塑料夹子注塑模具设计,9300字自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用摘要 本次毕业设计是让我们综合运用机械制造和模具设计中的基本理论,把课本知识与工程问题相结合,在掌握一定的设计方法体系和规范的前提下,运用相关软件和手册、图表等技术资料,拟定注塑模具的设计方案,完成模具的...
此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
摘要 本次毕业设计是让我们综合运用机械制造和模具设计中的基本理论,把课本知识与工程问题相结合,在掌握一定的设计方法体系和规范的前提下,运用相关软件和手册、图表等技术资料,拟定注塑模具的设计方案,完成模具的结构设计,着重培养我们的创新能力。题目为塑料夹子的注塑模具设计。在设计过程中,首先运用UG/CAD等绘图软件进行绘制,然后选用注塑机型号和塑件材料,接着设计分模面,型腔数目,浇注系统,导向机构,脱模机构,温度调节系统,排气系统等,并对此进行相关计算,最后对设计的模具进行试模。在此次设计中,注塑机型号选用SYS—10;塑件材料选用聚丙烯;型腔数目为一模一腔;浇注系统中的浇口选用点浇口;导向机构为模具型腔四周互相配合的4对导柱和导套;脱模机构选用简单脱模机构中的推杆脱模机构;温度调节系统为围绕塑件的冷却水路;由于模具为小型模具,且分模面适宜,不必设计排气系统。经相关计算和校核后,该模具能够达到要求。
关键词:塑料模具 注薂@尚� 塑料夹子
Injection mold design of the plastic clips
Abstract The graduation project is to make our integrated use of machinery and mold design of the basic theory, the textbook knowledge and engineering problems combined under master certain design methodology and specification of the premise, the use of relevant software and manuals, charts and other technical information intended injection mold design, mold design completed, with emphasis on cultivating our ability to innovate. The topic is the plastic injection mold design of clip. In the design process, first we use UG / CAD drawing software for drawing, and then we choose the type and plastic injection molding machine materials, then we design parting surface, number of cavities, pouring system, guiding mechanism, stripping mechanism, temperature control system , exhaust system, etc., and we make correlation calculation, finally we test mold design mode. In this design, the injection molding machine model selection is SYS-10; plastic material selection is polypropylene; the number of cavity is a cavity of a mold; pouring gate system selection is point gate; oriented institutions is around each mold cavity with the four pairs of guide posts and bushings; ejection mechanism chosen is simple stripping mechanism putter release mechanism; temperature control system is the cooling water around the plastic parts; due to the mold is small mold, and parting surface is suitable, we do not need to design the exhaust system. After the relevant calculations and checking, the mold can meet the requirements.
Key words: plastic mold injection molding plastic clips
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 现代模具工业的发展 1
1.2 注塑模具在我国的现状 1
1.3 注塑模具在我国的发展趋势 2
1.4 设计目的 2
第二章 塑件的结构分析及选材 3
2.1 塑件的结构分析 3
2.1.1 技术要求 3
2.1.2 塑件结构分析及选材 4
2.2 聚丙烯的相关资料 4
2.2.1 性能 4
2.2.2 成形特性 4
2.2.3 力学性能 5
2.2.4 成形条件 5
2.2.5 成形注意事项 6
第三章 方案的设计 7
3.1 型腔数目的确定及排布 7
3.2 分模面的选择 7
3.2.1 分模面的选择原则 7
3.2.2 分模面的确定 8
3.3 注塑机的选择与校核 8
3.3.1 注塑机的选择 8
3.3.2 注塑机的校核 9
3.4 浇注系统的设计 11
3.4.1 浇注系统的设计原则 11
3.4.2 主流道重要尺寸参数 11
3.4.3 浇口的选择 11
3.5 成形零件设计 12
3.6 合模导向和定位机构 13
