
基于三轴热对流加速度传感器的船艇姿态监控系统,2万字 包括程序自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用摘要船艇在海上运行时,需要了解其三维(偏转、横滚和俯仰)运动姿态。本项目采用应力弯曲悬臂梁式单片集成的三轴热对流加速度传感器作为检测元件,避免了采用一个单轴与一个双轴组合的方...

此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
2万字 包括程序
2万字 包括程序
When boats are running on the sea , you need to know the 3d motion (deflection, roll and yaw)of the boats. This project adopts the bending stress of cantilever type monolithic integrated three-axis heat convection acceleration sensor as the test components, It avoided the way of using a single shaft and a biaxial combination , which generating the installation error and centroid location error, it broke the limitation of two-dimensional planar integration,and realized the monolithic integrated vertical sensitive method of 3 d acceleration test. it developed a complete monitoring system of boat gesture and filled the gaps in the project in china, it has important significance for national defense construction.
This paper developed a hull posture monitoring system, the system uses the MCU-MC9S08QG8 microprocessor as the core of the operation, by continuously monitoring MMA7361 three-axis accelerometer output, the attitude and the current operation state can be analysised and calculated. When the hull was detected with abnormal status occurs,using wireless communication, the hull can bedisplayed on the cabin monitor panel, so that at any time to correct before it may produce serious consequences of hull. Tests show that this device can be detected in time a variety of possible danger of hull. So this device is suitable to self-examination poor hull.
Three axis acceleration tester consists of acceleration sensors, data processing module, power supply and communication modules. The sensor texts acceleration vector; Processor module is responsible for the acquisition of the acceleration sensor data, analyse and judge the posture of the object and control alarm; Power module to provide electricity for the entire system (can also rely on the hull of the power supply device power supply); Communication module is responsible for alarm signal sent to the computer room monitoring through the prescribed by the agreement.
Keywords: hull; Acceleration sensor; Signal transmission; Call the police
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1基于船体三轴加速度传感器的意义 1
1.2本课题的研究理论方法 1
1.3本文的内容 1
第二章 船体建模 1
2.1 船体航行的基本特征 1
2.2 船体模型的建立 1
第三章 三轴加速度传感器 3
3.1热对流式加速度传感器 3
3.1.1引言 3
3.1.2工作原理 3
3.1.3 优点 4
3.1.4 消费电子产品的特点 5
3.2 静电悬浮式三轴加速度传感器 6
3.2.1 引言 6
3.2.2 结构设计 6
3.2.3 静电悬浮原理 7
3.2.4 电容位移检查原理 7
3.2.5 加速度测量原理 8
3.2.6 参数设计 8
3.2.7 设计结果与讨论 9
3.2.8 误差来源及改进措施 9
3.3压电式加速度传感器 10
3.3.1压电式加速度计的结构 10
3.3.2压电式加速度计的灵敏度 11
3.3.3 压电加速度计的前置放大器 11
3.3.4 压电式速度传感器 12
3.4 压阻式三轴加速度传感器 12
3.4.1 工作原理 12
3.5MMA7361角度传感器 13
3.5.1引言 13
3.5.2 典型应用 13
3.5.3 MMA7361的功能图解 13
3.5.4 MMA7361的测量范围. 14
3.5.5 MMA7361的优点 14
第四章 信号传输 15
4.1 引言 15
4.2 系统方案设计 15
4.3系统结构设计 15
4.4硬件设计 16
4.4.1 加速度收集电路 16
4.4.2 MUC外围电路 16
4.4.3 液晶提示 18
4.4.4通信模块 18
4.4.5 端口分配 19
4.4.6 事务处理及状态机 19
4.4.7 系统设置 20
4.4.8 按键功能 21
4.4.9 计里程器 22
4.4.10 倾斜检测 22
4.4.11 报警处理 23
4.4.12 通信控制 24
第五章 加速度传感器的电子笔数据收集系统的设计与完成 26
5.1 引言 26
5.2 系统总体框架图 26
5.3 USB数据收集系统 27
5.4 LabVIEW 上位机系统 28
5.5 安装调试与小结 30
第六章 总结和展望 31
致谢 33
参考文献 34
附录A PDIUSBD12的初始化程序 38
附录B两个时钟的初始化程序如下 39