
智能家居方案设计[独家原创],智能家居方案设计1.3万字自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用目录中文摘要3第一章 概述41.1智能家居的介绍51.1.1智能家居的概念51.1.2智能家居的发展历程61.2国内外智能家居的发展现状71.3基于abb智能模块的智能家居解决方案81.3.1课题意义81.3...

此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布
中文摘要 3
第一章 概述 4
1.1智能家居的介绍 5
1.1.1智能家居的概念 5
1.1.2智能家居的发展历程 6
1.2国内外智能家居的发展现状 7
1.3基于ABB智能模块的智能家居解决方案 8
1.3.1课题意义 8
1.3.2课题要求 8
1.3.3.论文结构 8
第二章 方案设计 9
2.1 ABB i-bus系统简介 9
2.2三室两厅i-bus方案 12
2.2.1 总线元件介绍 12
2.2.2方案功能说明 16
2.2.3系统结构以及控制方案图 18
第三章仿真调试 20
3.1ETS简介 20
3.1.1ETS软件简介 20
3.1.2ETS安装以及使用方法 20
3.2程序的下载与调试 25
3.3功能实现 30
第四章 课题总结 32
4.1课题总结 32
4.2智能家居展望 32
4.2.1功能扩展 33
4.2.2关键技术发展 34
4.2.3新技术使用 34
4.2.4行业规范 35
4.2.5智能家居展望 36
致谢 36
参考文献 36
关键词 智能家居 ABB i-bus ETS
Smart Home Design
From the current situation, the intelligent home systems research and development, manufacturers are gradually increasing, continuous influx of foreign products. From a technical perspective, there are many forms of smart home system,One is the use of i-bus technology.I- bus technology smart home system, the biggest feature is scalable, engineering, installation is not very complicated. i-bus intelligent installation system is the main function of lighting control, curtain control, security, AV equipment and HVAC equipment control, etc. This topic requires optional ABB smart home modules, developed a plan to complete the interior lighting, curtains, projectors, audio and other controls in accordance with different scenarios, and to achieve the target motion detection and security deployment.
Key Words Smart Home ABB i-bus ETS
中文摘要 3
第一章 概述 4
1.1智能家居的介绍 5
1.1.1智能家居的概念 5
1.1.2智能家居的发展历程 6
1.2国内外智能家居的发展现状 7
1.3基于ABB智能模块的智能家居解决方案 8
1.3.1课题意义 8
1.3.2课题要求 8
1.3.3.论文结构 8
第二章 方案设计 9
2.1 ABB i-bus系统简介 9
2.2三室两厅i-bus方案 12
2.2.1 总线元件介绍 12
2.2.2方案功能说明 16
2.2.3系统结构以及控制方案图 18
第三章仿真调试 20
3.1ETS简介 20
3.1.1ETS软件简介 20
3.1.2ETS安装以及使用方法 20
3.2程序的下载与调试 25
3.3功能实现 30
第四章 课题总结 32
4.1课题总结 32
4.2智能家居展望 32
4.2.1功能扩展 33
4.2.2关键技术发展 34
4.2.3新技术使用 34
4.2.4行业规范 35
4.2.5智能家居展望 36
致谢 36
参考文献 36
关键词 智能家居 ABB i-bus ETS
Smart Home Design
From the current situation, the intelligent home systems research and development, manufacturers are gradually increasing, continuous influx of foreign products. From a technical perspective, there are many forms of smart home system,One is the use of i-bus technology.I- bus technology smart home system, the biggest feature is scalable, engineering, installation is not very complicated. i-bus intelligent installation system is the main function of lighting control, curtain control, security, AV equipment and HVAC equipment control, etc. This topic requires optional ABB smart home modules, developed a plan to complete the interior lighting, curtains, projectors, audio and other controls in accordance with different scenarios, and to achieve the target motion detection and security deployment.
Key Words Smart Home ABB i-bus ETS