3.7 脱模机构设计 14
3.8 模具的温度调节系统 14
3.9 排气系统的设计 15
3.10 模架的设计 16
3.11 模具的装配图 16
第四章 模具开模合模过程 19
结论 20
致谢 21
参考文献 22
摘要 本次毕业设计是让我们综合运用机械制造和模具设计中的基本理论,把课本知识与工程问题相结合,在掌握一定的设计方法体系和规范的前提下,运用相关软件和手册、图表等技术资料,拟定注塑模具的设计方案,完成模具的结构设计,着重培养我们的创新能力。题目为塑料夹子的注塑模具设计。在设计过程中,首先运用UG/CAD等绘图软件进行绘制,然后选用注塑机型号和塑件材料,接着设计分模面,型腔数目,浇注系统,导向机构,脱模机构,温度调节系统,排气系统等,并对此进行相关计算,最后对设计的模具进行试模。在此次设计中,注塑机型号选用SYS—10;塑件材料选用聚丙烯;型腔数目为一模一腔;浇注系统中的浇口选用点浇口;导向机构为模具型腔四周互相配合的4对导柱和导套;脱模机构选用简单脱模机构中的推杆脱模机构;温度调节系统为围绕塑件的冷却水路;由于模具为小型模具,且分模面适宜,不必设计排气系统。经相关计算和校核后,该模具能够达到要求。
关键词:塑料模具 注薂@尚� 塑料夹子
Injection mold design of the plastic clips
Abstract The graduation project is to make our integrated use of machinery and mold design of the basic theory, the textbook knowledge and engineering problems combined under master certain design methodology and specification of the premise, the use of relevant software and manuals, charts and other technical information intended injection mold design, mold design completed, with emphasis on cultivating our ability to innovate. The topic is the plastic injection mold design of clip. In the design process, first we use UG / CAD drawing software for drawing, and then we choose the type and plastic injection molding machine materials, then we design parting surface, number of cavities, pouring system, guiding mechanism, stripping mechanism, temperature control system , exhaust system, etc., and we make correlation calculation, finally we test mold design mode. In this design, the injection molding machine model selection is SYS-10; plastic material selection is polypropylene; the number of cavity is a cavity of a mold; pouring gate system selection is point gate; oriented institutions is around each mold cavity with the four pairs of guide posts and bushings; ejection mechanism chosen is simple stripping mechanism putter release mechanism; temperature control system is the cooling water around the plastic parts; due to the mold is small mold, and parting surface is suitable, we do not need to design the exhaust system. After the relevant calculations and checking, the mold can meet the requirements.
Key words: plastic mold injection molding plastic clips
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 现代模具工业的发展 1
1.2 注塑模具在我国的现状 1
1.3 注塑模具在我国的发展趋势 2
1.4 设计目的 2
第二章 塑件的结构分析及选材 3
2.1 塑件的结构分析 3
2.1.1 技术要求 3
2.1.2 塑件结构分析及选材 4
2.2 聚丙烯的相关资料 4
2.2.1 性能 4
2.2.2 成形特性 4
2.2.3 力学性能 5
2.2.4 成形条件 5
2.2.5 成形注意事项 6
第三章 方案的设计 7
3.1 型腔数目的确定及排布 7
3.2 分模面的选择 7
3.2.1 分模面的选择原则 7
3.2.2 分模面的确定 8
3.3 注塑机的选择与校核 8
3.3.1 注塑机的选择 8
3.3.2 注塑机的校核 9
3.4 浇注系统的设计 11
3.4.1 浇注系统的设计原则 11
3.4.2 主流道重要尺寸参数 11
3.4.3 浇口的选择 11
3.5 成形零件设计 12
3.6 合模导向和定位机构 13
3.7 脱模机构设计 14
3.8 模具的温度调节系统 14
3.9 排气系统的设计 15
3.10 模架的设计 16
3.11 模具的装配图 16
第四章 模具开模合模过程 19
结论 20
致谢 21
参考文献 22