基于unity3d软件智能家居建模及web service通信控制.doc


基于unity3d软件智能家居建模及web service通信控制,基于unity3d软件智能家居建模及web service通信控制2万字自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用摘 要 随着21世纪科技的不断发展,人类已经逐步跨入了信息时代。特别是计算机及其网络技术进入建筑领域,给人类的家居生活带来了一场革命。拥有一个智能化、自动化、安全...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布

基于unity3D软件智能家居建模及Web Service通信控制


摘 要 随着21世纪科技的不断发展,人类已经逐步跨入了信息时代。特别是计算机及其网络技术进入建筑领域,给人类的家居生活带来了一场革命。拥有一个智能化、自动化、安全、高效、舒适等更高层面的家居方式成为很多人的梦想。由此智能家居应运而生。
智能家居是一个让人们获得智能、全面、周到、快捷的家居生活的平台,而实现一个完美的智能家居的建模与通信控制也是实现真正的智能家居的至关重要部分。本论文是以利用unity3D软件建立智能家居模型, 控制实际室内家电(如台灯、空调等)的开关。以unity软件作为搭建逼真生动的家居场景和调用Webservice技术,研究如何调用Web服务技术实现智能家居通信控制来提高家具的更好智能性。
其次,介绍了调用webservice技术来实现智能家居的通信控制及利用C#程序编程来控制实际当中的台灯,最后生成带有能够调用Web Service通信功能的终端应用程序,实现将家居生活有关的各个子器件如室内家用电器台灯控制、灯光控制、窗帘控制、 音响控制、空调家电等有机地结合在一起,通过网络化综合智能控制和管理,实现“以人为本”的全新家居生活体验。
关键字: unity3D 智能家居 webservice技术 通信控制

Smart Home Modeling by Unity3D and Communication Control
by WeService
ABSTRACT:With the constant development of science and technology in the 21st century, human beings have stepped into an information era. Meanwhile, incorporating computer and its network technology into architecture field has brought a revolution to people’s household life. Having a smart, automatic, safe, and comfortable way of a higher lifestyle is becoming a great number of people’s common dream. As a result, smart home comes into being.
Smart home provides a platform for people to have access to a smart, comprehensive, thoughtful and fast household life. To achieve this, modeling becomes a crucial part. This paper, based on unity 3D software, establishes the smart home modeling to control the indoor household appliances (such as table lamp, air condition etc.) switches. At the same time, this paper tries to answer the question that how to utilize webservice technology to achieve smart home communication control thus enhancing the intelligence of household life by using unity 3D software to build vivid household scenario and invoking webservice technology.
For one thing, based on the introduction to using unity 3D software to build smart home modeling, this paper elaborates on the installation and employment of unity 3D, like scene panel and game object. For another, this paper introduces the way of invoking webservice technology to achieve smart home communication control and utilizing the procedural programming C++ to control the table lamp. In the end, terminal application with communication function will be generated, which combines the table lamp control, lighting control, curtain control, and sound control with indoor household appliances. This paper aims at implementing people-oriented new household life experience through intelligent control and management of network.

Key words: unity 3D; smart home; webservice technology; communication control


第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究现状 2
1.2.2 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 2
1.3 研究内容 3
1.4 论文结构 3
1.5 本章小结 4
第二章 unity3D软件的介绍和使用 5
2.1 unity3D的简单介绍 5
2.2 unity3D的安装过程 5
2.3 unity3D的基本界面与基本搭建元素 9
2.3.1 基本界面 9
2.3.2 场景搭建的基本元素 10
2.3 一个简单的小例子 22
2.4 本章小结 24
第三章 智能家居建模的搭建 25
3.1 家居建模的搭建 25
3.2 智能家居的C#语言代码 29
3.2.1 audio代码 29
3.2.2 light(灯光)代码 30
3.2.3 controlcurtain代码 31
3.3 本章小结 31
第四章 Web Service的通信控制 32
4.1 Web Service基本概念 32
4.2 Web Service的调用代码 32
4.3 本章小节 33
第五章 总结与展望 34
5.1 全文总结 34
5.2 未来展望 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36