

有毒物质检测的多孔硅化学传感器设计, 2.3万字自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用摘要 人类处于高度信息化时代,如何快速的获得信息处理信息已经成为人们的迫切要求,作为信息获取来源的传感器,已经在现代高度信息社会的科学技术发展中占据越来越重要的位置。传感器技术是毫不逊色于...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布



摘要 人类处于高度信息化时代,如何快速的获得信息处理信息已经成为人们的迫切要求,作为信息获取来源的传感器,已经在现代高度信息社会的科学技术发展中占据越来越重要的位置。传感器技术是毫不逊色于任何一项技术的新技术,是未来信息社会的基础性技术。传感器被誉为电五官,而实际上传感器已经超出了人类的五官所能感知的信息的功能。目前,传感器技术已经应用至国民经济的各个部门。
关键词:大孔硅 介孔硅 气敏传感器

Porous silicon chemical sensor for detection of toxic substances
Abstract The human in the information age, how to quickly get the information processing information has become an urgent requirement, as the information source to obtain the sensor, has been the development of science and technology in modern information society occupies an increasingly important position. Sensor technology is a new technology not inferior to any one technology, is a basic technology in the future information society. The sensor is known as electronic features, and in fact sensor has been beyond the human facial features can perceive the information function. At present, the sensor technology has been applied to every department of national economy
Porous silicon is a new kind of room temperature gas sensing materials. Because of its high specific surface area, and the preparation, the process is simple, has been widely used in gas detection and environmental monitoring field. Porous silicon with large specific surface area, and compatibility with IC technology, the detection method is simple, easy to make into a practical sensor with sensor, low price, convenient and practical requirements, the porous silicon sensor for gradually become the focus of people's attention.
At present, study of porous silicon are mainly concentrated in the preparation of porous silicon microstructure, chemical composition analysis, porous silicon luminescence mechanism and characteristics of porous silicon exploration and application etc.. In this paper, through a single tank electrochemical corrosion growth of porous silicon, and the design of porous silicon gas sensor was prepared. Simple discussion of the mechanism of porous silicon. Through the experiments it is found that with the increase of corrosion current density, the surface pores increase, increasing depth, porosity, resistance increased. Comparison of macroporous silicon and mesoporous silica, mesoporous silica has higher gas sensitivity.

Key words: Mesoporous macroporous silicon Kong Gui gas sensor

1.1气敏传感器的概述 1
1.1.1 气敏传感器的定义 1
1.1.2 气敏传感器的分类 2
1.1.3 气敏传感器的主要特性参数 2
1.2几种常见的气敏传感器 5
1.2.1 光学式气体传感器 6
1.2.2 半导体式气体传感器 6
1.2.3 场效应管式气体传感器 7
1.2.4 基于压电的气体传感器 8
1.3多孔硅气敏传感器 8
1.3.1 多孔硅简介 8
1.3.2多孔硅气敏传感器的发展趋势 10
1.4对多孔硅应用的研究 11
第二章 原理介绍 13
2.1 多孔硅的制备方法 13
2.1.1电化学腐蚀法原理 13
2.1.2 化学腐蚀法 15
2.1.3电偶腐蚀法 16
2.2 多孔硅形成机理 16
2.2.1 空间电荷区模型 16
2.2.2扩散限制(DLA)模型 18
2.2.3 Beale 模型 19
第三章 大孔硅气敏传感器的制备和性能研究 24
3.3.1 硅片清洗 29
3.3.2 电化学腐蚀制备大孔硅 29
3.3电极的制备 31
3.4介孔硅气敏传感器的制备 33
结论 35
致谢 36
参考文献: 37