

分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布



摘 要


Research of transmission characteristics for 1 D
time-varying plasma by FDTD method
Plasma is a kind of special complex dispersion medium and widely existed in nature. It has many unique features and very important use value. The research of time-invariant plasma has a lot of achievements and widely used in various fields. In this paper, characteristics of electromagnetic wave in the magnetized time-varying plasma and un-magnetized time-varying plasma are researched based on finite difference time domain (FDTD) method, some important conclusions are obtained.
The one-dimensional finite difference time domain method for magnetized time-varying plasma and un-magnetized time-varying plasma are researched. This FDTD algorithm has been verified by using one dimensional cavity model and parameters through comparing the FDTD numerical solution and the time-varying of transient plasma theory analysis results. The Modified Nearly Perfectly Matched Layer (M-NPML) method to truncate the transient plasma is presented by using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method. This FDTD algorithm has been verified by using a half-space plasma model through comparing the FDTD numerical solution and theoretical solution. On the basis of the work we have done, the scattering characteristics of electromagnetic wave by a sudden-created plasma slab in the frequency domain are analyzed. The frequency drift phenomena for the reflected wave of a sudden-created plasma slab and other useful conclusions are obtained.

Keyword: finite difference time domain method;transient plasma ;frequency drift;
approximate perfectly matched layer;

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景及研究意义 1
1.2国内外研究概况及其进展 4
1.3本文的主要工作及结构安排 6
1.4 本章小结 6
第二章 一维时变等离子体的FDTD算法 7
2.1一维时变磁化等离子体的FDTD算法 7
2.2一维时变非磁化等离子体的FDTD算法 13
第三章 一维瞬变等离子体的算法验证与数值分析 16
3.1 一维瞬变等离子体电磁特性解析解的推导 16
3.2 FDTD算法验证与数值分析 28
3.3 本章小结 33
第四章 一维瞬变等离子体的电磁波散射特性研究 34
4.1截断瞬变等离子体修正的一维M-NPML吸收边界条件 34
4.2吸收边界条件算法正确性的验证 35
4.3基于FDTD的一维瞬变等离子体电磁散射特性研究 36
4.3.1 瞬变非磁化无损耗等离子体板情形下的频谱分析 36
4.3.2 瞬变磁化无损耗等离子体板情形下的频谱分析 37
4.4本章小结 40
第五章 总结和展望 41
附录A 42
主要参考文献 45
致谢 50