

基于开源技术的网络课程平台建设及移动客户端开发,2万字自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用摘要 当前,基于网络的学习方式和教育管理方式越来越受到人们的重视,网络课程以其灵活、开放、易于资源共享的特点,在教育领域发挥着巨大优势。而移动学习作为远程教育一种新兴的学习模式,其必...
分类: 论文>计算机论文


此文档由会员 淘宝大梦 发布



摘要 当前,基于网络的学习方式和教育管理方式越来越受到人们的重视,网络课程以其灵活、开放、易于资源共享的特点,在教育领域发挥着巨大优势。而移动学习作为远程教育一种新兴的学习模式,其必要性和重要性也越来越明显。网络课程在移动环境的扩展将能够更大地发挥其优越性,并极大地推动网络课程的发展。
关键词 开源技术;Moodle;网络教学平台;Bigbluebutton;Android客户端;移动学习

Abstract Currently, online learning and education management has attracted more and more attention due to its distinguishing features of flexible, open, and easy to share resources. Online courses now play an important role in the field of education. As a new learning mode in remote education,besides,the necessity and importance of mobile learning has become increasingly obvious. The extension of online courses in the mobile environment will be able to offer more convenience to learners.
In this paper, we build the online course management platform for Communication Engineering in Jiangsu University based on Moodle, and develop its Android client, to implement functions such as teachers’ autonomy to create, manage courses, students’ online learning, online asynchronous/synchronous interaction, access to curriculum resources in the mobile environment and mobile learning. The specific contents of this paper are as follows:
First of all, it introduces the background and significance of this subject, analyzes features of Moodle’s function. Then combined with the actual deployment of the online teaching platform for Communication Engineering in Jiangsu University, it elaborates on the installation, configuration and test of the Moodle platform. On this basis, we integrate Bigbluebutton , one open source conferencing system, with Moodle platform to provide Moodle platform with excellent remote video teaching ability. Since the mobile learning has become an important learning style in modern distance education, we further develop Moodle mobile client based on the Android system, and introduce the design and implementation methods of the main modules in detail. This client can provide effective mobile learning help such as remotely access to curriculum resources, download the courseware, carry out interactive activities in class like voting for the class quality. So far, the Moodle platform and its client have been tested in the department of Communication Engineering for nearly one year, and we have achieved good teaching effects. This work can provide a theoretical and practical reference for domestic university to build the open source teaching platform and promote the mobile learning mode.

Keywords; Open Source Technology; Moodle; Online teaching platform; Bigbluebutton; Android client; Mobile learning;

第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 网络课程平台的建设是现代教育的发展需求 1
1.1.2 网络课程平台的建设解决了国内网络课程开发存在的问题 1
1.1.3 选择开源技术为网络课程平台建设提供经济适用的方式 1
1.1.4 移动客户端的开发符合移动学习的要求 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 网络课程平台建设现状 2
1.2.2 网络课程平台移动客户端建设现状 4
1.3 论文研究内容 5
1.4 本章小结 5
第二章Moodle网络教学平台 7
2.1 开源平台概述 7
2.2 Moodle平台优点 8
2.3 Moodle特有功能 8
2.4 Moodle安装与配置 9
2.4.1 Moodle安装 9
2.4.2Moodle平台配置 10
2.5 Moodle相关功能测试 14
2.5.1 用户创建及登录 14
2.5.2课程建立 15
2.5.3 课程编辑 18
2.6 本章小结 23
第三章 部署BigBlueButton 25
3.1 BigBlueButton概述 25
3.2 Moodle集成BigBlueButton 25
3.2.1 部署 BigBlueButton 25
3.2.2 安装BigBlueButton 26
3.2.3 将BigBlueButton集成到Moodle 27
3.3 BigBlueButton相关功能测试 27
3.3.1设置Bigbluebutton的服务地址 27
3.3.2 Bigbluebutton模块使用 28
3.4 本章小结 30
第四章 Android客户端开发 31
4.1 需求分析 31
4.2 总体设计 31
4.3 详细设计 32
4.3.1 登陆界面到主界面的技术实现 32