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此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布



关键字:SQL Server 2008 Visual Stutio 2010 智能家居 网站

Design and Implementation of Smart Home Remote Control Site
Abstract :With the rapid development of network technology, the Internet has become the most important information carrier, on the Internet all sorts of application also emerge in endlessly, the combination of Internet applications and remote control is the future development trend. \"People-oriented, comfortable, convenient, intelligent\" has become an important design concept of smart home system, and the wide application of all kinds of mobile terminal, almost everyone can benefit from the massive construction of the network, which makes the application range of the remote control is more broad. How advanced a variety of embedded devices associated with Internet application, so as to improve the performance of the control system be in remote control need to solve a technical problem.
This web site at ASP.NET as the main technology to realize remote control, according to the demand of the smart home remote control web design analysis, for the whole site after division, the module of structure framework of the website construction are put forward. On the specific design, by using the MVC pattern of Struts framework of Web application system, effectively to business logic and application control module and data display function, so as to improve the flexibility of application, easy to maintain. In the Struts framework built a Web service proxy layer, the layer of the Web service proxy class is responsible for Web services with service providers to interact, so as to realize the intelligent community information service system and service providers the interconnection and integration of application system.
Key words: SQL Server 2008 Visual Stutio 2010 Smart Home Website

第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 智能小区国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 国外研究现状 2
1.2.2 国内研究现状 2
1.3本论文的研究目标及技术特点 3
1.4 本文章节安排 3
第二章主要技术研究 5
2.1 C#语言及其特点 5
2.2..NET平台及ASP.NET技术 7
2.2.1 .NET平台 7
2.2.2 ASP.NET技术 7
2.2.3 ADO.NET技术 8
2.3 SQL sever数据库与SQL语句 9
2.3.1 SQL语言介绍 9
2.3.2 SQL Server 2008 11
2.4. IIS简介 12
第三章 系统需求分析 14
3.1 远程控制网站设计的目标 14
3.2 管理信息需求分析 15
3.2.1 用户需求分析 15
3.2.2管理员需求分析 15
3.3 远程访问需求分析 16
第四章 智能家居远程控制网站的设计 18
4.1 总体结构 18
4.2 注册模块 18
4.3 登陆模块 20
4.4 管理模块设计 23
4.4.1 管理员模块 23
4.4.2 用户查询管理模块 23
4.5 数据库设计 23
4.5.1 数据库概述 23
4.5.2 数据库结构设计 24
4.5.3 Visual Studio与SQL Server的连接 26
4.6 网络结构设计 26
4.6.1 B/S模式与C/S模式 26
4.6.2 网络结构设计 27
4.6.3 智能家居远程控制网关设计 28
第五章 智能家居远程控制网站的实现 30
5.1 用户模块的实现 30
5.2 管理员模块实现 31
第六章 总结与展望 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35