结 18
第3章 CPLD电机辅助控制设计 20
3.1 CPLD简介 20
3.1.1 CPLD的发展 20
3.1.2 主流的CPLD系列简介 20
3.1.3 常用CPLD的介绍及其选型 21
3.2 控制器设计 21
3.2.1 设计所要完成的任务 21
3.2.2 仿真任务的实现 21
3.3 ISP的介绍 23
3.4 控制器的建模 23
3.4.1 过流过压保护 23
3.4.2 电机的正反转 25
3.4.3 延时消抖电路设计 27
3.4.4 系统故障LED显示 28
3.4.5 驱动管保护模块 29
3.5 ispLEVER仿真分析 31
3.6小结 32
第4章 总结与展望 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35